package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Filip */ public class CommonDaoImpl { protected final String endpointUri; protected final String defaultProjection; public CommonDaoImpl(String endpointUri,String defaultProjection) { this.endpointUri = endpointUri; this.defaultProjection = defaultProjection; } public List<SubjectDescription> getSubjectDescription(String subject) throws DaoException { QueryExecution execution = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(endpointUri, createGetSubjectDescriptionString(subject)); ArrayList<SubjectDescription> result = new ArrayList<SubjectDescription>(); try { ResultSet queryResult = execution.execSelect(); while (queryResult.hasNext()) { QuerySolution solution =; result.add(DescriptionsFactory.getSubjectDescription(solution)); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("Unable to execute SPARQL query", e); } finally { execution.close(); } } public String getLabel(String uri) throws DaoException { String result = ""; QueryExecution execution = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(endpointUri, createGetLabelQuery(uri)); try { ResultSet queryResult = execution.execSelect(); while (queryResult.hasNext()) { QuerySolution solution =; Literal l = solution.getLiteral("?label"); result = l.getLexicalForm(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("Unable to execute SPARQL query", e); } finally { execution.close(); } return result; } private String createGetSubjectDescriptionString(String subject) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT ?p ?o WHERE {"); query.append("<" +subject+ ">"); query.append(" ?p ?o ."); query.append("}"); return query.toString(); } private String createGetLabelQuery(String uri) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT ?label WHERE {"); query.append(" <" + uri +"> <" + RDFS.label + "> ?label."); query.append("}"); return query.toString(); } protected StringBuilder addBoundingBoxFilter(StringBuilder originalQuery, BoundingBox boundingBox) { StringBuilder query= new StringBuilder(originalQuery.toString()); query.append(" FILTER("); query.append("("); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append("&&"); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append("&&"); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append(") || ("); //d1 = px*(ay-by) + py*(bx-ax) + (ax*by-ay*bx); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append("&&"); //d2 = px*(by-cy) + py*(cx-bx) + (bx*cy-by*cx); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append("&&"); //d3 = px*(cy-ay) + py*(ax-cx) + (cx*ay-cy*ax); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + "))"); query.append(") >= 0"); query.append(") || ("); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append("&&"); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append("&&"); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getTop().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getTop().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append(") || ("); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append("&&"); //d2 = px*(by-cy) + py*(cx-bx) + (bx*cy-by*cx); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getLeft().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getLeft().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append("&&"); //d3 = px*(cy-ay) + py*(ax-cx) + (cx*ay-cy*ax); query.append("("); query.append("xsd:double(?lng) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("xsd:double(?lat) * " + "((" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + ")" + "-" + "(" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + "))"+ "+"); query.append("((" + boundingBox.getRight().getX() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getY() + ") - (" + boundingBox.getRight().getY() + ")*(" + boundingBox.getBottom().getX() + "))"); query.append(") <= 0"); query.append(")"); query.append(")."); return query; } }