/* * Copyright � 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved */ package com.sun.lwuit.uidemo; import com.sun.lwuit.Container; import com.sun.lwuit.Form; import com.sun.lwuit.layouts.BorderLayout; import com.sun.lwuit.tree.Tree; import com.sun.lwuit.tree.TreeModel; import com.sun.lwuit.util.Resources; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Vector; import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.UIManager; /** * Simple demo showing off how to use the tree component in LWUIT * * @author Shai Almog */ public class TreeDemo extends Demo { public String getName() { return "Tree"; } protected void executeDemo(Container f) { try { f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Resources imageRes = UIDemoMain.getResource("images"); Tree.setFolderIcon(imageRes.getImage("sady.png")); Tree.setFolderOpenIcon(imageRes.getImage("smily.png")); Tree tree = new Tree(new FileTreeModel()); f.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, tree); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { public Vector getChildren(Object parent) { Vector response = new Vector(); if(parent == null) { response.addElement("One"); response.addElement("Two"); response.addElement("Three"); } else { if(!isLeaf(parent)) { response.addElement("Child One"); response.addElement("Child Two"); response.addElement("Child Three"); } } return response; } public boolean isLeaf(Object node) { return ((String)node).indexOf("Child") > -1; } } /** * Returns the text that should appear in the help command */ protected String getHelp() { return UIManager.getInstance().localize("treeHelp", "Help description"); } }