package com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.NonReadableChannelException; import java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class MemoryContentsTest { private static final byte[] SAMPLE_DATA = new byte[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; private static final int INITIAL_BLOCKS = 4; private final boolean direct; private MemoryFile contents; public MemoryContentsTest(boolean direct) { = direct; } private ByteBuffer allocate(int capacity) { if ( { return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity); } else { return ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); } } @Parameters(name = "direct allocated: {0}") public static List<Object[]> parameters() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[]{true}, new Object[]{false}); } @Before public void setUp() { this.contents = new MemoryFile("", EntryCreationContext.empty(), INITIAL_BLOCKS); } private ByteBuffer writeTestData(SeekableByteChannel channel) throws IOException { ByteBuffer src = this.allocate(SAMPLE_DATA.length); byte[] data = SAMPLE_DATA; src.put(data); src.rewind(); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.write(src)); return src; } @Test public void firstBlockEmpty() throws IOException { ByteBuffer src = this.allocate(SAMPLE_DATA.length); byte[] data = SAMPLE_DATA; src.put(data); src.rewind(); Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newChannel(true, true, false, path); assertEquals(0, channel.size()); assertEquals(0, channel.position()); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.write(src)); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.size()); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.position()); channel.position(0L); ByteBuffer dst = this.allocate(SAMPLE_DATA.length); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length,; dst.rewind(); byte[] extracted = new byte[SAMPLE_DATA.length]; dst.get(extracted); assertArrayEquals(data, extracted); dst.rewind(); assertEquals(-1,; } @Test public void positition() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newChannel(true, true, false, path); assertEquals(0L, channel.position()); // set the position bigger than the limit channel.position(5L); assertEquals(5L, channel.position()); assertEquals(0, channel.size()); // make sure we're at the end ByteBuffer dst = this.allocate(1); assertEquals(-1,; this.writeTestData(channel); assertEquals(5L + SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.position()); assertEquals(5L + SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.size()); channel.position(channel.position() - SAMPLE_DATA.length); byte[] readBack = this.readBackSampleData(channel); assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_DATA, readBack); } @Test public void readOnly() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newChannel(true, true, false, path); ByteBuffer src = this.writeTestData(channel); channel = this.contents.newChannel(true, false, false, path); try { channel.write(src); fail("channel should not be writable"); } catch (NonWritableChannelException e) { // should reach here assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void writeOnly() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newChannel(false, true, false, path); ByteBuffer src = this.writeTestData(channel); src.rewind(); channel.position(0L); try {; fail("channel should not be readable"); } catch (NonReadableChannelException e) { // should reach here assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void truncate() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newChannel(true, true, false, path); ByteBuffer src = this.allocate(1); for (byte data : SAMPLE_DATA) { src.rewind(); src.put(data); src.rewind(); channel.write(src); } src.rewind(); src.put((byte) 1); for (int i = 0; i < MemoryInode.BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { src.rewind(); channel.write(src); } long expectedSize = (long) MemoryInode.BLOCK_SIZE + SAMPLE_DATA.length; assertEquals(expectedSize, channel.size()); // truncating a bigger value should make no difference assertSame(channel, channel.truncate(Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals(expectedSize, channel.size()); assertSame(channel, channel.truncate(expectedSize + 1L)); assertEquals(expectedSize, channel.size()); // now really truncate assertSame(channel, channel.truncate(SAMPLE_DATA.length)); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.size()); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length, channel.position()); channel.position(0); byte[] readBack = this.readBackSampleData(channel); assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_DATA, readBack); // should be at the end ByteBuffer dst = this.allocate(1); assertEquals(-1,; } @Test public void appendNonTruncatable() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newAppendingChannel(true, false, path); ByteBuffer src = this.writeTestData(channel); channel.write(src); try { channel.truncate(5L); fail("channel should not allow truncation"); } catch (IOException e) { // should reach here assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void appendReadable() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newAppendingChannel(true, false, path); assertEquals(0L, channel.position()); ByteBuffer src = this.allocate(1); for (byte data : SAMPLE_DATA) { src.rewind(); channel.position(0L); src.put(data); src.rewind(); channel.write(src); assertEquals(data + 1, channel.size()); assertEquals(data + 1, channel.position()); } channel.position(0); byte[] readBack = this.readBackSampleData(channel); assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_DATA, readBack); } private byte[] readBackSampleData(SeekableByteChannel channel) throws IOException { ByteBuffer dst = this.allocate(SAMPLE_DATA.length); assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.length,; dst.rewind(); byte[] readBack = new byte[SAMPLE_DATA.length]; dst.get(readBack); return readBack; } @Test public void appendNotReadable() throws IOException { Path path = new MockPath(); SeekableByteChannel channel = this.contents.newAppendingChannel(false, false, path); ByteBuffer testData = this.writeTestData(channel); channel.position(0L); testData.rewind(); try {; fail("channel should not be readable"); } catch (NonReadableChannelException e) { // should reach here assertTrue(true); } } }