package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.ISerializer; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.text.Strings; public class ModelExtensions { private static final Set<String> reservedWords = new HashSet<String>(); static { reservedWords.add("source"); reservedWords.add("target"); reservedWords.add("abstract"); reservedWords.add("continue"); reservedWords.add("for"); reservedWords.add("new"); reservedWords.add("switch"); reservedWords.add("assert"); reservedWords.add("default"); reservedWords.add("goto"); reservedWords.add("package"); reservedWords.add("synchronized"); reservedWords.add("boolean"); reservedWords.add("do"); reservedWords.add("if"); reservedWords.add("private"); reservedWords.add("this"); reservedWords.add("break"); reservedWords.add("double"); reservedWords.add("implements"); reservedWords.add("protected"); reservedWords.add("throw"); reservedWords.add("byte"); reservedWords.add("else"); reservedWords.add("import"); reservedWords.add("public"); reservedWords.add("throws"); reservedWords.add("case"); reservedWords.add("enum"); reservedWords.add("instanceof"); reservedWords.add("return"); reservedWords.add("transient"); reservedWords.add("catch"); reservedWords.add("extends"); reservedWords.add("int"); reservedWords.add("short"); reservedWords.add("try"); reservedWords.add("char"); reservedWords.add("final"); reservedWords.add("interface"); reservedWords.add("static"); reservedWords.add("void"); reservedWords.add("class"); reservedWords.add("finally"); reservedWords.add("long"); reservedWords.add("strictfp"); reservedWords.add("volatile"); reservedWords.add("const"); reservedWords.add("float"); reservedWords.add("native"); reservedWords.add("super"); reservedWords.add("while"); } public static String getBoxedTypeSignature(IntrinsicType type) { if(type instanceof StringType) { return "String"; } else if (type instanceof BooleanType) { return "Boolean"; } else if (type instanceof IntegerType) { return "Integer"; } else if (type instanceof LongType) { return "Long"; } else if (type instanceof DoubleType) { return "Double"; } return "[unsupported]"; } public static String signature(Type type){ if(type instanceof IntrinsicType){ return ((IntrinsicType) type).getId(); } else if(type instanceof UserType) { return ((UserType) type).getDeclaration().getName(); } else if(type instanceof GenericListType){ GenericListType genType = (GenericListType) type; if(genType.getElementType() instanceof UserType){ return "List<" + ((UserType)genType.getElementType()).getDeclaration().getName() + ">"; } else { return "List<" + getBoxedTypeSignature((IntrinsicType)genType.getElementType()) + ">"; } } return "[unsupported]"; } public static String innerSignature(Type type){ if(type instanceof IntrinsicType){ return ((IntrinsicType) type).getId(); } else if(type instanceof UserType) { return ((UserType) type).getDeclaration().getName(); } else if(type instanceof GenericListType){ GenericListType genType = (GenericListType) type; if(genType.getElementType() instanceof UserType){ return ((UserType)genType.getElementType()).getDeclaration().getName(); } else { return ((IntrinsicType)genType.getElementType()).getId(); } } return "[unsupported]"; } public static String toJSONPropertyGetMethod(IntrinsicType type){ return "get" + Strings.pascalize(type.getId()); } public static String toJSONOptPropertyGetMethod(IntrinsicType type){ return "opt" + Strings.pascalize(type.getId()); } public static boolean hasBody(HttpMethod method){ Iterable<BodyBlock> bodies = IterableExtensions.filter(method.getBlocks(), BodyBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.size(bodies) > 0; } public static BodyBlock getBody(HttpMethod method){ Iterable<BodyBlock> bodies = IterableExtensions.filter(method.getBlocks(), BodyBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(bodies); } public static ParamsBlock getParamsBlock(Client client){ Iterable<ParamsBlock> blocks = IterableExtensions.filter(client.getBlocks(), ParamsBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(blocks); } public static HeaderBlock getHeaderBlock(Client client){ Iterable<HeaderBlock> blocks = IterableExtensions.filter(client.getBlocks(), HeaderBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(blocks); } public static ParamsBlock getParamsBlock(HttpMethod method){ Iterable<ParamsBlock> blocks = IterableExtensions.filter(method.getBlocks(), ParamsBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(blocks); } public static HeaderBlock getHeaderBlock(HttpMethod method){ Iterable<HeaderBlock> blocks = IterableExtensions.filter(method.getBlocks(), HeaderBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(blocks); } public static ResponseBlock getResponseBlock(HttpMethod method){ Iterable<ResponseBlock> blocks = IterableExtensions.filter(method.getBlocks(), ResponseBlock.class); return IterableExtensions.head(blocks); } public static String generateEnumMembers(EnumTypeDeclaration decl){ Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); EList<EnumMember> members = decl.getLiteral().getMembers(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean someAssigned = false; int numAssigned = 0; for(EnumMember member : members){ if(member.isAssignment()){ someAssigned = true; numAssigned++; } set.add(member.getValue()); } if(someAssigned){ // First one is assigned if(numAssigned == 1 && members.get(0).isAssignment()){ int idx = members.get(0).getValue(); for(int i=0; i < members.size(); i++){ builder.append(Strings.underscore(members.get(i).getName()).toUpperCase()); builder.append("(").append(idx++).append(")"); if(i < members.size() - 1){ builder.append(", \n"); } } return builder.toString(); } else if(set.size() == members.size()){ for(int i=0; i < members.size(); i++){ builder.append(Strings.underscore(members.get(i).getName()).toUpperCase()); builder.append("(").append(members.get(i).getValue()).append(")"); if(i < members.size() - 1){ builder.append(", \n"); } } return builder.toString(); } else { for(int i=0; i < members.size(); i++){ builder.append(Strings.underscore(members.get(i).getName()).toUpperCase()); builder.append("(").append(i).append(")"); if(i < members.size() - 1){ builder.append(", \n"); } } return builder.toString(); } } else { for(int i=0; i < members.size(); i++){ builder.append(Strings.underscore(members.get(i).getName()).toUpperCase()); builder.append("(").append(i).append(")"); if(i < members.size() - 1){ builder.append(", \n"); } } return builder.toString(); } } public static String resolveGetJSONValueMethodName(EnumTypeDeclaration decl){ if(decl.getSuperType() != null){ return "optInt"; } else { return "optString"; } } public static String resolveJsonReaderMethodName(EnumTypeDeclaration decl){ if(decl.getSuperType() != null){ return "nextInt"; } else { return "nextString"; } } /** * Adds an _ to the start if the string is a reserved word * @param value * @return */ public static String escapeReserved(String value){ // Reserved if(reservedWords.contains(value)){ return "_" + value; } else { return value; } } public static String toIdentifierOrGetMethodName(Member member, boolean asGetMethod){ if(asGetMethod){ return toGetMethodName(member); } else { return toIdentifier(member, null); } } public static String toIdentifier(Member member){ return toIdentifier(member, null); } public static String maybeMethodize(String identifier, boolean methodize){ if(methodize){ return identifier + "()"; } else { return identifier; } } public static String toGetMethodName(Member member){ if(!(member instanceof TypedMember)) { return null; } TypedMember typedMember = (TypedMember) member; if(typedMember.getType() instanceof BooleanType){ String name = member.getName().toLowerCase(); if(name.startsWith("is") || name.startsWith("has") || name.startsWith("contains")){ return toIdentifier(member, null); } else { return toIdentifier(member, "is"); } } else { return toIdentifier(member, "get"); } } public static String toSetMethodName(Member member){ return toIdentifier(member, "set"); } public static String ifTrue(boolean option, String str){ return option ? str : ""; } /** * Takes a string (identifier) and prefixes it with ownerName seperated by a . * ie:- given the identifier getQux, and an ownerName of this, the result would be this.getQux, * by setting the methodize flag to true, it will append () on the end, ie:- this.getQux() * @param identifier The identifier to memberize * @param ownerName The owner of the member * @param methodize Adds () on the end of the result * @return */ public static String memberize(String identifier, String ownerName, boolean methodize){ if(ownerName == null || ownerName.length() == 0){ return identifier + (methodize ? "()" : ""); } else { return ownerName + "." + identifier + (methodize ? "()" : ""); } } public static String memberize(String identifier, String ownerName){ return memberize(identifier, ownerName, false); } public static String toIdentifier(Member member, String prefix){ String name = member.getName(); name = spacesToUnderscores(name); if(prefix != null){ return prefix + Strings.pascalize(name); } else { return escapeReserved(Strings.camelize(name)); } } private static String spacesToUnderscores(String name) { if(name.contains(" ")) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(name.length()); for(int i=0; i < name.length(); i++){ char ch = name.charAt(i); if(Character.isWhitespace(ch)){ result.append('_'); } else if(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch)){ result.append(ch); } } name = result.toString(); } return name; } public static String toReference(String name, boolean getter, String prefix){ if(getter){ return prefix == null ? "get" + Strings.pascalize(name) : prefix + ".get" + Strings.pascalize(name) + "()"; } else { return prefix == null ? Strings.camelize(name) : prefix + "." + Strings.camelize(name); } } public static String getPathAsFormatString(HttpMethod method, ISerializer serializer){ if(method.getPath() == null) { return ""; } String path = serializer.serialize(method.getPath()).trim(); return path.replaceAll("[\\^a-zA-Z_0-9]+:[a-zA-Z_0-9]+", "%s"); } public static Iterable<String> getArgsFromPath(String path) { if(path == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return IterableExtensions.filter(Lists.newArrayList(path.split("/|\\.")), new Function1<String, Boolean>(){public Boolean apply(String p) { return p.startsWith(":"); }}); } public static String getDefaultValueLiteral(IntrinsicType type) { if(type instanceof StringType) { return "null"; } else if (type instanceof BooleanType) { return "false"; } else if (type instanceof IntegerType) { return "0"; } else if (type instanceof LongType) { return "0L"; } else if (type instanceof DoubleType) { return "0.0d"; } return "INVALID_TYPE"; } public static String convertToJavaLiteral(Literal literal) { if(literal instanceof StringLiteral) { return "\"" + org.eclipse.xtext.util.Strings.convertToJavaString(((StringLiteral) literal).getLiteral()) + "\""; } else if(literal instanceof BooleanLiteral) { return ((BooleanLiteral)literal).getLiteral().getLiteral(); } else if(literal instanceof NumericLiteral) { return ((NumericLiteral)literal).getLiteral().toString(); } return ""; } }