package io.dropwizard.metrics; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * A timer metric which aggregates timing durations and provides duration statistics, plus * throughput statistics via {@link Meter}. */ public class Timer implements Metered, Sampling { /** * A timing context. * * @see Timer#time() */ public static class Context implements AutoCloseable { private final Timer timer; private final Clock clock; private final long startTime; private Context(Timer timer, Clock clock) { this.timer = timer; this.clock = clock; this.startTime = clock.getTick(); } /** * Updates the timer with the difference between current and start time. Call to this method will * not reset the start time. Multiple calls result in multiple updates. * @return the elapsed time in nanoseconds */ public long stop() { final long elapsed = clock.getTick() - startTime; timer.update(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); return elapsed; } /** Equivalent to calling {@link #stop()}. */ @Override public void close() { stop(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Timer.Context[start_time=" + this.startTime + ", " + this.timer + ", " + this.clock + "]"; } } private final Meter meter; private final Histogram histogram; private final Clock clock; /** * Creates a new {@link Timer} using an {@link ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir} and the default * {@link Clock}. */ public Timer() { this(new HdrHistogramResetOnSnapshotReservoir()); } /** * Creates a new {@link Timer} that uses the given {@link Reservoir}. * * @param reservoir the {@link Reservoir} implementation the timer should use */ public Timer(Reservoir reservoir) { this(reservoir, Clock.defaultClock()); } /** * Creates a new {@link Timer} that uses the given {@link Reservoir} and {@link Clock}. * * @param reservoir the {@link Reservoir} implementation the timer should use * @param clock the {@link Clock} implementation the timer should use */ public Timer(Reservoir reservoir, Clock clock) { this.meter = new Meter(clock); this.clock = clock; this.histogram = new Histogram(reservoir); } /** * Adds a recorded duration. * * @param duration the length of the duration * @param unit the scale unit of {@code duration} */ public void update(long duration, TimeUnit unit) { update(unit.toNanos(duration)); } /** * Times and records the duration of an event. * * @param event a {@link Callable} whose {@link Callable#call()} method implements a process * whose duration should be timed * @param <T> the type of the value returned by {@code event} * @return the value returned by {@code event} * @throws Exception if {@code event} throws an {@link Exception} */ public <T> T time(Callable<T> event) throws Exception { final long startTime = clock.getTick(); try { return; } finally { update(clock.getTick() - startTime); } } /** * Times and records the duration of an event. * * @param event a {@link Runnable} whose {@link Runnable#run()} method implements a process * whose duration should be timed */ public void time(Runnable event) { long startTime = this.clock.getTick(); try {; } finally { update(this.clock.getTick() - startTime); } } /** * Returns a new {@link Context}. * * @return a new {@link Context} * @see Context */ public Context time() { return new Context(this, clock); } @Override public long getCount() { return histogram.getCount(); } @Override public double getFifteenMinuteRate() { return meter.getFifteenMinuteRate(); } @Override public double getFiveMinuteRate() { return meter.getFiveMinuteRate(); } @Override public double getMeanRate() { return meter.getMeanRate(); } @Override public double getOneMinuteRate() { return meter.getOneMinuteRate(); } @Override public Snapshot getSnapshot() { return histogram.getSnapshot(); } private void update(long duration) { if (duration >= 0) { histogram.update(duration); meter.mark(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Timer[count=" + this.getCount() + ", mean=" + this.getMeanRate() + ", 1m=" + this.getOneMinuteRate() + ", 5m=" + this.getFiveMinuteRate() + ", 15m=" + this.getFifteenMinuteRate() + " ]"; } }