package org.megam.chef.core; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.megam.chef.identity.IIDentity; import org.megam.chef.parser.JSONRequestParser; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * ShellBuilder builds a string that can be consumed by a Shell * * @author rajthilak * @version $Id: $Id */ public class ShellBuilder { /** * The buildString iterates all the script feeders and prepares a string * which can be used by a shell. It only performes this function if a script * feeder "can feed" to a shell. * * @param scriptFeeder a {@link java.util.LinkedList} object. * @param jrp a {@link org.megam.chef.parser.JSONRequestParser} object. * @param fp a {@link java.util.List} object. * @return an array of {@link java.lang.String} objects. */ public static String[] buildString(LinkedList<ScriptFeeder> scriptFeeder, JSONRequestParser jrp, List<IIDentity> fp) { StringBuilder shellB = new StringBuilder(); for (ScriptFeeder sf : scriptFeeder) { if (sf.canFeed()) { shellB.append(sf.feed().getShellString()); } } for (IIDentity ii : fp) { shellB.append(ii.toString()); } return new String[] { shellB.toString(), jrp.getReqId(), jrp.getNodeName() }; } }