package; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.lilyproject.cli.BaseZkCliTool; import org.lilyproject.client.LilyClient; import org.lilyproject.repository.api.*; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.*; public class KeepAliveCheck extends BaseZkCliTool { private final static String NAME = "lily-keepalive-check"; private boolean keepAlive = false; private long timeout = 10000; private int numberOfAttempts = 3; private RecordId recordId; private LilyClient lilyClient; private ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); private Option keepAliveOption; private Option timeoutOption; private Option numberOfAttemptsOption; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new KeepAliveCheck().start(args); } @Override public List<Option> getOptions() { List<Option> options = super.getOptions(); keepAliveOption = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Send keep alive signal") .withLongOpt("keep-alive") .create("k"); timeoutOption = OptionBuilder .withArgName("timeout") .hasArg() .withDescription("Delay to check if connection is still alive") .withLongOpt("timeout") .create("t"); numberOfAttemptsOption = OptionBuilder .withArgName("attempts") .hasArg() .withDescription("Number of times to poll the lily server. At least 2") .withLongOpt("attempts") .create("a"); options.add(keepAliveOption); options.add(numberOfAttemptsOption); options.add(timeoutOption); return options; } @Override protected int processOptions(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception { int result = super.processOptions(cmd); if (result != 0) { return result; } keepAlive = cmd.hasOption(keepAliveOption.getOpt()); if (cmd.hasOption(timeoutOption.getOpt())) { timeout = Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(timeoutOption.getOpt())); Preconditions.checkArgument(timeout >= 1, "The timeout must be at least 1ms./"); } if (cmd.hasOption(numberOfAttemptsOption.getOpt())) { numberOfAttempts = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(numberOfAttemptsOption.getOpt())); Preconditions.checkArgument(numberOfAttempts >= 2, "The number of attempts must be at least 2"); } return 0; } @Override public int run(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception { init(); final ScheduledFuture<?> checkHandle = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new CheckTask(recordId, lilyClient), 5, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); executor.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { checkHandle.cancel(false); } }, (timeout * (numberOfAttempts - 1)) + 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); while (!checkHandle.isDone()) { try { checkHandle.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { return 1; } catch (CancellationException e) { System.out.println("Done."); } } return 0; } @Override protected void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); if (lilyClient != null) { System.out.println("Deleting record : " + recordId); try { lilyClient.getDefaultRepository().getDefaultTable().delete(recordId); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Closer.close(lilyClient); } executor.shutdown(); try { executor.awaitTermination(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void init() throws Exception{ // // Instantiate Lily client // lilyClient = new LilyClient(this.zkConnectionString, 20000, keepAlive); lilyClient.getRetryConf().setRetryMaxTime(5000); LRepository repository = lilyClient.getDefaultRepository(); LTable table = repository.getDefaultTable(); // // Create a schema // // We do this using the import library: this is easier than writing // out the schema construction code in Java, and automatically handles // the case where the schema would already exist (on second run of this app). // System.out.println("Importing schema"); InputStream is = KeepAliveCheck.class.getResourceAsStream("schema.json"); JsonImport.loadSchema(repository, is); is.close(); System.out.println("Schema successfully imported"); // // Create a record // System.out.println("Creating a record"); Record record = table.newRecord(); record.setId(repository.getIdGenerator().newRecordId()); record.setRecordType(q("Type1")); record.setField(q("field1"), "value1"); // We use the createOrUpdate method as that one can automatically recover // from connection errors (idempotent behavior, like PUT in HTTP). table.createOrUpdate(record); System.out.println("Record created: " + record.getId()); this.recordId = record.getId(); } private static class CheckTask implements Runnable { private final LilyClient client; private final RecordId recordId; public CheckTask(RecordId recordId, LilyClient client) { this.client = client; this.recordId = recordId; } @Override public void run() { try { LRepository repository = client.getDefaultRepository(); LTable table = repository.getDefaultTable(); System.out.print("Polling ... "); table.getVariants(recordId); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { System.out.println("Fail."); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { } System.out.println("Success."); } } private static QName q(String name) { return new QName("org.lilyproject.keepalivecheck", name); } @Override protected String getCmdName() { return NAME; } @Override protected String getVersion() { return org.lilyproject.util.Version.readVersion("org.lilyproject", "lily-keepalive-check"); } }