package gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.actions; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDAction; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.Application; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.Project; import com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.EsiUtils; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.StereotypesHelper; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.*; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Class; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.mdprofiles.Stereotype; import gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.api.incubating.convert.Converters; import gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.util.Utils; import gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.mms.MMSUtils; import gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.ui.ViewEditorLinkForm; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class MMSViewLinkAction extends MDAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Collection<Element> targetElements; private Project project; public static final String DEFAULT_ID = "ViewLink"; public MMSViewLinkAction(Collection<Element> elements) { super(DEFAULT_ID, "Open in View Editor", null, null); this.targetElements = elements; this.project = Project.getProject(elements.iterator().next()); } public MMSViewLinkAction(Element element) { super(DEFAULT_ID, "Open in View Editor", null, null); this.targetElements = new ArrayList<>(); this.targetElements.add(element); this.project = Project.getProject(element); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Stereotype documentStereotype = Utils.getDocumentStereotype(project); Stereotype viewStereotype = Utils.getViewStereotype(project); for (Element element : targetElements) { if (!StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(element, viewStereotype) && !StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(element, documentStereotype)) { continue; } Project project = Project.getProject(element); // build url URIBuilder uriBase = MMSUtils.getServiceUri(project); if (uriBase == null) { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[ERROR] Unable to retrieve MMS information from model stereotype. Cancelling view open."); return; } //projects/PROJECT-ID_5_17_16_1_31_54_PM_5fc737b6_154bba92ecd_4cc1_cae_tw_jpl_nasa_gov_127_0_0_1/master/documents/_18_5_83a025f_1491339810716_846504_4332/views/_18_5_83a025f_1491339810716_846504_4332 // include this in the host portion of the uri. not technically correct, but it prevents the # from being converted and breaking things uriBase.setHost(uriBase.getHost() + "/alfresco/mmsapp/mms.html#"); String uriPath = "/projects/" + Converters.getIProjectToIdConverter().apply(project.getPrimaryProject()); String branchName = EsiUtils.getCurrentBranch(project.getPrimaryProject()).getName(); uriPath += "/" + (branchName.equals("trunk") ? "master" : branchName); // collect document parents from hierarchy Set<Element> documents = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<Element> viewChain = new ArrayList<>(); viewChain.add(element); for (int i = 0; i < viewChain.size(); i++) { if (StereotypesHelper.hasStereotype(viewChain.get(i), documentStereotype)) { documents.add(viewChain.get(i)); } // create set of hierarchy children so we can ignore those ends and only climb the hierarchy Set<Element> childViews = new HashSet<>(); for (Property prop : ((Class) viewChain.get(i)).getOwnedAttribute()) { if (!(prop.getType() instanceof Class)) { continue; } Class type = (Class) prop.getType(); if (type == null || !(StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(type, viewStereotype) || StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(type, documentStereotype))) { continue; } childViews.add(type); } // check each association end, if it's a non-child view/document then add it to chain for further processing for (Relationship relation : viewChain.get(i).get_relationshipOfRelatedElement()) { if (!(relation instanceof Association)) { continue; } Element assocEnd = ((Association) relation).getMemberEnd().get(0).getOwner(); if (!StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(assocEnd, viewStereotype) && !StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(assocEnd, documentStereotype)) { continue; } if (!childViews.contains(assocEnd) && !viewChain.contains(assocEnd)) { viewChain.add(assocEnd); } } } // build links if (documents.size() > 1) { // build multiple links String label = ""; List<JButton> linkButtons = new ArrayList<>(); try { if (!documents.isEmpty()) { label = "Documents containing " + element.getHumanName() + ":"; for (Element doc : documents) { if (doc.equals(element)) { uriPath += "/documents/" + Converters.getElementToIdConverter().apply(element); } else { uriPath += "/documents/" + Converters.getElementToIdConverter().apply(doc) + "/views/" + Converters.getElementToIdConverter().apply(element); } JButton button = new ViewButton(doc.getHumanName(), uriBase.setPath(uriPath).build()); linkButtons.add(button); } } } catch (URISyntaxException se) { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[ERROR] Exception occurred while generating View Editor links for " + element.getHumanName() + ". Unable to proceed."); return; } // and display ViewEditorLinkForm viewLinkForm = new ViewEditorLinkForm(label, linkButtons); viewLinkForm.setVisible(true); } else { // build single link uriPath += "/documents/" + Converters.getElementToIdConverter().apply(element) + "/views/" + Converters.getElementToIdConverter().apply(element); // just open it if possible if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { try { if (documents.size() == 0) { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[INFO] " + element.getHumanName() + " does not belong to a document hierarchy. Opening view in View Editor without document context."); } Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uriBase.setPath(uriPath).build()); } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e1) { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[ERROR] Exception occurred while opening the View Editor page. Link: " + uriBase.toString()); e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[WARNING] Java is unable to open links on your computer. Link: " + uriBase.toString()); } } } } private class ViewButton extends JButton { private URI uri; ViewButton(String text, URI uri) { super(text); setup(uri); this.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(280, 18)); } void setup(URI u) { uri = u; setToolTipText(uri.toString()); addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { open(uri); } }); } private void open(URI uri) { if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); try { desktop.browse(uri); } catch (IOException e) { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[ERROR] Exception occurred while opening the View Editor page. Link: " + uri.toString()); } } else { Application.getInstance().getGUILog().log("[WARNING] Java is unable to open links on your computer. Link: " + uri.toString()); } } } }