package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; public class MorphUtil { private static final char[] CHOSEONG = { 'ㄱ','ㄲ','ㄴ','ㄷ','ㄸ','ㄹ','ㅁ','ㅂ','ㅃ','ㅅ', 'ㅆ','ㅇ','ㅈ','ㅉ','ㅊ','ㅋ','ㅌ','ㅍ','ㅎ' }; private static final char[] JUNGSEONG = { 'ㅏ','ㅐ','ㅑ','ㅒ','ㅓ','ㅔ','ㅕ','ㅖ','ㅗ','ㅘ', 'ㅙ','ㅚ','ㅛ','ㅜ','ㅝ','ㅞ','ㅟ','ㅠ','ㅡ','ㅢ', 'ㅣ' }; private static final char[] JONGSEONG = { '\0','ㄱ','ㄲ','ㄳ','ㄴ','ㄵ','ㄶ','ㄷ','ㄹ','ㄺ', 'ㄻ','ㄼ','ㄽ','ㄾ','ㄿ','ㅀ','ㅁ','ㅂ','ㅄ','ㅅ', 'ㅆ','ㅇ','ㅈ','ㅊ','ㅋ','ㅌ','ㅍ','ㅎ' }; private static final int JUNG_JONG = JUNGSEONG.length * JONGSEONG.length; /** * 한글 한글자를 초성/중성/종성의 배열로 만들어 반환한다. * @param c * @return */ public static char[] decompose(char c) { char[] result = null; if(c>0xD7A3||c<0xAC00) return new char[]{c}; c -= 0xAC00; char choseong = CHOSEONG[c/JUNG_JONG]; c = (char)(c % JUNG_JONG); char jungseong = JUNGSEONG[c/JONGSEONG.length]; char jongseong = JONGSEONG[c%JONGSEONG.length]; if(jongseong != 0) { result = new char[] {choseong, jungseong, jongseong}; }else { result = new char[] {choseong, jungseong}; } return result; } public static char compound(int first, int middle, int last) { return (char)(0xAC00 + first* JUNG_JONG + middle * JONGSEONG.length + last); } public static char makeChar(char ch, int mdl, int last) { ch -= 0xAC00; int first = ch/JUNG_JONG; return compound(first,mdl,last); } public static char makeChar(char ch, int last) { ch -= 0xAC00; int first = ch/JUNG_JONG; ch = (char)(ch % JUNG_JONG); int middle = ch/JONGSEONG.length; return compound(first,middle,last); } public static char replaceJongsung(char dest, char source) { source -= 0xAC00; int last = source % JONGSEONG.length; return makeChar(dest,last); } /** * 형태소 유형 출력을 위한 문자열을 생성한다. * @param word * @param type * @return */ public static String buildTypeString(String word, char type) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(word); sb.append("("); sb.append(type); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public static void buildPtnVM(AnalysisOutput output, List candidates) throws MorphException { String end = output.getEomi(); if(output.getPomi()!=null) end = output.getPomi(); output.setPatn(PatternConstants.PTN_VM); output.setPos(PatternConstants.POS_VERB); if(output.getScore()==AnalysisOutput.SCORE_CORRECT) { candidates.add(output); }else { String[] irrs = IrregularUtil.restoreIrregularVerb(output.getStem(),end); if(irrs!=null) { output.setScore(AnalysisOutput.SCORE_CORRECT); output.setStem(irrs[0]); candidates.add(output); } } } /** * 용언 + '음/기' + '이' + 어미, 체언 + '에서/부터/에서부터' + '이' + 어미 * @param output * @param candidates * @throws MorphException */ public static void buildPtnCM(AnalysisOutput output, List candidates) throws MorphException { char ch = output.getStem().charAt(output.getStem().length()-2); char[] jasos = MorphUtil.decompose(ch); if(jasos.length==3||ch=='기') { buildPtnVMCM(output,candidates); } else { } } private static void buildPtnVMCM(AnalysisOutput output, List candidates) throws MorphException { String stem = output.getStem(); output.setPatn(PatternConstants.PTN_VMCM); output.setPos(PatternConstants.POS_VERB); char ch = stem.charAt(stem.length()-2); char[] jasos = MorphUtil.decompose(ch); if(ch=='기') { output.addElist("기"); output.addElist("이"); output.setStem(stem.substring(0,stem.length()-2)); if(DictionaryUtil.getVerb(output.getStem())!=null) candidates.add(output); }else if(jasos[2]=='ㅁ') { if(stem.length()>1) stem = stem.substring(0,stem.length()-2); stem += MorphUtil.makeChar(ch, 0); output.addElist("ㅁ"); output.addElist("이"); output.setStem(stem); if(DictionaryUtil.getVerb(stem)!=null) candidates.add(output); else { String[] morphs = IrregularUtil.restoreIrregularVerb(stem,"ㅁ"); if(morphs!=null) { output.setScore(AnalysisOutput.SCORE_CORRECT); output.setStem(morphs[0]); candidates.add(output); } } } } public static boolean hasVerbOnly(String input) throws MorphException { for(int i=input.length()-1;i>=0;i--) { char[] feature = SyllableUtil.getFeature(input.charAt(i)); if(feature[SyllableUtil.IDX_WDSURF]=='1'&&input.length()>i) return true; } return false; } /** * 시제 선어미말을 만들어서 반환한다. * @param preword '아' 또는 '어' * @param endword 어미[선어미말을 포함] * @return '았' 또는 '었'을 만들어서 반환한다. */ public static String makeTesnseEomi(String preword, String endword) { if(preword==null||preword.length()==0) return endword; if(endword==null||endword.length()==0) return preword; if(endword.charAt(0)=='ㅆ') { return preword.substring(0,preword.length()-1)+ makeChar(preword.charAt(preword.length()-1),20)+endword.substring(1,endword.length()); } else if(endword.charAt(0)=='ㄴ') { return preword.substring(0,preword.length()-1)+ makeChar(preword.charAt(preword.length()-1),4)+endword.substring(1,endword.length()); } else if(endword.charAt(0)=='ㄹ') { return preword.substring(0,preword.length()-1)+ makeChar(preword.charAt(preword.length()-1),8)+endword.substring(1,endword.length()); } else if(endword.charAt(0)=='ㅁ') { return preword.substring(0,preword.length()-1)+ makeChar(preword.charAt(preword.length()-1),16)+endword.substring(1,endword.length()); } else if(endword.charAt(0)=='ㅂ') { return preword.substring(0,preword.length()-1)+ makeChar(preword.charAt(preword.length()-1),17)+endword.substring(1,endword.length()); } return preword+endword; } /** * 용언화접미사가 결합될 수 있는지 여부를 점검한다. * 특히 사전에 등록된 되다, 하다형 의 접속이 가능한지를 조사한다. * @param o * @return */ public static boolean isValidSuffix(WordEntry entry, AnalysisOutput o) { return true; } }