package lighthouse.utils; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.stage.*; import static lighthouse.utils.I18nUtil.*; public class AlertWindowController { public Label messageLabel; public Label detailsLabel; public Button okButton; public Button cancelButton; public Button actionButton; /** Initialize this alert dialog for information about a crash. */ public void crashAlert(Stage stage, String crashMessage) { // Load localized strings messageLabel.setText(tr("Unfortunately, we screwed up and the app crashed. Sorry about that!")); detailsLabel.setText(crashMessage); cancelButton.setVisible(false); actionButton.setVisible(false); okButton.setOnAction(actionEvent -> stage.close()); } /** Initialize this alert for general information: OK button only, nothing happens on dismissal. */ public void informational(Stage stage, String message, String details) { messageLabel.setText(message); detailsLabel.setText(details); cancelButton.setVisible(false); actionButton.setVisible(false); okButton.setOnAction(actionEvent -> stage.close()); } }