package ldbc.snb.datagen.generator; import; import; import ldbc.snb.datagen.objects.Knows; import ldbc.snb.datagen.objects.Person; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import java.util.*; /** * Created by aprat on 11/15/14. */ public class ClusteringKnowsGenerator implements KnowsGenerator { Random rand; private ArrayList<Float> percentages = null; private int stepIndex = 0; private float targetCC = 0.0f; private int numMisses = 0; private int numCoreCoreEdges = 0; private int numCorePeripheryEdges = 0; private int numCoreExternalEdges = 0; private float min_community_prob_ = 0.0f; private class PersonInfo { public int index_; public long degree_; public long original_degree_; } private class Community { public long id_; public ArrayList<PersonInfo> core_; public ArrayList<PersonInfo> periphery_; public float p_ = 1.0f; } private class PersonInfoComparator implements Comparator<PersonInfo>{ public int compare(PersonInfo a, PersonInfo b) { if( a.degree_ != b.degree_ ) return (int)(b.degree_ - a.degree_ ); return a.index_ - b.index_; } } private class ClusteringInfo { public ArrayList<Boolean> is_core_ = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); public ArrayList<Double> core_node_expected_core_degree_ = new ArrayList<Double>(); public ArrayList<Double> core_node_excedence_degree_ = new ArrayList<Double>(); public ArrayList<Double> core_node_expected_periphery_degree_ = new ArrayList<Double>(); public ArrayList<Double> core_node_expected_external_degree_ = new ArrayList<Double>(); public ArrayList<Double> clustering_coefficient_ = new ArrayList<Double>(); public ArrayList<Long> community_core_stubs_ = new ArrayList<Long>(); public ArrayList<Float> community_core_probs_ = new ArrayList<Float>(); public ArrayList<Integer> core_nodes_ = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public ArrayList<Integer> community_id_ = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public float sumProbs = 0.0f; public int numCommunities = 0; ClusteringInfo( int size, ArrayList<Community> communities ) { for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { core_node_expected_core_degree_.add(0.0); core_node_excedence_degree_.add(0.0); core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.add(0.0); core_node_expected_external_degree_.add(0.0); is_core_.add(false); clustering_coefficient_.add(0.0); community_id_.add(0); } for( int i = 0; i < communities.size(); ++i) { community_core_stubs_.add(0L); community_core_probs_.add(0.0f); } int index = 0; for( Community c: communities) { for( PersonInfo pI : c.core_) { core_nodes_.add(pI.index_); is_core_.set(pI.index_, true); community_id_.set(pI.index_,index ); } for( PersonInfo pI : c.periphery_) { is_core_.set(pI.index_, false); community_id_.set(pI.index_,index ); } index++; } numCommunities = communities.size(); sumProbs = communities.size(); } } public ClusteringKnowsGenerator() { rand = new Random(); } private Community findSolution( ArrayList<Person> persons, int begin, int last) { ArrayList<PersonInfo> nodes = new ArrayList<PersonInfo>(); for (int i = begin; i < last + 1; ++i ) { Person p = persons.get(i); PersonInfo pInfo = new PersonInfo(); pInfo.index_ = i; pInfo.degree_ = Knows.target_edges(p,percentages,stepIndex); pInfo.original_degree_ = (long)(p.maxNumKnows()); nodes.add(pInfo); } Collections.sort(nodes, new PersonInfoComparator() ); ArrayList<PersonInfo> core = new ArrayList<PersonInfo>(); ArrayList<PersonInfo> periphery = new ArrayList<PersonInfo>(); for (PersonInfo pI : nodes ) { if(pI.degree_ >= core.size() ) { core.add(pI); } else { periphery.add(pI); } } return checkBudget(persons, core, periphery); } private ArrayList<Long> createInitialBudget( ArrayList<PersonInfo> core) { return createInitialBudget(core, 1.0f); } private ArrayList<Long> createInitialBudget( ArrayList<PersonInfo> core, float p ) { ArrayList<Long> budget = new ArrayList<Long>(); int coreSize = core.size(); for ( PersonInfo pI : core ) { budget.add(pI.degree_ - (long)((coreSize - 1)*p)); } return budget; } private Community checkBudget(ArrayList<Person> persons, ArrayList<PersonInfo> core, ArrayList<PersonInfo> periphery) { ArrayList<Long> temp_budget = createInitialBudget(core); Collections.sort(periphery, new PersonInfoComparator()); for(PersonInfo pI : periphery ) { long degree = pI.degree_; long remaining = degree; int i = 0; while(i < temp_budget.size() && remaining > 0) { if( temp_budget.get(i) > 0) { temp_budget.set(i, temp_budget.get(i) - 1); remaining -= 1; } ++i; } if (remaining > 0) { return null; } } Community community = new Community(); community.core_ = core; community.periphery_ = periphery; return community; } private void testCommunity(Community c) { for(PersonInfo pI : c.core_ ) { if(pI.degree_ < (c.core_.size() - 1)) System.out.println("Error in building communities\n"); } } private ArrayList<Community> generateCommunities( ArrayList<Person> persons) { ArrayList<Community> communities = new ArrayList<Community>(); int last = 0; int begin = 0; int end = persons.size(); int threshold = 5; while (last < end ) { int best = last; int numTries = 0; Community bestCommunity = null; while( numTries <= threshold && last < end ) { numTries++; Community community = findSolution(persons, begin, last); if( community != null ) { bestCommunity = community; numTries = 0; best=last; } last++; } bestCommunity.id_ = communities.size(); communities.add(bestCommunity); testCommunity(bestCommunity); last = best + 1; begin = last; } return communities; } private void computeCommunityInfo(ClusteringInfo cInfo, Community c, float prob) { long [] peripheryBudget = new long[c.periphery_.size()]; Collections.sort(c.periphery_, new PersonInfoComparator()); int index = 0; for (PersonInfo pI : c.periphery_) { peripheryBudget[index] = pI.degree_; index++; } // Initializing cInfo with expected degrees for (PersonInfo pI : c.core_) { cInfo.core_node_expected_core_degree_.set(pI.index_,(c.core_.size() - 1) * (double)prob); cInfo.core_node_excedence_degree_.set(pI.index_, pI.degree_ - cInfo.core_node_expected_core_degree_.get(pI.index_)); cInfo.core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.set(pI.index_, 0.0); } long remainingStubs = 0; for (PersonInfo pI : c.core_) { double pDegree = 0; double maxDegree = (cInfo.core_node_excedence_degree_.get(pI.index_)); for(index = 0; index < peripheryBudget.length; ++index) { if (peripheryBudget[index] != 0 && pDegree < maxDegree) { pDegree++; peripheryBudget[index]--; } } cInfo.core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.set(pI.index_, pDegree); double deg = ((pI.degree_ - cInfo.core_node_expected_core_degree_.get(pI.index_) - cInfo.core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.get(pI.index_))); cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.set(pI.index_, deg); remainingStubs += deg; } cInfo.community_core_stubs_.set((int)c.id_, remainingStubs); cInfo.community_core_probs_.set((int)c.id_, c.p_); } private void estimateCCCommunity( ClusteringInfo cInfo, Community c, float prob ) { computeCommunityInfo(cInfo, c, prob); float probSameCommunity = 0.0f; float probTriangleSameCommunity = 0.0f; long sumStubs = 0; int index = 0; for(Long l : cInfo.community_core_stubs_) { if(index != c.id_) { float p = l*l; probSameCommunity += p; probTriangleSameCommunity += p*cInfo.community_core_probs_.get(index); sumStubs+=l; } index++; } probSameCommunity /= (sumStubs*sumStubs); probTriangleSameCommunity /= (sumStubs*sumStubs); float probTwoConnected = 0.0f; for( Integer i : cInfo.core_nodes_ ) { double degree1 = cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(i); if(degree1 >= 1) { for (Integer ii : cInfo.core_nodes_) { if(cInfo.community_id_.get(i) != cInfo.community_id_.get(i)) { double degree2 = cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(ii); if (degree2 >= 1) probTwoConnected += degree1 * degree2 / (float) (2 * sumStubs * sumStubs); } } } } // Computing clustering coefficient of periphery nodes for (PersonInfo pI: c.periphery_) { if(pI.degree_ > 1) { cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.set(pI.index_, (double)pI.degree_*(pI.degree_-1)*prob/(pI.original_degree_*(pI.original_degree_-1))); //cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.set(pI.index_, (double)prob); //cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.set(pI.index_, 0.0); } } long [] peripheryBudget = new long[c.periphery_.size()]; index = 0; for(PersonInfo pI: c.periphery_) { peripheryBudget[index] = pI.degree_; index++; } // Computing clustering coefficient of core nodes for ( PersonInfo pI : c.core_ ){ int size = c.core_.size(); if( pI.degree_ > 1 ) { // core core triangles double internalTriangles = 0.0; double internalDegree = cInfo.core_node_expected_core_degree_.get(pI.index_); if(internalDegree >= 2.0) { internalTriangles = (internalDegree * (internalDegree - 1) * prob); } boolean enteredOffset = false; // core periphery triangles double peripheryTriangles = 0; long remainingDegree = pI.degree_; for(index = 0; index < peripheryBudget.length; ++index) { if(peripheryBudget[index] > 0) { peripheryBudget[index]--; remainingDegree--; if(c.periphery_.get(index).degree_ > 1) { peripheryTriangles += 2*(c.periphery_.get(index).degree_ - 1) * prob; } } if(remainingDegree == 0) break; } double external_triangles = 0.0; if(cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_) >= 2.0) { external_triangles += cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_) * (cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_) - 1) * probTriangleSameCommunity; external_triangles += cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_) * (cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_) - 1) * (1 - probSameCommunity) * probTwoConnected; } //double degree = finalInternalDegree; /*double degree = (cInfo.core_node_expected_core_degree_.get(pI.index_) + cInfo.core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.get(pI.index_) + cInfo.core_node_expected_external_degree_.get(pI.index_));*/ double degree = pI.original_degree_; //System.out.println("Internal Triangles: "+internalTriangles+" , degree: "+degree); if( degree >= 2.0 ) { cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.set(pI.index_, (internalTriangles+peripheryTriangles+external_triangles)/(degree*(degree-1))); } } } } float clusteringCoefficient(ArrayList<Community> communities, ClusteringInfo cInfo ) { float CC = clusteringCoefficient(communities, cInfo,true); return CC; } float clusteringCoefficient( ArrayList<Community> communities, ClusteringInfo cInfo, Boolean countZeros ) { float accum = 0.0f; int count = 0; for (Community c : communities) { for(PersonInfo pI : c.core_) { if(pI.degree_ > 0) { accum += cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.get(pI.index_); count++; } } for(PersonInfo pI : c.periphery_) { if(pI.degree_ > 0) { accum += cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.get(pI.index_); count++; } } } if(countZeros) { return accum / (float) cInfo.clustering_coefficient_.size(); } return accum / (float) count; } void refineCommunities( ClusteringInfo cInfo, ArrayList<Community> communities, float targetCC ) { float currentCC = clusteringCoefficient(communities, cInfo); int lookAhead = 5; int tries = 0; while( Math.abs(currentCC - targetCC) > 0.001 && tries <= lookAhead) { // System.out.println(currentCC); boolean found = false; tries+=1; if( currentCC < targetCC ) { found = improveCC(cInfo, communities); } else if( currentCC > targetCC){ found = worsenCC(cInfo, communities); } if( found ) { currentCC = clusteringCoefficient(communities, cInfo); tries = 0; } } System.out.println("Clustering Coefficient after refinement: " + currentCC); } float step(int n) { return 3.0f/(float)n; } boolean improveCC(ClusteringInfo cInfo, ArrayList<Community> communities) { ArrayList<Community> filtered = new ArrayList<Community>(); for(Community c : communities ) { if(c.p_ < 1.0f ) filtered.add(c); } if(filtered.size() == 0) return false; int index = rand.nextInt(filtered.size()); Community c = filtered.get(index); float step = step(c.core_.size()); c.p_ = c.p_ + step > 1.0f ? 1.0f : c.p_ + step; cInfo.sumProbs+=0.01; estimateCCCommunity(cInfo, c, c.p_); return true; } boolean worsenCC(ClusteringInfo cInfo, ArrayList<Community> communities) { ArrayList<Community> filtered = new ArrayList<Community>(); for(Community c : communities ) { if(c.p_ > min_community_prob_ ) filtered.add(c); } if(filtered.size() == 0) return false; int index = rand.nextInt(filtered.size()); Community c = filtered.get(index); float step = step(c.core_.size()); c.p_ = c.p_ - step < min_community_prob_ ? min_community_prob_ : c.p_ - step ; cInfo.sumProbs-=0.01; estimateCCCommunity(cInfo, c, c.p_ ); return true; } void createEdgesCommunityCore(ArrayList<Person> persons, Community c) { for ( PersonInfo pI : c.core_) { for( PersonInfo other: c.core_) { if(pI.index_ < other.index_ ) { float prob = rand.nextFloat(); if( prob <= c.p_ ) { // crear aresta if(Knows.createKnow(rand, persons.get(pI.index_), persons.get(other.index_))) numCoreCoreEdges++; else numMisses++; } } } } } void createEdgesCommunityPeriphery(ClusteringInfo cInfo, ArrayList<Person> persons, Community c) { //long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long [] peripheryBudget = new long[c.periphery_.size()]; int index = 0; for(PersonInfo pI: c.periphery_) { peripheryBudget[index] = pI.degree_; ++index; } for ( PersonInfo pI : c.core_ ) { double pDegree = 0; double maxDegree = cInfo.core_node_expected_periphery_degree_.get(pI.index_); for (index = 0; index < peripheryBudget.length; ++index ) { if( peripheryBudget[index] != 0 && pDegree < maxDegree) { pDegree++; peripheryBudget[index]--; if(Knows.createKnow(rand, persons.get(pI.index_), persons.get(c.periphery_.get(index).index_))) numCorePeripheryEdges++; else numMisses++; } } } for( PersonInfo pI : c.periphery_ ) { if(persons.get(pI.index_).knows().size() > pI.degree_ ) { System.out.println("ERROR"); } } //long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("Time to create core-periphery edges: "+(end-start)); } void fillGraphWithRemainingEdges(ClusteringInfo cInfo, ArrayList<Community> communities, ArrayList<Person> persons) { ArrayList<PersonInfo> stubs = new ArrayList<PersonInfo> (); LinkedList<Integer> indexes = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Integer ii = 0; for ( Community c : communities ) { for (PersonInfo pI : c.core_ ) { long diff = pI.degree_ - persons.get(pI.index_).knows().size(); if( diff > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < diff; ++i) { stubs.add(pI); indexes.add(ii++); } } } } Collections.shuffle(stubs,rand); Collections.shuffle(indexes,rand); while(indexes.size()>0) { int index = indexes.pop(); PersonInfo first = stubs.get(index); if(indexes.size() > 0) { int index2 = indexes.pop(); PersonInfo second = stubs.get(index2); // create edge if(persons.get(first.index_) == persons.get(second.index_)) { numMisses++; continue; } if(Knows.createKnow(rand, persons.get(first.index_), persons.get(second.index_))) numCoreExternalEdges++; else numMisses++; } } } public void generateKnows( ArrayList<Person> persons, int seed, ArrayList<Float> percentages, int step_index ) { long start, end; rand.setSeed(seed); this.percentages = percentages; this.stepIndex = step_index; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<Community> communities = generateCommunities(persons); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time to configure communities: "+(end-start)); ClusteringInfo cInfo = new ClusteringInfo( persons.size(), communities ); System.out.println("Number of generated communities: "+communities.size()); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for( Community c : communities ) { c.p_ = 1.0f; computeCommunityInfo(cInfo, c, 1.0f); } end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time to compute initial community information: "+(end-start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for( Community c : communities ) { c.p_ = 1.0f; estimateCCCommunity(cInfo, c, c.p_); } float maxCC = clusteringCoefficient(communities, cInfo); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("maxCC: "+maxCC); System.out.println("Time to compute maximum CC: "+(end-start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for( Community c : communities ) { c.p_ = 0.5f;//rand.nextFloat(); //c.p_ = rand.nextFloat(); estimateCCCommunity(cInfo, c, c.p_ ); } end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time to compute the initial solution: "+(end-start)); PersonGraph graph; boolean iterate; float fakeTargetCC = targetCC; int numIterations = 0; do { System.out.println("****** STARTING REFINEMENT ITERATION ******"); iterate = false; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); refineCommunities(cInfo, communities, fakeTargetCC); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time to refine communities: "+(end-start)); System.out.println("Creating graph"); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(Community c : communities ) { createEdgesCommunityCore(persons, c); createEdgesCommunityPeriphery(cInfo, persons, c); } fillGraphWithRemainingEdges(cInfo, communities, persons); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time to generate graph: "+(end-start)); graph = new PersonGraph(persons); System.out.println("Computing clustering coefficient"); double finalCC = 0; ArrayList<Double> clusteringCoefficient = GraphUtils.ClusteringCoefficientList(graph); int i = 0; for( Person p : persons) { long degree = graph.neighbors(p.accountId()).size(); long originalDegree = p.maxNumKnows(); if(originalDegree > 1) finalCC += clusteringCoefficient.get(i) * degree*(degree - 1) / (originalDegree*(originalDegree-1)); i++; } finalCC /= persons.size(); //double finalCC = GraphUtils.ClusteringCoefficient(graph); System.out.println("Clustering coefficient of the generated graph: "+finalCC); double delta = targetCC - finalCC; if( Math.abs( delta ) > 0.001 ) { resetStatistics(); for(Person person: persons) { person.knows().clear(); } if(delta > 0) fakeTargetCC += Math.abs(delta)*0.5f; else fakeTargetCC /= 2; System.out.println("New Fake targetCC: "+fakeTargetCC ); iterate = true; } numIterations++; System.out.println("****** FINISHED REFINEMENT ITERATION ******"); }while( iterate && numIterations < 20 ); int countMore = 0; int countLess = 0; int sumMore = 0; int sumLess = 0; int index = 0; int countDegreeZero = 0; for( Person p : persons ) { if(cInfo.is_core_.get(index)) { long target = Knows.target_edges(p, percentages, step_index); if (p.knows().size() > target) { sumMore += -target + p.knows().size(); countMore++; } else if (p.knows().size() < target) { //System.out.println(p.knows().size()+" "+target); sumLess += target - p.knows().size(); countLess++; } } if(p.knows().size() == 0) countDegreeZero++; ++index; } System.out.println("Number of iterations to converge: "+numIterations); System.out.println("Number of persons with more degree than expected: "+countMore); System.out.println("Sum of excess degree: "+sumMore); System.out.println("Number of persons with less degree than expected: "+countLess); System.out.println("Sum of degree missed: "+sumLess); System.out.println("Number of persons with degree zero: "+countDegreeZero); printStatistics(); } public void initialize( Configuration conf ) { targetCC = conf.getFloat("ldbc.snb.datagen.generator.ClusteringKnowsGenerator.clusteringCoefficient", 0.1f); System.out.println("Initialized clustering coefficient to "+targetCC); targetCC /= 2.0f; } public void resetStatistics() { numCoreCoreEdges = 0; numCorePeripheryEdges = 0; numCoreExternalEdges = 0; numMisses = 0; } public void printStatistics() { System.out.println("Number core-core edges: "+numCoreCoreEdges); System.out.println("Number core-periphery edges: "+numCorePeripheryEdges); System.out.println("Number core-external edges: "+numCoreExternalEdges); System.out.println("Number edges missed: "+numMisses); } }