/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.metamodel.query; import org.apache.metamodel.MetaModelException; import org.apache.metamodel.MetaModelTestCase; import org.apache.metamodel.QueryPostprocessDataContext; import org.apache.metamodel.data.DataSet; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Column; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Relationship; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Schema; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Table; public class FromItemTest extends MetaModelTestCase { private Schema _schema = getExampleSchema(); public void testExpressionBased() throws Exception { FromItem fromItem = new FromItem("foobar"); assertEquals("foobar", fromItem.toString()); fromItem.setAlias("f"); assertEquals("foobar f", fromItem.toString()); assertEquals("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar", new Query().selectCount().from( "foobar").toString()); } public void testRelationJoinToString() throws Exception { Table contributorTable = _schema.getTableByName(TABLE_CONTRIBUTOR); Table roleTable = _schema.getTableByName(TABLE_ROLE); Relationship[] relationships = roleTable .getRelationships(contributorTable); FromItem from = new FromItem(JoinType.INNER, relationships[0]); assertEquals( "MetaModelSchema.contributor INNER JOIN MetaModelSchema.role ON contributor.contributor_id = role.contributor_id", from.toString()); from.setAlias("myJoin"); assertEquals( "(MetaModelSchema.contributor INNER JOIN MetaModelSchema.role ON contributor.contributor_id = role.contributor_id) myJoin", from.toString()); from.getLeftSide().setAlias("a"); assertEquals( "(MetaModelSchema.contributor a INNER JOIN MetaModelSchema.role ON a.contributor_id = role.contributor_id) myJoin", from.toString()); } public void testSubQueryJoinToString() throws Exception { Table projectTable = _schema.getTableByName(TABLE_PROJECT); Table roleTable = _schema.getTableByName(TABLE_ROLE); Column projectIdColumn = projectTable .getColumnByName(COLUMN_PROJECT_PROJECT_ID); FromItem leftSide = new FromItem(projectTable); leftSide.setAlias("a"); SelectItem[] leftOn = new SelectItem[] { new SelectItem(projectIdColumn) }; Column[] columns = roleTable.getColumns(); Query subQuery = new Query(); FromItem subQueryFrom = new FromItem(roleTable); subQuery.from(subQueryFrom); subQuery.select(columns); SelectItem subQuerySelectItem = subQuery.getSelectClause().getItems() .get(1); FromItem rightSide = new FromItem(subQuery); rightSide.setAlias("b"); SelectItem[] rightOn = new SelectItem[] { subQuerySelectItem }; FromItem from = new FromItem(JoinType.LEFT, leftSide, rightSide, leftOn, rightOn); assertEquals( "MetaModelSchema.project a LEFT JOIN (SELECT role.contributor_id, role.project_id, role.name FROM MetaModelSchema.role) b ON a.project_id = b.project_id", from.toString()); subQueryFrom.setAlias("c"); assertEquals( "MetaModelSchema.project a LEFT JOIN (SELECT c.contributor_id, c.project_id, c.name FROM MetaModelSchema.role c) b ON a.project_id = b.project_id", from.toString()); subQuerySelectItem.setAlias("foobar"); assertEquals( "MetaModelSchema.project a LEFT JOIN (SELECT c.contributor_id, c.project_id AS foobar, c.name FROM MetaModelSchema.role c) b ON a.project_id = b.foobar", from.toString()); } public void testCompoundJoin() { final Schema schema = getExampleSchema(); final QueryPostprocessDataContext dc = new QueryPostprocessDataContext() { @Override protected DataSet materializeMainSchemaTable(Table table, Column[] columns, int maxRows) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method is not used"); } @Override protected String getMainSchemaName() throws MetaModelException { return "MetaModelSchema"; } @Override protected Schema getMainSchema() throws MetaModelException { return schema; } }; Query query = dc.parseQuery("SELECT c.contributor_id,p.project_id from contributor c INNER JOIN role r ON c.contributor_id=r.contributor_id INNER JOIN project p ON p.project_id=r.project_id"); assertEquals("SELECT c.contributor_id, p.project_id FROM MetaModelSchema.contributor c INNER JOIN MetaModelSchema.role r ON c.contributor_id = r.contributor_id INNER JOIN MetaModelSchema.project p ON p.project_id = r.project_id", query.toSql()); } }