package com.mossle.disk.service; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import; import com.mossle.disk.persistence.domain.DiskInfo; import com.mossle.disk.persistence.manager.DiskInfoManager; import com.mossle.disk.util.FileUtils; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; @Service public class DiskService { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiskService.class); private DiskInfoManager diskInfoManager; private StoreConnector storeConnector; private InternalStoreConnector internalStoreConnector; /** * 显示对应用户,对应目录下的所有文件. */ public List<DiskInfo> listFiles(String userId, String parentPath) { String hql = "from DiskInfo where creator=? and parentPath=? and status='active' order by dirType"; return diskInfoManager.find(hql, userId, parentPath); } /** * 上传文件. */ public DiskInfo createFile(String userId, DataSource dataSource, String name, long size, String parentPath, String tenantId) throws Exception { String modelName = "disk/user/" + userId; String keyName = parentPath + "/" + name; StoreDTO storeDto = storeConnector.saveStore(modelName, keyName, dataSource, tenantId); String type = FileUtils.getSuffix(name); return this.createDiskInfo(userId, name, size, storeDto.getKey(), type, 1, parentPath); } /** * 新建文件夹. */ public DiskInfo createDir(String userId, String name, String parentPath) { internalStoreConnector.mkdir("1/disk/user/" + userId + "/" + parentPath + "/" + name); return this.createDiskInfo(userId, name, 0, null, "dir", 0, parentPath); } /** * 上传文件,或新建文件夹. */ public DiskInfo createDiskInfo(String userId, String name, long size, String ref, String type, int dirType, String parentPath) { if (name == null) {"name cannot be null"); return null; } name = name.trim(); if (name.length() == 0) {"name cannot be empty"); return null; } if (parentPath == null) { parentPath = ""; } else { parentPath = parentPath.trim(); } if (parentPath.length() != 0) { if (!parentPath.startsWith("/")) { parentPath = "/" + parentPath; } int index = parentPath.lastIndexOf("/"); String targetParentPath = parentPath.substring(0, index); String targetName = parentPath.substring(index + 1); String hql = "from DiskInfo where parentPath=? and name=?"; DiskInfo parent = diskInfoManager.findUnique(hql, targetParentPath, targetName); if (parent == null) {"cannot find : {} {} {}", parentPath, targetParentPath, targetName); return null; } } String hql = "select name from DiskInfo where creator=? and parentPath=?"; List<String> currentNames = diskInfoManager.find(hql, userId, parentPath); String targetName = FileUtils.calculateName(name, currentNames); Date now = new Date(); DiskInfo diskInfo = new DiskInfo(); diskInfo.setName(targetName); diskInfo.setType(type); diskInfo.setFileSize(size); diskInfo.setCreator(userId); diskInfo.setCreateTime(now); diskInfo.setLastModifier(userId); diskInfo.setLastModifiedTime(now); diskInfo.setDirType(dirType); diskInfo.setRef(ref); diskInfo.setStatus("active"); diskInfo.setParentPath(parentPath);; return diskInfo; } /** * 删除. */ public String remove(Long id) { DiskInfo diskInfo = diskInfoManager.get(id); if (diskInfo == null) { return ""; } diskInfo.setStatus("trash");; return diskInfo.getParentPath(); } /** * 判断是否重复. */ public boolean isDumplicated(String userId, String name, String path) { String hql = "from DiskInfo where creator=? and name=? and parentPath=?"; return diskInfoManager.findUnique(hql, userId, name, path) != null; } /** * 重命名. */ public String rename(String userId, Long id, String name) { DiskInfo diskInfo = diskInfoManager.get(id); String parentPath = diskInfo.getParentPath(); String type = FileUtils.getSuffix(name); String hql = "select name from DiskInfo where creator=? and parentPath=? and id!=?"; List<String> currentNames = diskInfoManager.find(hql, userId, parentPath, id); String targetName = FileUtils.calculateName(name, currentNames); diskInfo.setName(targetName); diskInfo.setType(type);; return parentPath; } /** * 移动. */ public String move(String userId, Long id, Long parentId) { DiskInfo diskInfo = diskInfoManager.get(id); String parentPath = diskInfo.getParentPath(); if (id == parentId) {"{} is equals {}", id, parentId); return diskInfo.getParentPath(); } if (parentId != 0) { DiskInfo parent = diskInfoManager.get(parentId); if (!"dir".equals(parent.getType())) {"{}({}) is not directory", parent.getParentPath() + "/" + parent.getName(), parentId); return diskInfo.getParentPath(); } String currentPath = diskInfo.getParentPath() + "/" + diskInfo.getName() + "/"; String checkedParentPath = parent.getParentPath() + "/"; if ("dir".equals(diskInfo.getType()) && checkedParentPath.startsWith(currentPath)) {"{}({}) is sub directory of {}({})", parent.getParentPath() + "/" + parent.getName(), parentId, diskInfo.getParentPath() + "/" + diskInfo.getName(), id); return diskInfo.getParentPath(); } diskInfo.setParentPath(parent.getParentPath() + "/" + parent.getName()); } else { diskInfo.setParentPath(""); } String name = diskInfo.getName(); String hql = "select name from DiskInfo where creator=? and parentPath=? and id!=?"; List<String> currentNames = diskInfoManager.find(hql, userId, parentPath, id); String targetName = FileUtils.calculateName(name, currentNames); diskInfo.setName(targetName);; return parentPath; } @Resource public void setDiskInfoManager(DiskInfoManager diskInfoManager) { this.diskInfoManager = diskInfoManager; } @Resource public void setStoreConnector(StoreConnector storeConnector) { this.storeConnector = storeConnector; } @Resource public void setInternalStoreConnector( InternalStoreConnector internalStoreConnector) { this.internalStoreConnector = internalStoreConnector; } }