/* * Copyright(c) 2005 Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, The * University of Hong Kong (HKU). All Rights Reserved. * * This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 [1] * * [1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ package hk.hku.cecid.corvus.http; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.util.FileLogger; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.AS2MessageHistoryQuerySender; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.AS2AdminData; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.AS2MessageHistoryRequestData; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.DataFactory; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.io.IOHandler; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.PropertyTree; /** * The <code>AS2EnvelopQuerySender</code> is a client service sender using HTTP protocol * for query the message envelop (i.e EDI Header + payload) from the Hermes 2 Messaging Gateway. * <br/><br/> * To use it you have to provide the configuration instance called <code>AS2AdminData</code>. * it defines the URL end-point and credential for connecting to your Hermes 2 Restricted area. * <br/><br/> * An Example for adding partnership : * <pre> * // Create an admin data for configuration. * AS2AdminData adminData = new AS2AdminData(); * adminData.setManagePartnershipEndpoint("Your H2O location"); * adminData.setUsername("Your username for logging H2O"); * adminData.setPassword("Your password for logging H2O"); * * AS2EnvelopQuerySender sender = new AS2EnvelopQuerySender(someLogger, adminData, pData); * sender.setMessageCriteriaToDownload("The message id you want to query", "INBOX or OUTBOX"); * sender.run(); * InputStream ins = sender.getEnvelopStream(); * // The envelop content ... process it. * </pre> * * <b>Note for setting the manage partnership end-point</b> * You should add <WEB-APP-NAME>/admin/as2/partnership to your H2O host. * For example, 'http://localhost:8080/admin/as2/partnership'. * * Note that the client service does not guarantee <b>transactional</b> behavior meaning you are always * able to down-load the envelop when invoking the client. (Different from the receiver Web service). * <br/><br/> * * @author Twinsen Tsang * @version 1.0.0 $STABLE$ * @since H2O 28/11/2007 * * @see hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.AS2AdminData */ public class AS2EnvelopQuerySender extends EnvelopQuerySender { /* The mapping from the standardized message box representation to AS2 proprietary representation. */ private static Map MSGBOX_MAPPING = new HashMap() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4738564483228612026L; { this.put("INBOX", "IN"); this.put("OUTBOX", "OUT"); } }; protected static final String DL_RECEIPT_FORM_PARAM = "is_download_receipt"; // TODO: Does not support configure to down-load receipt. private boolean isDownloadReceipt = false; /** * Explicit Constructor. Create an instance of <code>AS2EnvelopQuerySender</code>. * * @param logger The logger for log the sending process. * @param ad The <code>AS2AdminData</code> for locating the HTTP end-point the request send to. * * @throws NullPointerException * When <code>p</code> is null. * When the manage partnership end-point from <code>ad</code> is null or empty. */ public AS2EnvelopQuerySender(FileLogger logger, AS2AdminData ad) { super(logger, ad); String endpoint = ad.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint(); if (endpoint == null || endpoint.equals("")) throw new NullPointerException("Missing 'Envelop Partnership endpoint' in AS2 Admin Data."); this.setServiceEndPoint(endpoint); this.setBasicAuthentication(ad.getUsername(), new String(ad.getPassword())); this.setMessageCriteriaToDownload(ad.getMessageIdCriteria(), ad.getMessageBoxCriteria()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see hk.hku.cecid.corvus.http.EnvelopQuerySender#getMessageBoxMapping() */ protected Map getMessageBoxMapping() { return MSGBOX_MAPPING; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see hk.hku.cecid.corvus.http.EnvelopQuerySender#onCreateRequest() */ protected HttpMethod onCreateRequest() throws Exception { PostMethod post = (PostMethod) super.onCreateRequest(); post.setParameter(DL_RECEIPT_FORM_PARAM, String.valueOf(isDownloadReceipt)); return post; } private static List listAvailableMessage(AS2MessageHistoryRequestData queryData, FileLogger logger){ AS2MessageHistoryQuerySender historyQuery = new AS2MessageHistoryQuerySender(logger, queryData); historyQuery.run(); List msgList = historyQuery.getAvailableMessages(); return msgList; } private static int promptForSelection(List msgList){ System.out.println(); System.out.println("Avaliable message envelop are listed below:"); for(int index =0; index < msgList.size(); index++){ String messageId = (String)((List)msgList.get(index)).get(0); String messageBox = (String)((List)msgList.get(index)).get(1); System.out.println(index + "\t| MessageBox: " + messageBox +" | Message ID : " + messageId); } System.out.println("End of List."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.print("Please enter your selection (-1 for exit): "); BufferedReader consoleReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); int selection = -1; boolean readSucess = false; while(!readSucess){ try { String input = consoleReader.readLine().trim(); if(input == null || input.equals("")) return -1; selection = Integer.parseInt(input); readSucess = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Input Value not valid! "); continue; } } return selection; } /** * The main method is for CLI mode. */ public static void main(String [] args){ try{ java.io.PrintStream out = System.out; if (args.length < 2){ out.println("Usage: as2-envelop [config-xml] [log-path]"); out.println(); out.println("Example: as2-envelop ./config/as2-envelop/as2-request.xml ./logs/as2-envelop.log"); System.exit(1); } out.println("------------------------------------------------------"); out.println(" AS2 Envelop Queryer "); out.println("------------------------------------------------------"); // Initialize the logger. out.println("Initialize logger .. "); // The logger path is specified at the last argument. FileLogger logger = new FileLogger(new File(args[args.length-1])); // Initialize the query parameter. out.println("Importing AS2 administrative sending parameters ... "); AS2AdminData acd = DataFactory.getInstance() .createAS2AdminDataFromXML( new PropertyTree(new File(args[0]).toURI().toURL())); boolean historyQueryNeeded = false; AS2MessageHistoryRequestData queryData =new AS2MessageHistoryRequestData(); if(acd.getMessageIdCriteria()==null || acd.getMessageIdCriteria().trim().equals("")){ historyQueryNeeded = true; // print command prompt out.println("No messageID was specified!"); out.println("Start querying message repositry ..."); String endpoint = acd.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint(); String host = endpoint.substring(0, endpoint.indexOf("/corvus")); host += "/corvus/httpd/as2/msg_history"; queryData.setEndPoint(host); }/* If the user has entered message id but no messagebox, using the messageid as serach criteria and as user to chose his target message */ else if(acd.getMessageBoxCriteria()==null || acd.getMessageBoxCriteria().trim().equals("")){ historyQueryNeeded = true; // print command prompt out.println("Message Box value haven't specified."); out.println("Start query message whcih matched with messageID: " + acd.getMessageIdCriteria()); String endpoint = acd.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint(); String host = endpoint.substring(0, endpoint.indexOf("/corvus")); host += "/corvus/httpd/as2/msg_history"; queryData.setEndPoint(host); queryData.setMessageId(acd.getMessageIdCriteria()); } //Debug Message System.out.println("history Endpoint: " + queryData.getEndPoint()); System.out.println("Repositry Endpoint: " + acd.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint()); if(historyQueryNeeded){ List msgList = listAvailableMessage(queryData, logger); if(msgList == null || msgList.size()==0){ out.println(); out.println(); out.println("No stream data found in repositry..."); out.println("Please view log for details .. "); return; } int selection = promptForSelection(msgList); if(selection == -1){ return; } String messageID = (String)((List)msgList.get(selection)).get(0); String messageBox = (String)((List)msgList.get(selection)).get(1); acd.setMessageIdCriteria(messageID); acd.setMessageBoxCriteria(messageBox.toUpperCase()); out.println(); out.println(); out.println("Start download targeted message envelop ..."); } // Initialize the sender. out.println("Initialize AS2 HTTP data service client... "); AS2EnvelopQuerySender sender = new AS2EnvelopQuerySender(logger, acd); out.println("Sending AS2 HTTP Envelop Query request ... "); sender.run(); out.println(); out.println(" Sending Done: "); out.println("----------------------------------------------------"); out.println("The Message Envelope : "); InputStream eins = sender.getEnvelopStream(); if (eins.available() == 0){ out.println("No stream data found."); out.println("The message envelop does not exist for message id " + sender.getMessageIdToDownload() + " and message box " + sender.getMessageBoxToDownload()); } else IOHandler.pipe(sender.getEnvelopStream(), out); out.println("Please view log for details .. "); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }