/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Code 9 and others. All rights reserved. This * program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is * available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Code 9 - initial API and implementation * IBM - ongoing development * SAP - ongoing development ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.simple.SimpleArtifactDescriptor; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.FileUtils.IPathComputer; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.IRequiredCapability; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.InstallableUnit; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.publisher.Activator; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.publisher.QuotedTokenizer; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.expression.IMatchExpression; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.actions.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.spi.ArtifactDescriptor; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.spi.ProcessingStepDescriptor; import org.eclipse.equinox.spi.p2.publisher.PublisherHelper; public abstract class AbstractPublisherAction implements IPublisherAction { public static final String CONFIG_ANY = "ANY"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String CONFIG_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = "."; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected IPublisherInfo info; /** * Convert a list of tokens into an array. The list separator has to be * specified. */ public static String[] getArrayFromString(String list, String separator) { if (list == null || list.trim().equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return new String[0]; List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (QuotedTokenizer tokens = new QuotedTokenizer(list, separator); tokens.hasMoreTokens();) { String token = tokens.nextToken().trim(); if (!token.equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$ result.add(token); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } /** * Returns a string array of { ws, os, arch } as parsed from the given string * @param configSpec the string to parse * @return the ws, os, arch form of the given string */ public static String[] parseConfigSpec(String configSpec) { String[] result = getArrayFromString(configSpec, CONFIG_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) if (result[i].equals("*")) //$NON-NLS-1$ result[i] = CONFIG_ANY; if (result.length < 3) { String[] temp = new String[3]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, temp, 0, result.length); for (int i = result.length; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = CONFIG_ANY; } result = temp; } return result; } /** * Returns the canonical form of config spec with the given ws, os and arch. * Note that the result is intended to be machine readable (i.e., parseConfigSpec * will parse the the result). * @param ws the window system * @param os the operating system * @param arch the machine architecture * @return the machine readable format of the given config spec */ public static String createConfigSpec(String ws, String os, String arch) { return ws + '.' + os + '.' + arch; } protected void addSelfCapability(InstallableUnitDescription root) { root.setCapabilities(new IProvidedCapability[] {createSelfCapability(root.getId(), root.getVersion())}); } /** * Returns the LDAP filter form that matches the given config spec. Returns * an empty String if the spec does not identify an ws, os or arch. * @param configSpec a config spec to filter * @return the LDAP filter for the given spec. <code>null</code> if the given spec does not * parse into a filter. */ protected IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> createFilterSpec(String configSpec) { String[] config = parseConfigSpec(configSpec); if (config[0] != null || config[1] != null || config[2] != null) { String filterWs = config[0] != null && !CONFIG_ANY.equalsIgnoreCase(config[0]) ? "(osgi.ws=" + config[0] + ")" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ String filterOs = config[1] != null && !CONFIG_ANY.equalsIgnoreCase(config[1]) ? "(osgi.os=" + config[1] + ")" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ String filterArch = config[2] != null && !CONFIG_ANY.equalsIgnoreCase(config[2]) ? "(osgi.arch=" + config[2] + ")" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ if (filterWs.length() == 0 && filterOs.length() == 0 && filterArch.length() == 0) return null; return InstallableUnit.parseFilter("(& " + filterWs + filterOs + filterArch + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } return null; } protected boolean filterMatches(IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> filter, String configSpec) { if (filter == null) return true; String[] config = parseConfigSpec(configSpec); return filter.isMatch(InstallableUnit.contextIU(config[0], config[1], config[2])); } /** * Returns the normalized string form of the given config spec. This is useful for putting * in IU ids etc. Note that the result is not intended to be machine readable (i.e., parseConfigSpec * may not work on the result). * @param configSpec the config spec to format * @return the readable format of the given config spec */ protected String createIdString(String configSpec) { String[] config = parseConfigSpec(configSpec); return config[0] + '.' + config[1] + '.' + config[2]; } protected String createCUIdString(String id, String type, String flavor, String configSpec) { return flavor + id + "." + type + "." + createIdString(configSpec); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } /** * Creates and returns a collection of RequiredCapabilities for the IUs represented * by the given collection. The collection may include a mixture of IInstallableUnits * or VersionedNames. * @param children descriptions of the IUs on which requirements are to be made * @return a collection of RequiredCapabilities representing the given IUs */ protected Collection<IRequirement> createIURequirements(Collection<? extends IVersionedId> children) { ArrayList<IRequirement> result = new ArrayList<IRequirement>(children.size()); for (IVersionedId next : children) { if (next instanceof IInstallableUnit) { IInstallableUnit iu = (IInstallableUnit) next; VersionRange range = new VersionRange(iu.getVersion(), true, iu.getVersion(), true); result.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirement(IInstallableUnit.NAMESPACE_IU_ID, iu.getId(), range, iu.getFilter() == null ? null : iu.getFilter(), false, false)); } else { Version version = next.getVersion(); VersionRange range = (version == null || Version.emptyVersion.equals(version)) ? VersionRange.emptyRange : new VersionRange(version, true, version, true); IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> filter = getFilterAdvice(next); result.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirement(IInstallableUnit.NAMESPACE_IU_ID, next.getId(), range, filter, false, false)); } } return result; } private IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> getFilterAdvice(IVersionedId name) { if (info == null) return null; Collection<IFilterAdvice> filterAdvice = info.getAdvice(CONFIG_ANY, true, name.getId(), name.getVersion(), IFilterAdvice.class); for (IFilterAdvice advice : filterAdvice) { IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> result = advice.getFilter(name.getId(), name.getVersion(), false); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } protected InstallableUnitDescription createIUShell(String id, Version version) { InstallableUnitDescription root = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription(); root.setId(id); root.setVersion(version); return root; } protected IArtifactDescriptor createPack200ArtifactDescriptor(IArtifactKey key, File pathOnDisk, String installSize) { //TODO this size calculation is bogus ArtifactDescriptor result = new ArtifactDescriptor(key); if (pathOnDisk != null) { result.setProperty(IArtifactDescriptor.ARTIFACT_SIZE, installSize); // TODO - this is wrong but I'm testing a work-around for bug 205842 result.setProperty(IArtifactDescriptor.DOWNLOAD_SIZE, Long.toString(pathOnDisk.length())); } IProcessingStepDescriptor[] steps = new IProcessingStepDescriptor[] {new ProcessingStepDescriptor("org.eclipse.equinox.p2.processing.Pack200Unpacker", null, true)}; //$NON-NLS-1$ result.setProcessingSteps(steps); result.setProperty(IArtifactDescriptor.FORMAT, IArtifactDescriptor.FORMAT_PACKED); return result; } protected InstallableUnitDescription createParentIU(Collection<? extends IVersionedId> children, String id, Version version) { InstallableUnitDescription root = createIUShell(id, version); root.addRequirements(createIURequirements(children)); addSelfCapability(root); return root; } //This is to hide FileUtils from other actions protected IPathComputer createParentPrefixComputer(int segmentsToKeep) { return FileUtils.createParentPrefixComputer(segmentsToKeep); } //This is to hide FileUtils from other actions protected IPathComputer createRootPrefixComputer(final File root) { return FileUtils.createRootPathComputer(root); } protected IProvidedCapability createSelfCapability(String installableUnitId, Version installableUnitVersion) { return MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(PublisherHelper.IU_NAMESPACE, installableUnitId, installableUnitVersion); } protected static InstallableUnitDescription[] processAdditionalInstallableUnitsAdvice(IInstallableUnit iu, IPublisherInfo publisherInfo) { Collection<IAdditionalInstallableUnitAdvice> advice = publisherInfo.getAdvice(null, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), IAdditionalInstallableUnitAdvice.class); if (advice.isEmpty()) return null; List<InstallableUnitDescription> ius = new ArrayList<InstallableUnitDescription>(); for (IAdditionalInstallableUnitAdvice entry : advice) { InstallableUnitDescription[] others = entry.getAdditionalInstallableUnitDescriptions(iu); if (others != null) ius.addAll(Arrays.asList(others)); } return ius.toArray(new InstallableUnitDescription[ius.size()]); } /** * Add all of the advised artifact properties for the given IU and artifact descriptor. * @param iu the IU * @param descriptor the descriptor to decorate * @param info the publisher info supplying the advice */ protected static void processArtifactPropertiesAdvice(IInstallableUnit iu, IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, IPublisherInfo info) { if (!(descriptor instanceof SimpleArtifactDescriptor)) return; Collection<IPropertyAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(null, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), IPropertyAdvice.class); for (IPropertyAdvice entry : advice) { Map<String, String> props = entry.getArtifactProperties(iu, descriptor); if (props == null) continue; for (Entry<String, String> pe : props.entrySet()) { ((SimpleArtifactDescriptor) descriptor).setRepositoryProperty(pe.getKey(), pe.getValue()); } } } /** * Add all of the advised IU properties for the given IU. * @param iu the IU to decorate * @param info the publisher info supplying the advice */ protected static void processInstallableUnitPropertiesAdvice(InstallableUnitDescription iu, IPublisherInfo info) { Collection<IPropertyAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(null, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), IPropertyAdvice.class); for (IPropertyAdvice entry : advice) { Map<String, String> props = entry.getInstallableUnitProperties(iu); if (props == null) continue; for (Entry<String, String> pe : props.entrySet()) { iu.setProperty(pe.getKey(), pe.getValue()); } } } /** * Add any update descriptor advice to the given IU * @param iu the IU to decorate * @param info the publisher info supplying the advice */ protected static void processUpdateDescriptorAdvice(InstallableUnitDescription iu, IPublisherInfo info) { Collection<IUpdateDescriptorAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(null, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), IUpdateDescriptorAdvice.class); if (advice.isEmpty()) return; for (IUpdateDescriptorAdvice entry : advice) { //process the IU Descriptor IUpdateDescriptor updateDescriptor = entry.getUpdateDescriptor(iu); if (updateDescriptor != null) { iu.setUpdateDescriptor(updateDescriptor); } } } /** * Add all of the advised provided and required capabilities for the given installable unit. * @param iu the IU to decorate * @param info the publisher info supplying the advice */ protected static void processCapabilityAdvice(InstallableUnitDescription iu, IPublisherInfo info) { Collection<ICapabilityAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(null, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), ICapabilityAdvice.class); if (advice.isEmpty()) return; for (ICapabilityAdvice entry : advice) { //process required capabilities IRequirement[] requiredAdvice = entry.getRequiredCapabilities(iu); if (requiredAdvice != null) { List<IRequirement> current = iu.getRequirements(); Set<IRequirement> resultRequiredCapabilities = new HashSet<IRequirement>(current); // remove current required capabilities that match (same name and namespace) advice. for (int j = 0; j < current.size(); j++) { IRequirement curr = current.get(j); IRequiredCapability currentRequiredCapability = null; if (curr instanceof IRequiredCapability) currentRequiredCapability = (IRequiredCapability) curr; else continue; for (int k = 0; k < requiredAdvice.length; k++) { IRequiredCapability requiredCapability = null; if (requiredAdvice[k] instanceof IRequiredCapability) requiredCapability = (IRequiredCapability) requiredAdvice[k]; else continue; if (requiredCapability.getNamespace().equals(currentRequiredCapability.getNamespace()) && requiredCapability.getName().equals(currentRequiredCapability.getName())) { resultRequiredCapabilities.remove(currentRequiredCapability); break; } } } // add all advice resultRequiredCapabilities.addAll(Arrays.asList(requiredAdvice)); iu.setRequirements(resultRequiredCapabilities.toArray(new IRequirement[resultRequiredCapabilities.size()])); } //process meta required capabilities IRequirement[] metaRequiredAdvice = entry.getMetaRequiredCapabilities(iu); if (metaRequiredAdvice != null) { Collection<IRequirement> current = iu.getMetaRequirements(); Set<IRequirement> resultMetaRequiredCapabilities = new HashSet<IRequirement>(current); // remove current meta-required capabilities that match (same name and namespace) advice. for (IRequirement curr : current) { IRequiredCapability currentMetaRequiredCapability = null; if (curr instanceof IRequiredCapability) currentMetaRequiredCapability = (IRequiredCapability) curr; else continue; for (int k = 0; k < metaRequiredAdvice.length; k++) { IRequiredCapability metaRequiredCapability = null; if (metaRequiredAdvice[k] instanceof IRequiredCapability) metaRequiredCapability = (IRequiredCapability) metaRequiredAdvice[k]; else continue; if (metaRequiredCapability.getNamespace().equals(currentMetaRequiredCapability.getNamespace()) && metaRequiredCapability.getName().equals(currentMetaRequiredCapability.getName())) { resultMetaRequiredCapabilities.remove(currentMetaRequiredCapability); break; } } } // add all advice resultMetaRequiredCapabilities.addAll(Arrays.asList(metaRequiredAdvice)); iu.setMetaRequirements(resultMetaRequiredCapabilities.toArray(new IRequirement[resultMetaRequiredCapabilities.size()])); } //process provided capabilities IProvidedCapability[] providedAdvice = entry.getProvidedCapabilities(iu); if (providedAdvice != null) { Collection<IProvidedCapability> current = iu.getProvidedCapabilities(); Set<IProvidedCapability> resultProvidedCapabilities = new HashSet<IProvidedCapability>(current); for (IProvidedCapability currentProvidedCapability : current) { for (int k = 0; k < providedAdvice.length; k++) { IProvidedCapability providedCapability = providedAdvice[k]; if (providedCapability.getNamespace().equals(currentProvidedCapability.getNamespace()) && providedCapability.getName().equals(currentProvidedCapability.getName())) { resultProvidedCapabilities.remove(currentProvidedCapability); break; } } } resultProvidedCapabilities.addAll(Arrays.asList(providedAdvice)); iu.setCapabilities(resultProvidedCapabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[resultProvidedCapabilities.size()])); } } } /** * Adds all applicable touchpoint advice to the given installable unit. * @param iu The installable unit to add touchpoint advice to * @param currentInstructions The set of touchpoint instructions assembled for this IU so far * @param info The publisher info */ protected static void processTouchpointAdvice(InstallableUnitDescription iu, Map<String, ? extends Object> currentInstructions, IPublisherInfo info) { processTouchpointAdvice(iu, currentInstructions, info, null); } protected static void processTouchpointAdvice(InstallableUnitDescription iu, Map<String, ? extends Object> currentInstructions, IPublisherInfo info, String configSpec) { Collection<ITouchpointAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(configSpec, false, iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), ITouchpointAdvice.class); if (currentInstructions == null) { if (advice == null || advice.isEmpty()) return; currentInstructions = CollectionUtils.emptyMap(); } ITouchpointData result = MetadataFactory.createTouchpointData(currentInstructions); if (advice != null) { for (ITouchpointAdvice entry : advice) { result = entry.getTouchpointData(result); } } iu.addTouchpointData(result); } /** * Publishes the artifact by zipping the <code>files</code> using <code>root</code> * as a base for relative paths. Then copying the zip into the repository. * @param descriptor used to identify the zip. * @param inclusion the file to be published. files can be <code>null</code> but no action is taken. * @param publisherInfo the publisher info. */ protected void publishArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, File inclusion, IPublisherInfo publisherInfo) { // no files to publish so this is done. if (inclusion == null) return; // if the destination already contains the descriptor, there is nothing to do. IArtifactRepository destination = publisherInfo.getArtifactRepository(); if (destination == null || destination.contains(descriptor)) return; // if all we are doing is indexing things then add the descriptor and get on with it if ((publisherInfo.getArtifactOptions() & IPublisherInfo.A_PUBLISH) == 0) { destination.addDescriptor(descriptor); return; } // if the file is already in the same location the repo will put it, just add the descriptor and exit if (destination instanceof IFileArtifactRepository) { File descriptorFile = ((IFileArtifactRepository) destination).getArtifactFile(descriptor); if (inclusion.equals(descriptorFile)) { destination.addDescriptor(descriptor); return; } } try { OutputStream output = destination.getOutputStream(descriptor); if (output == null) return; output = new BufferedOutputStream(output); FileUtils.copyStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inclusion)), true, output, true); } catch (ProvisionException e) { LogHelper.log(e.getStatus()); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "Error publishing artifacts", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Publishes the artifact by zipping the <code>files</code> using <code>root</code> * as a base for relative paths. Then copying the zip into the repository. * @param descriptor used to identify the zip. * @param inclusions and folders to be included in the zip. files can be null. * @param exclusions and folders to be excluded in the zip. files can be null. * @param publisherInfo the publisher info. * @param prefixComputer */ protected void publishArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, File[] inclusions, File[] exclusions, IPublisherInfo publisherInfo, IPathComputer prefixComputer) { // no files to publish so this is done. if (inclusions == null || inclusions.length < 1) return; // if the destination already contains the descriptor, there is nothing to do. IArtifactRepository destination = publisherInfo.getArtifactRepository(); if (destination == null || destination.contains(descriptor)) return; // if all we are doing is indexing things then add the descriptor and get on with it if ((publisherInfo.getArtifactOptions() & IPublisherInfo.A_PUBLISH) == 0) { destination.addDescriptor(descriptor); return; } // TODO need to implement the overwrite story in the repos // boolean overwrite = (info.getArtifactOptions() & IPublisherInfo.A_OVERWRITE) > 0; // if there is just one file and the mode is as-is, just copy the file into the repo // otherwise, zip up the files and copy the zip into the repo File tempFile = null; try { OutputStream output = destination.getOutputStream(descriptor); if (output == null) return; output = new BufferedOutputStream(output); tempFile = File.createTempFile("p2.generator", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ FileUtils.zip(inclusions, exclusions, tempFile, prefixComputer); if (output != null) FileUtils.copyStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile)), true, output, true); } catch (ProvisionException e) { LogHelper.log(e.getStatus()); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "Error publishing artifacts", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (tempFile != null) tempFile.delete(); } } /** * Loop over the known metadata repositories looking for the given IU. * Return the first IU found. * @param iuId the id of the IU to look for * @return the first matching IU or <code>null</code> if none. */ protected IInstallableUnit queryForIU(IPublisherResult publisherResult, String iuId, Version version) { IQuery<IInstallableUnit> query = QueryUtil.createIUQuery(iuId, version); if (version == null || Version.emptyVersion.equals(version)) query = QueryUtil.createLatestQuery(query); IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> collector = Collector.emptyCollector(); NullProgressMonitor progress = new NullProgressMonitor(); if (publisherResult != null) collector = publisherResult.query(query, progress); if (collector.isEmpty() && info.getMetadataRepository() != null) collector = info.getMetadataRepository().query(query, progress); if (collector.isEmpty() && info.getContextMetadataRepository() != null) collector = info.getContextMetadataRepository().query(query, progress); if (!collector.isEmpty()) return collector.iterator().next(); return null; } /** * Loop over the known metadata repositories looking for the given IU within a particular range * @param publisherResult * @param iuId the id of the IU to look for * @param versionRange the version range to consider * @return The the IUs with the matching ids in the given range */ protected IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> queryForIUs(IPublisherResult publisherResult, String iuId, VersionRange versionRange) { IQuery<IInstallableUnit> query = null; IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> queryResult = Collector.emptyCollector(); query = QueryUtil.createIUQuery(iuId, versionRange); NullProgressMonitor progress = new NullProgressMonitor(); if (publisherResult != null) queryResult = publisherResult.query(query, progress); if (queryResult.isEmpty() && info.getMetadataRepository() != null) queryResult = info.getMetadataRepository().query(query, progress); if (queryResult.isEmpty() && info.getContextMetadataRepository() != null) queryResult = info.getContextMetadataRepository().query(query, progress); return queryResult; } public abstract IStatus perform(IPublisherInfo publisherInfo, IPublisherResult results, IProgressMonitor monitor); public void setPublisherInfo(IPublisherInfo info) { this.info = info; } }