package; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TimeZone; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Helper class used to communicate with the Malcom server. * * - Device registration * - Device un-registration * - ACKs * * @author Malcom Ventures, S.L. * @since 2012 */ public final class MalcomServerUtilities { //private enum HTTP_METHOD{POST,DELETE}; private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS_UNREG = 5; private static final int BACKOFF_MILLI_SECONDS = 2000; private static final Random random = new Random(); private static final String PARAM_DEVICE_REGID = "regId"; private static final String PARAM_DEVICEUDID = "deviceUdid"; private static final String PARAM_NOTIFICATION_ID = "notificationId"; private static final String PARAM_NOTIFICATION_SEGMENT_ID = "segmentId"; private static final String PARAM_ENVIRONMENT = "environment"; private static final String PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE = "appCode"; private static final String PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY = "appSecretKey"; private static final String PARAM_APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = "appEnvironmentType"; /** * Register this account/device pair within the server. * * @return whether the registration succeeded or not. * * @param context * @param regId * @param environment * @param appCode * @param appSecretKey * @return */ public static boolean register(final Context context, final String regId, EnvironmentType environment, final String appCode, final String appSecretKey) { Log.i(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Registering device (regId = " + regId + ") ..."); long backoff = BACKOFF_MILLI_SECONDS + random.nextInt(1000); String serverUrl = MCMCoreAdapter.getInstance().coreGetProperty(MCMCoreAdapter.PROPERTIES_MALCOM_BASEURL) + MCMNotificationModule.notification_registry; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(PARAM_DEVICE_REGID, regId); params.put(PARAM_DEVICEUDID,ToolBox.device_getId(context)); params.put(PARAM_ENVIRONMENT,; params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE, appCode); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY, appSecretKey); // Once GCM returns a registration id, we need to register it in Malcom // server. As the server might be down, we will retry it a couple // times. for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ATTEMPTS; i++) { if(!GCMRegistrar.isRegistered(context)){ break; //Is not registered, no sense doing registration. } Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Attempt #" + i + " to register"); try { Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Registering in Malcom ("+i+"/"+MAX_ATTEMPTS+")..."); serverDoRegister(serverUrl, params); GCMRegistrar.setRegisteredOnServer(context, true); Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device successfully registered in Malcom."); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Failed to register on attempt " + i, e); if (i == MAX_ATTEMPTS) { break; } try { Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sleeping for " + backoff + " ms before retry"); Thread.sleep(backoff); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // Activity finished before we complete - exit. Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Thread interrupted: abort remaining retries!"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } // increase backoff exponentially backoff *= 2; } } if(!GCMRegistrar.isRegistered(context)){ Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device registration with Malcom aborted. Device not registered!"); }else{ Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device registration with Malcom failed!"); } return false; } /** * Unregister this account/device pair within the server. * * @param context * @param regId * @param appCode * @param appSecretKey * whether the un-registration succeeded or not. */ public static boolean unregister(final Context context, final String regId, final String appCode, final String appSecretKey) { Log.i(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Unregistering device from Malcom (regId = " + regId + ") ..."); long backoff = BACKOFF_MILLI_SECONDS + random.nextInt(1000); for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ATTEMPTS_UNREG; i++) { if(GCMRegistrar.isRegistered(context)){ break; //Is registered, no sense doing un-registration. } Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Attempt #" + i + " to unregister"); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE, appCode); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY, appSecretKey); params.put(PARAM_DEVICEUDID, ToolBox.device_getId(context)); //Set the unregistration URL for later usage. String deviceId = MCMUtils.getEncodedUDID(ToolBox.device_getId(context)); String serverUrl = MCMCoreAdapter.getInstance().coreGetProperty(MCMCoreAdapter.PROPERTIES_MALCOM_BASEURL) + MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister; serverUrl=serverUrl.replaceAll(MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister_param_appCode, appCode); serverUrl=serverUrl.replaceAll(MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister_param_udid, deviceId); System.out.println("Unregister url: "+serverUrl); Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Un-Registering in Malcom ("+i+"/"+MAX_ATTEMPTS+")..."); serverDoUnRegister(serverUrl, params); GCMRegistrar.setRegisteredOnServer(context, false); Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device successfully un-registered from Malcom."); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Failed to un-register on attempt " + i, e); if (i == MAX_ATTEMPTS) { break; } try { Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sleeping for " + backoff + " ms before retry"); Thread.sleep(backoff); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // Activity finished before we complete - exit. Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Thread interrupted: abort remaining un-registration retries!"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } // increase backoff exponentially backoff *= 2; } } if(GCMRegistrar.isRegistered(context)){ Log.i(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device un-registration with Malcom aborted!"); }else{ Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Device un-registration with Malcom failed!"); } return false; } /** * Sends the ACK to the server. * * @param context * @param notId * @param segmentId * @param environmentType * @param appCode * @param appSecretKey */ public static void doAck(final Context context, final String notId, final String segmentId, final String environmentType, final String appCode, final String appSecretKey){ Log.i(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Doing ACK (notId = " + notId + ") ..."); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE, appCode); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY, appSecretKey); params.put(PARAM_DEVICEUDID,ToolBox.device_getId(context)); params.put(PARAM_NOTIFICATION_ID,notId); params.put(PARAM_NOTIFICATION_SEGMENT_ID,segmentId); params.put(PARAM_APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE,environmentType); //Set the unregistration URL for later usage. String serverUrl = MCMCoreAdapter.getInstance().coreGetProperty(MCMCoreAdapter.PROPERTIES_MALCOM_BASEURL) + MCMNotificationModule.notification_ack; serverDoAck(context, serverUrl, params); Log.d(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Notification ACK successfully done."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Failed to ACK!.",e); } } //AUXILIAR METHODS /* * Makes the registration POST request to the Malcom API. * * @param endpoint POST address. * @param params request parameters. * * @throws IOException propagated from POST. */ private static void serverDoRegister(String endpoint, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { URL url; try { url = new URL(endpoint); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid url: " + endpoint); } String jsonBody = null; //Prepare the registration Object and get the JSON for the body NotificationRegistration registration = new NotificationRegistration(); registration.setEnvironment(params.get(PARAM_ENVIRONMENT)); registration.setToken(params.get(PARAM_DEVICE_REGID)); registration.setUdid(params.get(PARAM_DEVICEUDID)); registration.setApplicationCode(params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE)); //...get the JSON body from the object using Google JSON library Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); jsonBody = "{\"NotificationRegistration\":" + gson.toJson(registration) + "}"; Log.v(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sending device registration body: '" + jsonBody + "' to " + url); String appCode = params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE); String appSecretKey = params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY); MalcomHttpOperations.sendPostToMalcom(endpoint, "/v3/notification/registry/application", jsonBody, appCode, appSecretKey); } /* * Makes the un-registration (DELETE) request to the Malcom API. * * @param endpoint DELETE address. * @param params request parameters. * * @throws IOException propagated from POST. */ private static void serverDoUnRegister(String endpoint, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { URL url; try { url = new URL(endpoint); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid url: " + endpoint); } Log.v(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sending device un-registration request to " + url); try { //Prepare required data for headers, these headers are requested by Malcom API. String malcomDate = HttpDateUtils.formatDate(new Date()); String headers = "x-mcm-date:" + malcomDate+"\n"; //For unregistration i must pass the final url with corresponding application and udid. //(and also add "/malcom-api/" before the endpoint of the service, why this?) String resource = "/"+MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister; resource=resource.replaceAll(MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister_param_appCode, params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE)); resource=resource.replaceAll(MCMNotificationModule.notification_deregister_param_udid, params.get(PARAM_DEVICEUDID)); System.out.println("Resource: "+resource); String password = ToolBox.deliveries_getDataToSign(headers, null, null, "DELETE", resource, null); password = DigestUtils.calculateRFC2104HMAC(password, params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY)); Map<String, String> headersData = new HashMap<String, String>(); headersData.put("Authorization", "basic " + new String(Base64.encode(new String(params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE) + ":" + password).getBytes()))); headersData.put("x-mcm-date", malcomDate); System.out.println("Endpoint al desregistrar: "+endpoint); ToolBox.net_httpclient_doAction(HTTP_METHOD.DELETE, endpoint, null, headersData); } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Error sending un-registration data to Malcom service url '"+url.toString()+"': "+e.getMessage(),e); throw e; } } /* * Makes the ACK request (POST) to Malcom API. * * @param endpoint * @param params * @throws Exception */ private static void serverDoAck(final Context context, String endpoint, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { URL url; try { url = new URL(endpoint); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid url: " + endpoint); } String jsonBody = null; Date date = new Date(); //Prepare the registration Object and get the JSON for the body NotificationAck ack = new NotificationAck(); ack.setApplicationCode(params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE)); ack.setUdid(params.get(PARAM_DEVICEUDID)); ack.setId(Long.valueOf(params.get(PARAM_NOTIFICATION_ID))); if(params.get(PARAM_NOTIFICATION_SEGMENT_ID)!=null) ack.setSegmentId(Long.valueOf(params.get(PARAM_NOTIFICATION_SEGMENT_ID))); ack.setEnvironment(params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); ack.setCreated(formatDate(date)); ack.setAckDate(formatDate(date)); //...get the JSON body from the object using Google JSON library Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); jsonBody = "{\"notificationReceipt\":" + gson.toJson(ack) + "}"; if(!ToolBox.network_haveNetworkConnection(context)){ Log.v(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sending ACK aborted. No network available. Caching for later delivery."); //Saves the failed delivered ack to disk. cacheAck(context,jsonBody); }else{ Log.v(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Sending ACK body: '" + jsonBody + "' to " + url); try { String appCode = params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_CODE); String appSecretKey = params.get(PARAM_APPLICATION_SECRETKEY); MalcomHttpOperations.sendPostToMalcom(endpoint, MCMNotificationModule.notification_ack, jsonBody, appCode, appSecretKey); } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG, "Error sending ACK to Malcom service url '"+url.toString()+"': "+e.getMessage(),e); //Saves the failed delivered ack to disk. cacheAck(context,jsonBody); throw e; } } //launches the service to send pending deliveries. Intent ackSvcIntent = new Intent(context, PendingAcksDeliveryService.class); context.startService(ackSvcIntent); } public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_HOUR_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"; private static String formatDate(Date date){ SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_DATE_HOUR_FORMAT); f.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); return (f.format(new Date())); } /* * Saves the ACK to disk for later delivery. * * @param context * @param ackData */ private static synchronized void cacheAck(Context context, String ackData){ //Save the beacon for later send try { String name = MCMNotificationModule.CACHED_ACK_FILE_PREFIX +DigestUtils.md5Hex(ackData.getBytes()); ToolBox.storage_storeDataInInternalStorage(context, name, ackData.getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(MCMNotificationModule.TAG,"Error saving the beacon for later delivery ("+e.getMessage()+")",e); } } }