package com.kolakcc.loljclient.model; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConnection; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteJob; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteQueue; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteStatement; import com.kolakcc.loljclient.util.FileSystem; public class Item { public static Item getItem(RiotRecommendedItem recItem) { return getItemFromID(recItem.ID); } protected int ID; protected String name; protected String description; protected String iconPath; protected int price; protected int flatHPPoolMod; protected int flatMPPoolMod; protected int percentHPPoolMod; protected int percentMPPoolMod; protected int flatHPRegenMod; protected int percentHPRegenMod; protected int flatMPRegenMod; protected int percentMPRegenMod; protected int flatArmorMod; protected int percentArmorMod; protected int flatAttackDamageMod; protected int percentAttackDamageMod; protected int flatAbilityPowerMod; protected int percentAbilityPowerMod; protected int flatMovementSpeedMod; protected int percentMovementSpeedMod; protected int flatAttackSpeedMod; protected int percentAttackSpeedMod; protected int flatDodgeMod; protected int percentDodgeMod; protected int flatCritChanceMod; protected int percentCritChanceMod; protected int flatCritDamageMod; protected int percentCritDamageMod; protected int flatMagicResistMod; protected int percentMagicResistMod; protected int flatEXPBonus; protected int percentEXPBonus; protected int epicness; protected boolean legacy; protected RiotRecommendedItem fromRiotRecommendedItem; private static LinkedList<Item> items; public static Item getItemFromID(int ID) { for (Item i : items) { if (i.ID == ID) { return i; } } new Exception("Item #" + ID + " not found.").printStackTrace(); return null; } public static void initializeItems() { if (items != null) { new Exception( "Tried to initialize already initalized champion list") .printStackTrace(); } SQLiteQueue queue = GameStatsDBWrapper.getQueue(); items = new LinkedList<Item>(); queue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Object job(SQLiteConnection connection) throws Throwable { SQLiteStatement st = connection.prepare("SELECT * FROM items"); while (st.step()) { Item newItem = new Item(); int i = 0; newItem.ID = st.columnInt(i); i++; = st.columnString(i); i++; newItem.description = st.columnString(i); i++; newItem.iconPath = st.columnString(i); i++; newItem.price = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatHPPoolMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatMPPoolMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentHPPoolMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentMPPoolMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatHPRegenMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentHPRegenMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatMPRegenMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentMPRegenMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatArmorMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentArmorMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatAttackDamageMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentAttackDamageMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatAbilityPowerMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentAbilityPowerMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatMovementSpeedMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentMovementSpeedMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatAttackSpeedMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentAttackSpeedMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatDodgeMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentDodgeMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatCritChanceMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentCritChanceMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatCritDamageMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentCritDamageMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatMagicResistMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentMagicResistMod = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.flatEXPBonus = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.percentEXPBonus = st.columnInt(i); i++; newItem.epicness = st.columnInt(i); i++; items.add(newItem); } st.dispose(); // TODO: add all legacy items items.add(new Item(0, "Empty", "EmptyIcon.png")); items.add(new Item(1005, "Meki Pendant", "3013_Disruption_Rod.png")); items.add(new Item(3178, "Ionic Spark", "3178_IonicSpark.png")); items.add(new Item(3132, "Heart of Gold", "3051_Renewal_Tunic.png")); items.add(new Item(3040, "Seraph's Embrace", "3040_Seraphs_Embrace.png")); return null; } }).complete(); } private Item() { } public Item(int ID, String name, String iconPath) { this.ID = ID; = name; this.iconPath = iconPath; this.legacy = true; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public int getEpicness() { return this.epicness; } public int getFlatAbilityPowerMod() { return this.flatAbilityPowerMod; } public int getFlatArmorMod() { return this.flatArmorMod; } public int getFlatAttackDamageMod() { return this.flatAttackDamageMod; } public int getFlatAttackSpeedMod() { return this.flatAttackSpeedMod; } public int getFlatCritChanceMod() { return this.flatCritChanceMod; } public int getFlatCritDamageMod() { return this.flatCritDamageMod; } public int getFlatDodgeMod() { return this.flatDodgeMod; } public int getFlatEXPBonus() { return this.flatEXPBonus; } public int getFlatHPPoolMod() { return this.flatHPPoolMod; } public int getFlatHPRegenMod() { return this.flatHPRegenMod; } public int getFlatMagicResistMod() { return this.flatMagicResistMod; } public int getFlatMovementSpeedMod() { return this.flatMovementSpeedMod; } public int getFlatMPPoolMod() { return this.flatMPPoolMod; } public int getFlatMPRegenMod() { return this.flatMPRegenMod; } public RiotRecommendedItem getFromRiotRecommendedItem() { return this.fromRiotRecommendedItem; } public BufferedImage getIcon() throws Exception { String relativeFilePath = this.getIconPath().replace('/', File.separatorChar); // some files are not in the same captials as in riots database // there also seems to be something wrong with - and _, f.ex 073_Zettas_Mana-Stick should be 073_Zettas_Mana_Stick File f = FileSystem.getFile("app://img/items/"+relativeFilePath); if (!f.isFile()) { String id = relativeFilePath.split("_")[0]; for (File compare : f.getParentFile().listFiles()) { if (compare.getName().startsWith(id + "_")) { f = compare; break; } } } if (!f.canRead()) { throw new Exception(String.format("Not found: %s",f.getAbsolutePath())); } if (!f.canRead()) { throw new Exception(String.format("Unreadable: %s",f.getAbsolutePath())); } if ((f.isFile()) && (f.canRead())) { return; } throw new Exception(String.format("Unknown error opening %s",f.getAbsolutePath())); } public String getIconPath() { return this.iconPath; } public int getID() { return this.ID; } public String getName() { return; } public int getPercentAbilityPowerMod() { return this.percentAbilityPowerMod; } public int getPercentArmorMod() { return this.percentArmorMod; } public int getPercentAttackDamageMod() { return this.percentAttackDamageMod; } public int getPercentAttackSpeedMod() { return this.percentAttackSpeedMod; } public int getPercentCritChanceMod() { return this.percentCritChanceMod; } public int getPercentCritDamageMod() { return this.percentCritDamageMod; } public int getPercentDodgeMod() { return this.percentDodgeMod; } public int getPercentEXPBonus() { return this.percentEXPBonus; } public int getPercentHPPoolMod() { return this.percentHPPoolMod; } public int getPercentHPRegenMod() { return this.percentHPRegenMod; } public int getPercentMagicResistMod() { return this.percentMagicResistMod; } public int getPercentMovementSpeedMod() { return this.percentMovementSpeedMod; } public int getPercentMPPoolMod() { return this.percentMPPoolMod; } public int getPercentMPRegenMod() { return this.percentMPRegenMod; } public int getPrice() { return this.price; } }