package; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.InvalidParameterException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.InvalidPluginDescriptorException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.Requirement; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaProjectBuilder; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.library.SortedClassLibraryBuilder; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.DocletTag; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaClass; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaField; import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaType; /** * Extracts Mojo descriptors from <a href="">Java</a> sources. * <br/> * For more information about the usage tag, have a look to: * <a href=""> *</a> * * @version $Id$ * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor */ @Component( role = MojoDescriptorExtractor.class, hint = "java-javadoc" ) public class JavaJavadocMojoDescriptorExtractor extends AbstractLogEnabled implements MojoDescriptorExtractor, JavadocMojoAnnotation { /** * @param parameter not null * @param i positive number * @throws InvalidParameterException if any */ protected void validateParameter( Parameter parameter, int i ) throws InvalidParameterException { // TODO: remove when backward compatibility is no longer an issue. String name = parameter.getName(); if ( name == null ) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "name", i ); } // TODO: remove when backward compatibility is no longer an issue. String type = parameter.getType(); if ( type == null ) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "type", i ); } // TODO: remove when backward compatibility is no longer an issue. String description = parameter.getDescription(); if ( description == null ) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "description", i ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mojo descriptor creation from @tags // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param javaClass not null * @return a mojo descriptor * @throws InvalidPluginDescriptorException if any */ protected MojoDescriptor createMojoDescriptor( JavaClass javaClass ) throws InvalidPluginDescriptorException { ExtendedMojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = new ExtendedMojoDescriptor(); mojoDescriptor.setLanguage( "java" ); mojoDescriptor.setImplementation( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() ); mojoDescriptor.setDescription( javaClass.getComment() ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mojo annotations in alphabetical order // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Aggregator flag DocletTag aggregator = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.AGGREGATOR ); if ( aggregator != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setAggregator( true ); } // Configurator hint DocletTag configurator = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.CONFIGURATOR ); if ( configurator != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setComponentConfigurator( configurator.getValue() ); } // Additional phase to execute first DocletTag execute = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTE ); if ( execute != null ) { String executePhase = execute.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTE_PHASE ); String executeGoal = execute.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTE_GOAL ); if ( executePhase == null && executeGoal == null ) { throw new InvalidPluginDescriptorException( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + ": @execute tag requires either a 'phase' or 'goal' parameter" ); } else if ( executePhase != null && executeGoal != null ) { throw new InvalidPluginDescriptorException( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + ": @execute tag can have only one of a 'phase' or 'goal' parameter" ); } mojoDescriptor.setExecutePhase( executePhase ); mojoDescriptor.setExecuteGoal( executeGoal ); String lifecycle = execute.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTE_LIFECYCLE ); if ( lifecycle != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setExecuteLifecycle( lifecycle ); if ( mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null ) { throw new InvalidPluginDescriptorException( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + ": @execute lifecycle requires a phase instead of a goal" ); } } } // Goal name DocletTag goal = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.GOAL ); if ( goal != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setGoal( goal.getValue() ); } // inheritByDefault flag boolean value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.INHERIT_BY_DEFAULT, mojoDescriptor.isInheritedByDefault() ); mojoDescriptor.setInheritedByDefault( value ); // instantiationStrategy DocletTag tag = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.INSTANTIATION_STRATEGY ); if ( tag != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setInstantiationStrategy( tag.getValue() ); } // executionStrategy (and deprecated @attainAlways) tag = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.MULTI_EXECUTION_STRATEGY ); if ( tag != null ) { getLogger().warn( "@" + JavadocMojoAnnotation.MULTI_EXECUTION_STRATEGY + " in " + javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + " is deprecated: please use '@" + JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTION_STATEGY + " always' instead." ); mojoDescriptor.setExecutionStrategy( MojoDescriptor.MULTI_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY ); } else { mojoDescriptor.setExecutionStrategy( MojoDescriptor.SINGLE_PASS_EXEC_STRATEGY ); } tag = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.EXECUTION_STATEGY ); if ( tag != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setExecutionStrategy( tag.getValue() ); } // Phase name DocletTag phase = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.PHASE ); if ( phase != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setPhase( phase.getValue() ); } // Dependency resolution flag DocletTag requiresDependencyResolution = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_DEPENDENCY_RESOLUTION ); if ( requiresDependencyResolution != null ) { String v = requiresDependencyResolution.getValue(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( v ) ) { v = "runtime"; } mojoDescriptor.setDependencyResolutionRequired( v ); } // Dependency collection flag DocletTag requiresDependencyCollection = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_DEPENDENCY_COLLECTION ); if ( requiresDependencyCollection != null ) { String v = requiresDependencyCollection.getValue(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( v ) ) { v = "runtime"; } mojoDescriptor.setDependencyCollectionRequired( v ); } // requiresDirectInvocation flag value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_DIRECT_INVOCATION, mojoDescriptor.isDirectInvocationOnly() ); mojoDescriptor.setDirectInvocationOnly( value ); // Online flag value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_ONLINE, mojoDescriptor.isOnlineRequired() ); mojoDescriptor.setOnlineRequired( value ); // Project flag value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_PROJECT, mojoDescriptor.isProjectRequired() ); mojoDescriptor.setProjectRequired( value ); // requiresReports flag value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRES_REPORTS, mojoDescriptor.isRequiresReports() ); mojoDescriptor.setRequiresReports( value ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Javadoc annotations in alphabetical order // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deprecation hint DocletTag deprecated = javaClass.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.DEPRECATED ); if ( deprecated != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setDeprecated( deprecated.getValue() ); } // What version it was introduced in DocletTag since = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.SINCE ); if ( since != null ) { mojoDescriptor.setSince( since.getValue() ); } // Thread-safe mojo value = getBooleanTagValue( javaClass, JavadocMojoAnnotation.THREAD_SAFE, true, mojoDescriptor.isThreadSafe() ); mojoDescriptor.setThreadSafe( value ); extractParameters( mojoDescriptor, javaClass ); return mojoDescriptor; } /** * @param javaClass not null * @param tagName not null * @param defaultValue the wanted default value * @return the boolean value of the given tagName * @see #findInClassHierarchy(JavaClass, String) */ private static boolean getBooleanTagValue( JavaClass javaClass, String tagName, boolean defaultValue ) { DocletTag tag = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, tagName ); if ( tag != null ) { String value = tag.getValue(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( value ) ) { defaultValue = Boolean.valueOf( value ).booleanValue(); } } return defaultValue; } /** * @param javaClass not null * @param tagName not null * @param defaultForTag The wanted default value when only the tagname is present * @param defaultValue the wanted default value when the tag is not specified * @return the boolean value of the given tagName * @see #findInClassHierarchy(JavaClass, String) */ private static boolean getBooleanTagValue( JavaClass javaClass, String tagName, boolean defaultForTag, boolean defaultValue ) { DocletTag tag = findInClassHierarchy( javaClass, tagName ); if ( tag != null ) { String value = tag.getValue(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( value ) ) { return Boolean.valueOf( value ).booleanValue(); } else { return defaultForTag; } } return defaultValue; } /** * @param javaClass not null * @param tagName not null * @return docletTag instance */ private static DocletTag findInClassHierarchy( JavaClass javaClass, String tagName ) { DocletTag tag = javaClass.getTagByName( tagName ); if ( tag == null ) { JavaClass superClass = javaClass.getSuperJavaClass(); if ( superClass != null ) { tag = findInClassHierarchy( superClass, tagName ); } } return tag; } /** * @param mojoDescriptor not null * @param javaClass not null * @throws InvalidPluginDescriptorException if any */ private void extractParameters( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor, JavaClass javaClass ) throws InvalidPluginDescriptorException { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're resolving class-level, ancestor-class-field, local-class-field order here. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map<String, JavaField> rawParams = extractFieldParameterTags( javaClass ); for ( Map.Entry<String, JavaField> entry : rawParams.entrySet() ) { JavaField field = entry.getValue(); JavaType type = field.getType(); Parameter pd = new Parameter(); pd.setName( entry.getKey() ); pd.setType( type.getFullyQualifiedName() ); pd.setDescription( field.getComment() ); DocletTag deprecationTag = field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.DEPRECATED ); if ( deprecationTag != null ) { pd.setDeprecated( deprecationTag.getValue() ); } DocletTag sinceTag = field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.SINCE ); if ( sinceTag != null ) { pd.setSince( sinceTag.getValue() ); } DocletTag componentTag = field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.COMPONENT ); if ( componentTag != null ) { // Component tag String role = componentTag.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.COMPONENT_ROLE ); if ( role == null ) { role = field.getType().toString(); } String roleHint = componentTag.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.COMPONENT_ROLEHINT ); if ( roleHint == null ) { // support alternate syntax for better compatibility with the Plexus CDC. roleHint = componentTag.getNamedParameter( "role-hint" ); } // recognize Maven-injected objects as components annotations instead of parameters // Note: the expressions we are looking for, i.e. "${project}", are in the values of the Map, // so the lookup mechanism is different here than in maven-plugin-tools-annotations boolean isDeprecated = PluginUtils.MAVEN_COMPONENTS.containsValue( role ); if ( !isDeprecated ) { // normal component pd.setRequirement( new Requirement( role, roleHint ) ); } else { // not a component but a Maven object to be transformed into an expression/property getLogger().warn( "Deprecated @component Javadoc tag for '" + pd.getName() + "' field in " + javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + ": replace with @Parameter( defaultValue = \"" + role + "\", readonly = true )" ); pd.setDefaultValue( role ); pd.setRequired( true ); } pd.setEditable( false ); /* TODO: or better like this? Need @component fields be editable for the user? pd.setEditable( field.getTagByName( READONLY ) == null ); */ } else { // Parameter tag DocletTag parameter = field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER ); pd.setRequired( field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.REQUIRED ) != null ); pd.setEditable( field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.READONLY ) == null ); String name = parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_NAME ); if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) ) { pd.setName( name ); } String alias = parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_ALIAS ); if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( alias ) ) { pd.setAlias( alias ); } String expression = parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_EXPRESSION ); String property = parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_PROPERTY ); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( expression ) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( property ) ) { getLogger().error( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + field.getName() + ":" ); getLogger().error( " Cannot use both:" ); getLogger().error( " @parameter expression=\"${property}\"" ); getLogger().error( " and" ); getLogger().error( " @parameter property=\"property\"" ); getLogger().error( " Second syntax is preferred." ); throw new InvalidParameterException( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + field.getName() + ": cannot" + " use both @parameter expression and property", null ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( expression ) ) { getLogger().warn( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + field.getName() + ":" ); getLogger().warn( " The syntax" ); getLogger().warn( " @parameter expression=\"${property}\"" ); getLogger().warn( " is deprecated, please use" ); getLogger().warn( " @parameter property=\"property\"" ); getLogger().warn( " instead." ); } else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( property ) ) { expression = "${" + property + "}"; } pd.setExpression( expression ); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( expression ) && expression.startsWith( "${component." ) ) { getLogger().warn( javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + field.getName() + ":" ); getLogger().warn( " The syntax" ); getLogger().warn( " @parameter expression=\"${component.<role>#<roleHint>}\"" ); getLogger().warn( " is deprecated, please use" ); getLogger().warn( " @component role=\"<role>\" roleHint=\"<roleHint>\"" ); getLogger().warn( " instead." ); } if ( "${reports}".equals( pd.getExpression() ) ) { mojoDescriptor.setRequiresReports( true ); } pd.setDefaultValue( parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ); pd.setImplementation( parameter.getNamedParameter( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER_IMPLEMENTATION ) ); } mojoDescriptor.addParameter( pd ); } } /** * extract fields that are either parameters or components. * * @param javaClass not null * @return map with Mojo parameters names as keys */ private Map<String, JavaField> extractFieldParameterTags( JavaClass javaClass ) { Map<String, JavaField> rawParams; // we have to add the parent fields first, so that they will be overwritten by the local fields if // that actually happens... JavaClass superClass = javaClass.getSuperJavaClass(); if ( superClass != null ) { rawParams = extractFieldParameterTags( superClass ); } else { rawParams = new TreeMap<String, JavaField>(); } for ( JavaField field : javaClass.getFields() ) { if ( field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.PARAMETER ) != null || field.getTagByName( JavadocMojoAnnotation.COMPONENT ) != null ) { rawParams.put( field.getName(), field ); } } return rawParams; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<MojoDescriptor> execute( PluginToolsRequest request ) throws ExtractionException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException { Collection<JavaClass> javaClasses = discoverClasses( request ); List<MojoDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<MojoDescriptor>(); for ( JavaClass javaClass : javaClasses ) { DocletTag tag = javaClass.getTagByName( GOAL ); if ( tag != null ) { MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = createMojoDescriptor( javaClass ); mojoDescriptor.setPluginDescriptor( request.getPluginDescriptor() ); // Validate the descriptor as best we can before allowing it to be processed. validate( mojoDescriptor ); descriptors.add( mojoDescriptor ); } } return descriptors; } /** * @param request The plugin request. * @return an array of java class */ @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) protected Collection<JavaClass> discoverClasses( final PluginToolsRequest request ) { JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder( new SortedClassLibraryBuilder() ); builder.setEncoding( request.getEncoding() ); // Build isolated Classloader with only the artifacts of the project (none of this plugin) List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>( request.getDependencies().size() ); for ( Artifact artifact : request.getDependencies() ) { try { urls.add( artifact.getFile().toURI().toURL() ); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { // noop } } builder.addClassLoader( new URLClassLoader( urls.toArray( new URL[0] ), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() ) ); MavenProject project = request.getProject(); for ( String source : (List<String>) project.getCompileSourceRoots() ) { builder.addSourceTree( new File( source ) ); } // TODO be more dynamic File generatedPlugin = new File( project.getBasedir(), "target/generated-sources/plugin" ); if ( !project.getCompileSourceRoots().contains( generatedPlugin.getAbsolutePath() ) ) { builder.addSourceTree( generatedPlugin ); } return builder.getClasses(); } /** * @param mojoDescriptor not null * @throws InvalidParameterException if any */ protected void validate( MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor ) throws InvalidParameterException { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<Parameter> parameters = mojoDescriptor.getParameters(); if ( parameters != null ) { for ( int j = 0; j < parameters.size(); j++ ) { validateParameter( parameters.get( j ), j ); } } } }