/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2014, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.inbound.endpoint.protocol.file; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import javax.mail.internet.ParseException; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.util.UUIDGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder; import org.apache.axis2.builder.BuilderUtil; import org.apache.axis2.builder.SOAPBuilder; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.format.DataSourceMessageBuilder; import org.apache.axis2.format.ManagedDataSource; import org.apache.axis2.format.ManagedDataSourceFactory; import org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.input.AutoCloseInputStream; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.synapse.SynapseException; import org.apache.synapse.commons.vfs.FileObjectDataSource; import org.apache.synapse.commons.vfs.VFSConstants; import org.apache.synapse.core.SynapseEnvironment; import org.apache.synapse.inbound.InboundEndpoint; import org.apache.synapse.mediators.base.SequenceMediator; import org.apache.synapse.transport.customlogsetter.CustomLogSetter; import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; public class FileInjectHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FileInjectHandler.class); private String injectingSeq; private String onErrorSeq; private boolean sequential; private Properties vfsProperties; private SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment; private Map<String, Object> transportHeaders; public FileInjectHandler(String injectingSeq, String onErrorSeq, boolean sequential, SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment, Properties vfsProperties){ this.injectingSeq = injectingSeq; this.onErrorSeq = onErrorSeq; this.sequential = sequential; this.synapseEnvironment = synapseEnvironment; this.vfsProperties = vfsProperties; } /** * Inject the message to the sequence * */ public boolean invoke(Object object, String name)throws SynapseException{ ManagedDataSource dataSource = null;; FileObject file = (FileObject)object; try { org.apache.synapse.MessageContext msgCtx = createMessageContext(); msgCtx.setProperty("inbound.endpoint.name", name); InboundEndpoint inboundEndpoint = msgCtx.getConfiguration().getInboundEndpoint(name); CustomLogSetter.getInstance().setLogAppender(inboundEndpoint.getArtifactContainerName()); String contentType = vfsProperties.getProperty(VFSConstants.TRANSPORT_FILE_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType == null || contentType.trim().equals("")) { if (file.getName().getExtension().toLowerCase().endsWith("xml")) { contentType = "text/xml"; } else if (file.getName().getExtension().toLowerCase().endsWith("txt")) { contentType = "text/plain"; } } else { // Extract the charset encoding from the configured content type and // set the CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING property as e.g. SOAPBuilder relies on this. String charSetEnc = null; try { if (contentType != null) { charSetEnc = new ContentType(contentType).getParameter("charset"); } } catch (ParseException ex) { // ignore } msgCtx.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charSetEnc); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processed file : " + file + " of Content-type : " + contentType); } MessageContext axis2MsgCtx = ((org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext)msgCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(); // Determine the message builder to use Builder builder; if (contentType == null) { log.debug("No content type specified. Using SOAP builder."); builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } else { int index = contentType.indexOf(';'); String type = index > 0 ? contentType.substring(0, index) : contentType; builder = BuilderUtil.getBuilderFromSelector(type, axis2MsgCtx); if (builder == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No message builder found for type '" + type + "'. Falling back to SOAP."); } builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } } // set the message payload to the message context InputStream in; String streaming = vfsProperties.getProperty(VFSConstants.STREAMING); if (builder instanceof DataSourceMessageBuilder && "true".equals(streaming)) { dataSource = ManagedDataSourceFactory.create( new FileObjectDataSource(file, contentType)); in = null; } else { in = new AutoCloseInputStream(file.getContent().getInputStream()); dataSource = null; } //Inject the message to the sequence. OMElement documentElement; if (in != null) { documentElement = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, axis2MsgCtx); } else { documentElement = ((DataSourceMessageBuilder)builder).processDocument(dataSource, contentType, axis2MsgCtx); } if("true".equals(vfsProperties.getProperty(VFSConstants.TRANSPORT_BUILD))){ documentElement.build(); } msgCtx.setEnvelope(TransportUtils.createSOAPEnvelope(documentElement)); if (injectingSeq == null || injectingSeq.equals("")) { log.error("Sequence name not specified. Sequence : " + injectingSeq); } SequenceMediator seq = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnvironment.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(injectingSeq); if (seq != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("injecting message to sequence : " + injectingSeq); } if (!seq.isInitialized()) { seq.init(synapseEnvironment); } seq.setErrorHandler(onErrorSeq); if(!synapseEnvironment.injectInbound(msgCtx, seq, sequential)){ return false; } } else { log.error("Sequence: " + injectingSeq + " not found"); } } catch (SynapseException se) { throw se; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while processing the file/folder", e); throw new SynapseException("Error while processing the file/folder", e); } finally { if(dataSource != null) { dataSource.destroy(); } } return true; } /** * @param transportHeaders the transportHeaders to set */ public void setTransportHeaders(Map<String, Object> transportHeaders) { this.transportHeaders = transportHeaders; } /** * Create the initial message context for the file * */ private org.apache.synapse.MessageContext createMessageContext() { org.apache.synapse.MessageContext msgCtx = synapseEnvironment.createMessageContext(); MessageContext axis2MsgCtx = ((org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext)msgCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(); axis2MsgCtx.setServerSide(true); axis2MsgCtx.setMessageID(UUIDGenerator.getUUID()); axis2MsgCtx.setProperty(MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS, transportHeaders); PrivilegedCarbonContext carbonContext = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext(); axis2MsgCtx.setProperty(MultitenantConstants.TENANT_DOMAIN, carbonContext.getTenantDomain()); // There is a discrepency in what I thought, Axis2 spawns a nes threads to // send a message is this is TRUE - and I want it to be the other way msgCtx.setProperty(MessageContext.CLIENT_API_NON_BLOCKING, true); return msgCtx; } }