package no.met.metadataeditor.datastore; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import no.met.metadataeditor.Config; import no.met.metadataeditor.EditorException; /** * Factory class for creating new DataStore objects. */ public class DataStoreFactory { private static Config config_ = null; private static Map<String, DataStore> store_ = new HashMap<>(); /** * Reread the file and reset all datastores. * * This function is mainly useful for testing purposes. */ public static synchronized void reset() { config_ = null; store_.clear(); } private static synchronized Config getConfig() { if (config_ == null) { config_ = new Config("/", Config.ENV_NAME); } return config_; } /** * @return A DataStore instance based on the values found in the metadata editor configuration. * The datastore is a singleton. */ public static synchronized DataStore getInstance(String project) { Config config = getConfig(); if(!projectConfigured(project, config)){ throw new EditorException("Project has not been configured: " + project, EditorException.MISSING_PROJECT_CONFIG ); } return getStore(project, config); } private static boolean projectConfigured(String project, Config config) { List<String> projects = config.getRequiredList("projects"); return projects.contains(project); } private static synchronized DataStore getStore(String project, Config config) { if (!store_.containsKey(project)) { String datastore = config.getRequired(project + ".datastore.type"); if( "DiskDataStore".equalsIgnoreCase(datastore)){ String path; if( config.get(project + ".datastore.path") != null ){ path = config.get(project + ".datastore.path"); } else { path = System.getProperty(""); } store_.put(project, new DiskDataStore(path)); } else if ( "WebDAVDataStore".equalsIgnoreCase(datastore)){ String protocol = config.getRequired(project + ".datastore.protocol"); String host = config.getRequired(project + ""); String defaultUser = config.getRequired(project + ".datastore.defaultUser"); String defaultPassword = config.getRequired(project + ".datastore.defaultPassword"); store_.put(project, new WebDAVDataStore(protocol, host, defaultUser, defaultPassword)); } } return store_.get(project); } }