package org.apache.maven.index.updater; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiFields; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits; import org.apache.maven.index.context.DocumentFilter; import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexUtils; import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext; import org.apache.maven.index.context.NexusAnalyzer; import org.apache.maven.index.context.NexusIndexWriter; import org.apache.maven.index.fs.Lock; import org.apache.maven.index.fs.Locker; import org.apache.maven.index.incremental.IncrementalHandler; import org.apache.maven.index.updater.IndexDataReader.IndexDataReadResult; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A default index updater implementation * * @author Jason van Zyl * @author Eugene Kuleshov */ @Singleton @Named public class DefaultIndexUpdater implements IndexUpdater { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() ); protected Logger getLogger() { return logger; } private final IncrementalHandler incrementalHandler; private final List<IndexUpdateSideEffect> sideEffects; @Inject public DefaultIndexUpdater( final IncrementalHandler incrementalHandler, final List<IndexUpdateSideEffect> sideEffects ) { this.incrementalHandler = incrementalHandler; this.sideEffects = sideEffects; } public IndexUpdateResult fetchAndUpdateIndex( final IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest ) throws IOException { IndexUpdateResult result = new IndexUpdateResult(); IndexingContext context = updateRequest.getIndexingContext(); ResourceFetcher fetcher = null; if ( !updateRequest.isOffline() ) { fetcher = updateRequest.getResourceFetcher(); // If no resource fetcher passed in, use the wagon fetcher by default // and put back in request for future use if ( fetcher == null ) { throw new IOException( "Update of the index without provided ResourceFetcher is impossible." ); } fetcher.connect( context.getId(), context.getIndexUpdateUrl() ); } File cacheDir = updateRequest.getLocalIndexCacheDir(); Locker locker = updateRequest.getLocker(); Lock lock = locker != null && cacheDir != null ? locker.lock( cacheDir ) : null; try { if ( cacheDir != null ) { LocalCacheIndexAdaptor cache = new LocalCacheIndexAdaptor( cacheDir, result ); if ( !updateRequest.isOffline() ) { cacheDir.mkdirs(); try { if( fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest, fetcher, cache ).isSuccessful() ) { cache.commit(); } } finally { fetcher.disconnect(); } } fetcher = cache.getFetcher(); } else if ( updateRequest.isOffline() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "LocalIndexCacheDir can not be null in offline mode" ); } try { if ( !updateRequest.isCacheOnly() ) { LuceneIndexAdaptor target = new LuceneIndexAdaptor( updateRequest ); result = fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest, fetcher, target ); if(result.isSuccessful()) { target.commit(); } } } finally { fetcher.disconnect(); } } finally { if ( lock != null ) { lock.release(); } } return result; } private Date loadIndexDirectory( final IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest, final ResourceFetcher fetcher, final boolean merge, final String remoteIndexFile ) throws IOException { File indexDir = File.createTempFile( remoteIndexFile, ".dir" ); indexDir.delete(); indexDir.mkdirs(); try(BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( fetcher.retrieve( remoteIndexFile ) ); // Directory directory = updateRequest.getFSDirectoryFactory().open( indexDir )) { Date timestamp = null; Set<String> rootGroups = null; Set<String> allGroups = null; if ( remoteIndexFile.endsWith( ".gz" ) ) { IndexDataReadResult result = unpackIndexData( is, directory, updateRequest.getIndexingContext() ); timestamp = result.getTimestamp(); rootGroups = result.getRootGroups(); allGroups = result.getAllGroups(); } else { // legacy transfer format throw new IllegalArgumentException("The legacy format is no longer supported by this version of maven-indexer."); } if ( updateRequest.getDocumentFilter() != null ) { filterDirectory( directory, updateRequest.getDocumentFilter() ); } if ( merge ) { updateRequest.getIndexingContext().merge( directory ); } else { updateRequest.getIndexingContext().replace( directory, rootGroups, allGroups ); } if ( sideEffects != null && sideEffects.size() > 0 ) { getLogger().info( IndexUpdateSideEffect.class.getName() + " extensions found: " + sideEffects.size() ); for ( IndexUpdateSideEffect sideeffect : sideEffects ) { sideeffect.updateIndex( directory, updateRequest.getIndexingContext(), merge ); } } return timestamp; } finally { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory( indexDir ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { // ignore } } } private static void filterDirectory( final Directory directory, final DocumentFilter filter ) throws IOException { IndexReader r = null; IndexWriter w = null; try { r = directory ); w = new NexusIndexWriter( directory, new NexusAnalyzer(), false ); Bits liveDocs = MultiFields.getLiveDocs(r); int numDocs = r.maxDoc(); for ( int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++ ) { if (liveDocs != null && ! liveDocs.get(i) ) { continue; } Document d = r.document( i ); if ( !filter.accept( d ) ) { boolean success = w.tryDeleteDocument(r, i); //FIXME handle deletion failure } } w.commit(); } finally { IndexUtils.close( r ); IndexUtils.close( w ); } w = null; try { // analyzer is unimportant, since we are not adding/searching to/on index, only reading/deleting w = new NexusIndexWriter( directory, new NexusAnalyzer(), false ); w.commit(); } finally { IndexUtils.close( w ); } } private Properties loadIndexProperties( final File indexDirectoryFile, final String remoteIndexPropertiesName ) { File indexProperties = new File( indexDirectoryFile, remoteIndexPropertiesName ); try ( FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( indexProperties )) { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load( fis ); return properties; } catch ( IOException e ) { getLogger().debug( "Unable to read remote properties stored locally", e ); } return null; } private void storeIndexProperties( final File dir, final String indexPropertiesName, final Properties properties ) throws IOException { File file = new File( dir, indexPropertiesName ); if ( properties != null ) { try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( file ) )) { os, null ); } } else { file.delete(); } } private Properties downloadIndexProperties( final ResourceFetcher fetcher ) throws IOException { try (InputStream fis = fetcher.retrieve( IndexingContext.INDEX_REMOTE_PROPERTIES_FILE )) { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load( fis ); return properties; } } public Date getTimestamp( final Properties properties, final String key ) { String indexTimestamp = properties.getProperty( key ); if ( indexTimestamp != null ) { try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat( IndexingContext.INDEX_TIME_FORMAT ); df.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "GMT" ) ); return df.parse( indexTimestamp ); } catch ( ParseException ex ) { } } return null; } /** * Unpack index data using specified Lucene Index writer * * @param is an input stream to unpack index data from * @param w a writer to save index data * @param ics a collection of index creators for updating unpacked documents. */ public static IndexDataReadResult unpackIndexData( final InputStream is, final Directory d, final IndexingContext context ) throws IOException { NexusIndexWriter w = new NexusIndexWriter( d, new NexusAnalyzer(), true ); try { IndexDataReader dr = new IndexDataReader( is ); return dr.readIndex( w, context ); } finally { IndexUtils.close( w ); } } /** * Filesystem-based ResourceFetcher implementation */ public static class FileFetcher implements ResourceFetcher { private final File basedir; public FileFetcher( File basedir ) { this.basedir = basedir; } public void connect( String id, String url ) throws IOException { // don't need to do anything } public void disconnect() throws IOException { // don't need to do anything } public void retrieve( String name, File targetFile ) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { FileUtils.copyFile( getFile( name ), targetFile ); } public InputStream retrieve( String name ) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { return new FileInputStream( getFile( name ) ); } private File getFile( String name ) { return new File( basedir, name ); } } private abstract class IndexAdaptor { protected final File dir; protected Properties properties; protected IndexAdaptor( File dir ) { this.dir = dir; } public abstract Properties getProperties(); public abstract void storeProperties() throws IOException; public abstract void addIndexChunk( ResourceFetcher source, String filename ) throws IOException; public abstract Date setIndexFile( ResourceFetcher source, String string ) throws IOException; public Properties setProperties( ResourceFetcher source ) throws IOException { = downloadIndexProperties( source ); return properties; } public abstract Date getTimestamp(); public void commit() throws IOException { storeProperties(); } } private class LuceneIndexAdaptor extends IndexAdaptor { private final IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest; public LuceneIndexAdaptor( IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest ) { super( updateRequest.getIndexingContext().getIndexDirectoryFile() ); this.updateRequest = updateRequest; } public Properties getProperties() { if ( properties == null ) { properties = loadIndexProperties( dir, IndexingContext.INDEX_UPDATER_PROPERTIES_FILE ); } return properties; } public void storeProperties() throws IOException { storeIndexProperties( dir, IndexingContext.INDEX_UPDATER_PROPERTIES_FILE, properties ); } public Date getTimestamp() { return updateRequest.getIndexingContext().getTimestamp(); } public void addIndexChunk( ResourceFetcher source, String filename ) throws IOException { loadIndexDirectory( updateRequest, source, true, filename ); } public Date setIndexFile( ResourceFetcher source, String filename ) throws IOException { return loadIndexDirectory( updateRequest, source, false, filename ); } public void commit() throws IOException { super.commit(); updateRequest.getIndexingContext().commit(); } } private class LocalCacheIndexAdaptor extends IndexAdaptor { private static final String CHUNKS_FILENAME = "chunks.lst"; private static final String CHUNKS_FILE_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private final IndexUpdateResult result; private final ArrayList<String> newChunks = new ArrayList<String>(); public LocalCacheIndexAdaptor( File dir, IndexUpdateResult result ) { super( dir ); this.result = result; } public Properties getProperties() { if ( properties == null ) { properties = loadIndexProperties( dir, IndexingContext.INDEX_REMOTE_PROPERTIES_FILE ); } return properties; } public void storeProperties() throws IOException { storeIndexProperties( dir, IndexingContext.INDEX_REMOTE_PROPERTIES_FILE, properties ); } public Date getTimestamp() { Properties properties = getProperties(); if ( properties == null ) { return null; } Date timestamp = DefaultIndexUpdater.this.getTimestamp( properties, IndexingContext.INDEX_TIMESTAMP ); if ( timestamp == null ) { timestamp = DefaultIndexUpdater.this.getTimestamp( properties, IndexingContext.INDEX_LEGACY_TIMESTAMP ); } return timestamp; } public void addIndexChunk( ResourceFetcher source, String filename ) throws IOException { File chunk = new File( dir, filename ); FileUtils.copyStreamToFile( new RawInputStreamFacade( source.retrieve( filename ) ), chunk ); newChunks.add( filename ); } public Date setIndexFile( ResourceFetcher source, String filename ) throws IOException { cleanCacheDirectory( dir ); result.setFullUpdate( true ); File target = new File( dir, filename ); FileUtils.copyStreamToFile( new RawInputStreamFacade( source.retrieve( filename ) ), target ); return null; } @Override public void commit() throws IOException { File chunksFile = new File( dir, CHUNKS_FILENAME ); try (BufferedOutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( chunksFile, true ) ); // Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter( os, CHUNKS_FILE_ENCODING )) { for ( String filename : newChunks ) { w.write( filename + "\n" ); } w.flush(); } super.commit(); } public List<String> getChunks() throws IOException { ArrayList<String> chunks = new ArrayList<String>(); File chunksFile = new File( dir, CHUNKS_FILENAME ); try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( chunksFile ), CHUNKS_FILE_ENCODING ) )) { String str; while ( ( str = r.readLine() ) != null ) { chunks.add( str ); } } return chunks; } public ResourceFetcher getFetcher() { return new LocalIndexCacheFetcher( dir ) { @Override public List<String> getChunks() throws IOException { return LocalCacheIndexAdaptor.this.getChunks(); } }; } } abstract static class LocalIndexCacheFetcher extends FileFetcher { public LocalIndexCacheFetcher( File basedir ) { super( basedir ); } public abstract List<String> getChunks() throws IOException; } private IndexUpdateResult fetchAndUpdateIndex( final IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest, ResourceFetcher source, IndexAdaptor target ) throws IOException { IndexUpdateResult result = new IndexUpdateResult(); if ( !updateRequest.isForceFullUpdate() ) { Properties localProperties = target.getProperties(); Date localTimestamp = null; if ( localProperties != null ) { localTimestamp = getTimestamp( localProperties, IndexingContext.INDEX_TIMESTAMP ); } // this will download and store properties in the target, so next run // target.getProperties() will retrieve it Properties remoteProperties = target.setProperties( source ); Date updateTimestamp = getTimestamp( remoteProperties, IndexingContext.INDEX_TIMESTAMP ); // If new timestamp is missing, dont bother checking incremental, we have an old file if ( updateTimestamp != null ) { List<String> filenames = incrementalHandler.loadRemoteIncrementalUpdates( updateRequest, localProperties, remoteProperties ); // if we have some incremental files, merge them in if ( filenames != null ) { for ( String filename : filenames ) { target.addIndexChunk( source, filename ); } result.setTimestamp(updateTimestamp); result.setSuccessful(true); return result; } } else { updateTimestamp = getTimestamp( remoteProperties, IndexingContext.INDEX_LEGACY_TIMESTAMP ); } // fallback to timestamp comparison, but try with one coming from local properties, and if not possible (is // null) // fallback to context timestamp if ( localTimestamp != null ) { // if we have localTimestamp // if incremental can't be done for whatever reason, simply use old logic of // checking the timestamp, if the same, nothing to do if ( updateTimestamp != null && localTimestamp != null && !updateTimestamp.after( localTimestamp ) ) { //Index is up to date result.setSuccessful(true); return result; } } } else { // create index properties during forced full index download target.setProperties( source ); } if( !updateRequest.isIncrementalOnly() ) { Date timestamp = null; try { timestamp = target.setIndexFile( source, IndexingContext.INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + ".gz" ); if ( source instanceof LocalIndexCacheFetcher ) { // local cache has inverse organization compared to remote indexes, // i.e. initial index file and delta chunks to apply on top of it for ( String filename : ( (LocalIndexCacheFetcher) source ).getChunks() ) { target.addIndexChunk( source, filename ); } } } catch ( IOException ex ) { // try to look for legacy index transfer format try { timestamp = target.setIndexFile( source, IndexingContext.INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + ".zip" ); } catch ( IOException ex2 ) { getLogger().error( "Fallback to *.zip also failed: " + ex2 ); // do not bother with stack trace throw ex; // original exception more likely to be interesting } } result.setTimestamp(timestamp); result.setSuccessful(true); result.setFullUpdate(true); } return result; } /** * Cleans specified cache directory. If present, Locker.LOCK_FILE will not be deleted. */ protected void cleanCacheDirectory( File dir ) throws IOException { File[] members = dir.listFiles(); if ( members == null ) { return; } for ( File member : members ) { if ( !Locker.LOCK_FILE.equals( member.getName() ) ) { FileUtils.forceDelete( member ); } } } }