/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. *******************************************************************************/ package com.liferay.ide.layouttpl.ui.actions; import com.liferay.ide.layouttpl.core.model.LayoutTplElement; import com.liferay.ide.layouttpl.ui.util.LayoutTemplatesFactory; import com.liferay.ide.ui.util.UIUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.Presentation; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.SapphireAction; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.SapphireActionHandler; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.SapphireActionHandlerFactory; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.def.ActionHandlerDef; import org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.def.ActionHandlerFactoryDef; /** * @author Kuo Zhang */ public class AddLayoutTemplateActionHandlerFactory extends SapphireActionHandlerFactory { private final static String ADD_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE_ACTION_ID = "LayoutTpl.Add.LayoutTemplate"; private final static String ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_I_ACTION_HANDLER_ID = "Add.Layout.1_2_I.ActionHandler"; private final static String ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_II_ACTION_HANDLER_ID = "Add.Layout.1_2_II.ActionHandler"; private final static String ADD_LAYOUT_2_2_ACTION_HANDLER_ID = "Add.Layout.2_2.ActionHandler"; private final static String ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_1_ACTION_HANDLER_ID = "Add.Layout.1_2_1.ActionHandler"; private boolean isBootstrapStyle; public AddLayoutTemplateActionHandlerFactory() { super(); } @Override public void init( SapphireAction action, ActionHandlerFactoryDef def ) { super.init( action, def ); isBootstrapStyle = getModelElement().nearest( LayoutTplElement.class ).getBootstrapStyle().content(); } @Override public List<SapphireActionHandler> create() { if( ADD_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE_ACTION_ID.equals( getAction().getId() ) ) { ArrayList<SapphireActionHandler> actionHandlers = new ArrayList<SapphireActionHandler>(); actionHandlers.add( new Add_Layout_1_2_I_ActionHandler() ); actionHandlers.add( new Add_Layout_1_2_II_ActionHandler() ); actionHandlers.add( new Add_Layout_2_2_ActionHandler() ); actionHandlers.add( new Add_Layout_1_2_1_ActionHandler() ); return actionHandlers; } return null; } private class Add_Layout_1_2_I_ActionHandler extends SapphireActionHandler { @Override public void init( SapphireAction action, ActionHandlerDef def ) { super.init( action, def ); setId( ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_I_ACTION_HANDLER_ID ); setLabel(); } protected void setLabel() { final String prefix = "Layout with 2 Rows "; if( isBootstrapStyle ) { super.setLabel( prefix + "(12, (4, 8))" ); } else { super.setLabel( prefix + "(100, (30, 70))"); } } @Override protected Object run( Presentation context ) { LayoutTplElement element = context.part().getModelElement().nearest( LayoutTplElement.class ); if( element.getPortletLayouts().size() == 0 || canOverride() ) { element.getPortletLayouts().clear(); LayoutTemplatesFactory.add_Layout_1_2_I( element ); } return null; } } private class Add_Layout_1_2_II_ActionHandler extends SapphireActionHandler { @Override public void init( SapphireAction action, ActionHandlerDef def ) { super.init( action, def ); setId( ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_II_ACTION_HANDLER_ID ); setLabel(); } protected void setLabel() { final String prefix = "Layout with 2 Rows "; if( isBootstrapStyle ) { super.setLabel( prefix + "(12, (8, 4))" ); } else { super.setLabel( prefix + "(100, (70, 30))"); } } @Override protected Object run( Presentation context ) { LayoutTplElement element = context.part().getModelElement().nearest( LayoutTplElement.class ); if( element.getPortletLayouts().size() == 0 || canOverride() ) { element.getPortletLayouts().clear(); LayoutTemplatesFactory.add_Layout_1_2_II( element ); } return null; } } private class Add_Layout_2_2_ActionHandler extends SapphireActionHandler { @Override public void init( SapphireAction action, ActionHandlerDef def ) { super.init( action, def ); setId( ADD_LAYOUT_2_2_ACTION_HANDLER_ID ); setLabel(); } protected void setLabel() { final String prefix = "Layout with 2 Rows "; if( isBootstrapStyle ) { super.setLabel( prefix + "((8, 4), (4, 8))" ); } else { super.setLabel( prefix + "((70, 30), (30, 70))"); } } @Override protected Object run( Presentation context ) { LayoutTplElement element = context.part().getModelElement().nearest( LayoutTplElement.class ); if( element.getPortletLayouts().size() == 0 || canOverride() ) { element.getPortletLayouts().clear(); LayoutTemplatesFactory.add_Layout_2_2( element ); } return null; } } private class Add_Layout_1_2_1_ActionHandler extends SapphireActionHandler { @Override public void init( SapphireAction action, ActionHandlerDef def ) { super.init( action, def ); setId( ADD_LAYOUT_1_2_1_ACTION_HANDLER_ID ); setLabel(); } protected void setLabel() { final String prefix = "Layout with 3 Rows "; if( isBootstrapStyle ) { super.setLabel( prefix + "(12, (6, 6), 12))" ); } else { super.setLabel( prefix + "(100, (50, 50), 100)"); } } @Override protected Object run( Presentation context ) { LayoutTplElement element = context.part().getModelElement().nearest( LayoutTplElement.class ); if( element.getPortletLayouts().size() == 0 || canOverride() ) { element.getPortletLayouts().clear(); LayoutTemplatesFactory.add_Layout_1_2_1( element ); } return null; } } private boolean canOverride() { return MessageDialog.openQuestion( UIUtil.getActiveShell(), "Warning", Msgs.addLayoutTplWarningMsg ); } private static class Msgs extends NLS { public static String addLayoutTplWarningMsg; static { initializeMessages( AddLayoutTemplateActionHandlerFactory.class.getName(), Msgs.class ); } } }