/* * This file is part of LaTeXDraw. * Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Arnaud BLOUIN * LaTeXDraw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * LaTeXDraw is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. */ package net.sf.latexdraw.view.svg; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.text.ParseException; import net.sf.latexdraw.badaboom.BadaboomCollector; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.MathUtils; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.ShapeFactory; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ArrowStyle; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.BorderPos; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.Color; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.FillingStyle; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrowableShape; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ILine; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IPoint; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IRectangle; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IShape; import net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.LineStyle; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.CSSColors; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGAttributes; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGCircleElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGDefsElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGDocument; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGElements; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGGElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGLineElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGLinearGradientElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGMarkerElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGPathElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGPatternElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGRectElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGStopElement; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGTransform; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGTransformList; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.parsers.SVGLengthParser; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.parsers.URIReferenceParser; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.path.SVGPathSegLineto; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.path.SVGPathSegList; import net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.path.SVGPathSegMoveto; import net.sf.latexdraw.util.LNamespace; import net.sf.latexdraw.view.pst.PSTricksConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static java.lang.Math.toDegrees; /** * The generation or the importation of SVG parameters to a general LaTeXDraw shape. * @author Arnaud BLOUIN */ abstract class LShapeSVGGenerator<S extends IShape> { /** The shape model use for the generation. */ protected S shape; /** The beginning of the token used to declare a URL in an SVG document. */ protected static final String SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN = "url(#"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Creates the SVG generator. * @param sh The shape used for the generation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given shape is null. * @since 2.0 */ protected LShapeSVGGenerator(final S sh) { super(); if (sh == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); shape = sh; } /** * @return The SVG ID of the shape (starting with the token "id" followed by the number of the shape). * @since 2.0.0 */ public String getSVGID() { return "id" + shape.hashCode(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Applies the set of transformations that concerned the given SVG element to the shape. * @param elt The element that contains the SVG transformation list. * @since 2.0.0 */ public void applyTransformations(final SVGElement elt) { if(elt==null) return ; // The list of the transformations that are applied on the element. final SVGTransformList tl = elt.getWholeTransform(); for(int i = tl.size()-1; i>=0; i--) applyTransformation(tl.get(i)); } /** * Applies an SVG transformation on the shape. * @param t The SVG transformation to apply. * @since 2.0.0 */ public void applyTransformation(final SVGTransform t) { if(t!=null) switch(t.getType()) { case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE: getShape().rotate(ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint(t.getMatrix().getE(), t.getMatrix().getF()), Math.toRadians(t.getRotationAngle())); break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE: break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE: getShape().translate(t.getTX(), t.getTY()); break; default: BadaboomCollector.INSTANCE.add(new IllegalArgumentException("Bad transformation type: " + t.getType())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * When the arrows are read from an SVG document, we need to set the parameters of the first * arrow to the second arrow and vise et versa; because the arrows of a shape share the same * parameters. This method carries out this job. * @param ah1 The first arrow. * @param ah2 The second arrow. * @since 2.0.0 */ public void homogeniseArrows(final IArrow ah1, final IArrow ah2) { if(ah1==null || ah2==null) return ; homogeniseArrowFrom(ah1, ah2); homogeniseArrowFrom(ah2, ah1); } //FIXME scala trait protected static void setSVGArrow(final IArrowableShape shape, final SVGElement parent, final int arrowPos, final boolean isShadow, final SVGDocument doc, final SVGDefsElement defs) { final IArrow arrow = shape.getArrowAt(arrowPos); if(arrow.getArrowStyle()!=ArrowStyle.NONE) { final String arrowName = "arrow" + arrowPos + (isShadow ? "Shad-" : "-") + shape.hashCode(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ final SVGElement arrowSVG = new LArrowSVGGenerator(arrow).toSVG(doc, isShadow); arrowSVG.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_ID, arrowName); defs.appendChild(arrowSVG); parent.setAttribute(arrowPos==0 ? SVGAttributes.SVG_MARKER_START : SVGAttributes.SVG_MARKER_END, SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN + arrowName + ')'); } } /** * Copies the parameters of the first arrow to the second arrow (only * the parameters of the current style are copied). * @see #homogeniseArrows(IArrow, IArrow) * @param source The arrow that will be copied. * @param target The arrow that will be set. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void homogeniseArrowFrom(final IArrow source, final IArrow target) { if(source==null || target==null) return ; final ArrowStyle style = source.getArrowStyle(); if(style!=null && style!=ArrowStyle.NONE) if(style.isBar()) { target.setTBarSizeDim(source.getTBarSizeDim()); target.setTBarSizeNum(source.getTBarSizeNum()); } else if(style.isArrow()) { target.setArrowInset(source.getArrowInset()); target.setArrowLength(source.getArrowLength()); target.setArrowSizeDim(source.getArrowSizeDim()); target.setArrowSizeNum(source.getArrowSizeNum()); } else if(style.isRoundBracket()) { target.setRBracketNum(source.getRBracketNum()); target.setTBarSizeDim(source.getTBarSizeDim()); target.setTBarSizeNum(source.getTBarSizeNum()); } else if(style.isSquareBracket()) { target.setBracketNum(source.getBracketNum()); target.setTBarSizeDim(source.getTBarSizeDim()); target.setTBarSizeNum(source.getTBarSizeNum()); } else { target.setDotSizeDim(source.getDotSizeDim()); target.setDotSizeNum(source.getDotSizeNum()); } } /** * Sets the shadow parameters of the figure by using an SVG element having "type:shadow". * @param elt The source element. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGShadowParameters(final SVGElement elt) { if(elt==null || !shape.isShadowable()) return ; if(shape.isFillable()) { final String fill = elt.getFill(); if(fill!=null && !fill.equals(SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE) && !fill.startsWith(SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN)) shape.setShadowCol(CSSColors.INSTANCE.getRGBColour(fill)); }else { final Color strok = elt.getStroke(); if(strok!=null) shape.setShadowCol(strok); } final SVGTransformList tl = elt.getTransform(); SVGTransform t; double tx; double ty; boolean sSize = false; boolean sAngle = false; for(int i=0, size=tl.size(); i<size && (!sSize || !sAngle); i++ ) { t = tl.get(i); if(t.isTranslation()) { tx = t.getTX(); ty = t.getTY(); if(MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(ty, 0.) && !sSize) { // It is shadowSize. shape.setShadowSize(tx); sSize = true; } else { final IPoint gravityCenter = shape.getGravityCentre(); double angle; final double shSize = shape.getShadowSize(); if(MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(ty, 0.)) angle = tx<0. ? Math.PI : 0.; else if(MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(shSize, Math.abs(tx))) angle = ty>0. ? -Math.PI/2. : Math.PI/2.; else { angle = Math.acos(gravityCenter.distance(gravityCenter.getX()+tx+shSize, gravityCenter.getY())/ gravityCenter.distance(gravityCenter.getX()+tx+shSize, gravityCenter.getY()+ty)); if(tx+shSize<0) { if(ty<0.) angle = Math.PI - angle; else angle += Math.PI; } else if(ty>0.) angle *= -1; } shape.setShadowAngle(angle); sAngle = true; } } } shape.setHasShadow(true); } /** * Sets the double borders parameters of the figure by using an SVG element. * @param elt The SVG element. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGDbleBordersParameters(final SVGElement elt) { if(elt==null) return ; shape.setDbleBordSep(elt.getStrokeWidth()); shape.setDbleBordCol(elt.getStroke()); shape.setThickness((shape.getThickness()-shape.getDbleBordSep())/2.); shape.setHasDbleBord(true); } protected void setSVGLatexdrawParameters(final SVGElement elt) { if(elt==null) return ; if(shape.isBordersMovable()) { final String bp = elt.getAttribute(elt.getUsablePrefix(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI)+LNamespace.XML_BORDERS_POS); if(bp!=null) shape.setBordersPosition(BorderPos.getStyle(bp)); } } /** * Sets the global parameters of the figure by using an SVG element. * @param elt The SVG element. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGParameters(final SVGElement elt) { if(elt==null) return ; if(shape.isThicknessable()) shape.setThickness(elt.getStrokeWidth()); if(shape.isBordersMovable()) { final String bp = elt.getAttribute(elt.getUsablePrefix(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI)+LNamespace.XML_BORDERS_POS); if(bp!=null) shape.setBordersPosition(BorderPos.getStyle(bp)); } shape.setLineColour(elt.getStroke()); final String opacityStr = elt.getSVGAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_OPACITY, null); final Color lineCol = shape.getLineColour(); if(opacityStr!=null) try { shape.setLineColour(ShapeFactory.INST.createColor(lineCol.getR(), lineCol.getG(), lineCol.getB(), Double.valueOf(opacityStr)));} catch(final NumberFormatException ex) { BadaboomCollector.INSTANCE.add(ex); } if(shape.isLineStylable()) LShapeSVGGenerator.setDashedDotted(shape, elt.getStrokeDasharray(), elt.getStrokeLinecap()); if(shape.isFillable()) LShapeSVGGenerator.setFill(shape, elt.getFill(), elt.getSVGAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL_OPACITY, null), elt.getSVGRoot().getDefs()); CSSStylesGenerator.INSTANCE.setCSSStyles(shape, elt.getStylesCSS(), elt.getSVGRoot().getDefs()); } /** * Sets the given arrow head using the SVG arrow with the ID arrowID * @param ah The arrow head to set. * @param arrowID The SVG ID of the SVG arrow head. * @param elt An element of the SVG document (useful to get the defs of the document). * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGArrow(final IArrow ah, final String arrowID, final SVGElement elt, final String svgMarker) { if(ah==null || arrowID==null || elt==null) return ; final LArrowSVGGenerator arrGen = new LArrowSVGGenerator(ah); arrGen.setArrow((SVGMarkerElement)elt.getDef(new URIReferenceParser(arrowID).getURI()), getShape(), svgMarker); } /** * @param elt The source <code>g</code> element. * @param type The type of the latexdraw element (double borders, shadow, main), if null, the main element is returned. * @return The Researched element. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected SVGElement getLaTeXDrawElement(final SVGGElement elt, final String type) { if(elt==null) return null; final NodeList nl = elt.getChildNodes(); int i = 0; final int size = nl.getLength(); Node ltdElt = null; Node n; final String bis = elt.lookupPrefixUsable(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI); if(type==null) while(i<size && ltdElt==null) { n = nl.item(i); if(((SVGElement)n).getAttribute(bis+LNamespace.XML_TYPE)==null) ltdElt = n; else i++; } else while(i<size && ltdElt==null) { n = nl.item(i); if(type.equals(((SVGElement)n).getAttribute(bis+LNamespace.XML_TYPE))) ltdElt = n; else i++; } return (SVGElement)ltdElt; } /** * Sets the thickness of the given figure with the given SVG stroke-width. * @param shape The figure to set. * @param strokeWidth The SVG stroke-width to convert. * @param stroke The stroke. * @since 2.0.0 */ public static void setThickness(final IShape shape, final String strokeWidth, final String stroke) { if(shape==null || strokeWidth==null) return; if(!SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE.equals(stroke)) try{ shape.setThickness(new SVGLengthParser(strokeWidth).parseLength().getValue()); } catch(final ParseException e){ BadaboomCollector.INSTANCE.add(e); } } /** * Creates an SVG element from the current latexdraw shape. * @param doc The SVG document. * @return The created SVGElement or null. * @since 2.0.0 */ public abstract SVGElement toSVG(final SVGDocument doc); /** * @param elt Rotates the SVG element. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If elt is null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGRotationAttribute(final Element elt) { if(elt==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final double rotationAngle = shape.getRotationAngle(); final IPoint gravityCenter = shape.getGravityCentre(); if(!MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(rotationAngle%(2*PI), 0.)) { final double gcx = gravityCenter.getX(); final double gcy = gravityCenter.getY(); final double x = -Math.cos(-rotationAngle) * gcx + Math.sin(-rotationAngle) * gcy + gcx; final double y = -Math.sin(-rotationAngle) * gcx - Math.cos(-rotationAngle) * gcy + gcy; String transfo = elt.getAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_TRANSFORM); final String rotation = SVGTransform.createRotation(toDegrees(rotationAngle), 0., 0.) + " " +//$NON-NLS-1$ SVGTransform.createTranslation(-x, -y); if(transfo!=null && !transfo.isEmpty()) transfo = rotation + " " + transfo; //$NON-NLS-1$ else transfo = rotation; elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_TRANSFORM, transfo); } } /** * Sets the double borders parameters to the given SVG element if the current figure has double borders. * @param elt The element to set. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If elt is null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGDoubleBordersAttributes(final Element elt) { if(elt==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(shape.hasDbleBord()) { elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getDbleBordCol(), true)); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getDbleBordSep())); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE); elt.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_TYPE, LNamespace.XML_TYPE_DBLE_BORDERS); } } /** * * @param elt The element to set if the current figure has a shadow. * @param shadowFills True if a shadow must fill the figure. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If elt is null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGShadowAttributes(final Element elt, final boolean shadowFills) { if(elt==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(shape.hasShadow()) { final IPoint gravityCenter = shape.getGravityCentre(); final double gcx = gravityCenter.getX(); final double gcy = gravityCenter.getY(); final IPoint pt = ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint( gcx+shape.getShadowSize(), gcy).rotatePoint(shape.getGravityCentre(), -shape.getShadowAngle()); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_TRANSFORM, SVGTransform.createTranslation(shape.getShadowSize(), 0.) + " " + //$NON-NLS-1$ SVGTransform.createTranslation(pt.getX()-gcx-shape.getShadowSize(), pt.getY()-gcy)); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.hasDbleBord() ? shape.getThickness()*2+shape.getDbleBordSep() : shape.getThickness())); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, shadowFills || shape.isFilled() ? CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getShadowCol(), true) : SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getShadowCol(), true)); elt.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_TYPE, LNamespace.XML_TYPE_SHADOW); } } /** * Sets the SVG attribute of the current figure. * @param doc The original document with which, all the elements will be created. * @param root The root element of the document. * @param shadowFills True if a shadow must fill the figure. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the root or the "defs" part of the document is null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGAttributes(final SVGDocument doc, final SVGElement root, final boolean shadowFills) { if(root==null || doc.getFirstChild().getDefs()==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final SVGDefsElement defs = doc.getFirstChild().getDefs(); final FillingStyle fillStyle= shape.getFillingStyle(); // Setting the position of the borders. if(shape.isBordersMovable()) root.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE +':'+ LNamespace.XML_BORDERS_POS, shape.getBordersPosition().getLatexToken()); // Setting the thickness of the borders. if(shape.isThicknessable()) { LShapeSVGGenerator.setThickness(root, shape.getThickness(), shape.hasDbleBord(), shape.getDbleBordSep()); root.setStroke(shape.getLineColour()); if(shape.getLineColour().getO()<1.0) root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_OPACITY, String.valueOf((float) MathUtils.INST.getCutNumber(shape.getLineColour().getO()))); } // Setting the filling properties. if(shape.isFillable()) if((shape.isFilled() || shape.hasShadow() && shadowFills) && !shape.hasHatchings() && !shape.hasGradient()) { root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getFillingCol(), true)); if(shape.getFillingCol().getO()<1.0) root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL_OPACITY, String.valueOf((float) MathUtils.INST.getCutNumber(shape.getFillingCol().getO()))); } else // Setting the filling colour. if(fillStyle==FillingStyle.NONE) root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE); else // Setting the gradient properties. if(fillStyle==FillingStyle.GRAD) { final SVGElement grad = new SVGLinearGradientElement(doc); SVGStopElement stop; final String id = SVGElements.SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT + shape.hashCode(); final double gradMidPt = shape.getGradAngle()>PI || shape.getGradMidPt()<0 && shape.getGradMidPt()>-PI? 1-shape.getGradMidPt() : shape.getGradMidPt(); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_ID, id); if(!MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(shape.getGradAngle()%(2*PI), PI/2.)) { final Point2D.Float p1 = new Point2D.Float(); final Point2D.Float p2 = new Point2D.Float(); getGradientPoints(p1, p2, true); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_X1, String.valueOf(p1.x)); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_Y1, String.valueOf(p1.y)); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_X2, String.valueOf(p2.x)); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_Y2, String.valueOf(p2.y)); grad.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_GRADIENT_UNITS, SVGAttributes.SVG_UNITS_VALUE_USR); } // Setting the middle point of the gradient and its colours. if(!MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(gradMidPt, 0.)) { stop = new SVGStopElement(doc); stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_OFFSET, "0");//$NON-NLS-1$ stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STOP_COLOR, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getGradColStart(), true)); grad.appendChild(stop); } stop = new SVGStopElement(doc); stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_OFFSET, String.valueOf(gradMidPt)); stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STOP_COLOR, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getGradColEnd(), true)); grad.appendChild(stop); if(!MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(gradMidPt, 1.)) { stop = new SVGStopElement(doc); stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_OFFSET, "1");//$NON-NLS-1$ stop.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STOP_COLOR, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getGradColStart(), true)); grad.appendChild(stop); } defs.appendChild(grad); root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN + id + ')'); } else { // Setting the hatchings. if(shape.hasHatchings()) { final String id = SVGElements.SVG_PATTERN + shape.hashCode(); final SVGPatternElement hatch = new SVGPatternElement(doc); final SVGGElement gPath = new SVGGElement(doc); final IPoint max = shape.getFullBottomRightPoint(); final SVGPathElement path = new SVGPathElement(doc); root.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN + id + ')'); hatch.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_TYPE, shape.getFillingStyle().getLatexToken()); hatch.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_ROTATION, String.valueOf(shape.getHatchingsAngle())); hatch.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_SIZE, String.valueOf(shape.getHatchingsSep())); hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_PATTERN_UNITS, SVGAttributes.SVG_UNITS_VALUE_USR); hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_ID, id); hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_X, "0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_Y, "0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf((int)max.getX())); hatch.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf((int)max.getY())); gPath.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getHatchingsCol(), true)); gPath.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getHatchingsWidth())); gPath.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_DASHARRAY, SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE); path.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_D, getSVGHatchingsPath().toString()); gPath.appendChild(path); // Several shapes having hatching must have their shadow filled. if(shape.isFilled() || shape.hasShadow() && shadowFills) { final SVGRectElement fill = new SVGRectElement(doc); fill.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_FILL, CSSColors.INSTANCE.getColorName(shape.getFillingCol(), true)); fill.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE, SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE); fill.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf((int)max.getX())); fill.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf((int)max.getY())); hatch.appendChild(fill); } defs.appendChild(hatch); hatch.appendChild(gPath); } }//else if(shape.isLineStylable()) LShapeSVGGenerator.setDashedDotted(root, shape.getDashSepBlack(), shape.getDashSepWhite(), shape.getDotSep(), shape.getLineStyle().getLatexToken(), shape.hasDbleBord(), shape.getThickness(), shape.getDbleBordSep()); } /** * @return The path of the hatchings of the shape. * @since 2.0.0 */ public SVGPathSegList getSVGHatchingsPath() { final SVGPathSegList path = new SVGPathSegList(); if(!shape.hasHatchings()) return path; final String hatchingStyle = shape.getFillingStyle().getLatexToken(); final double hatchingAngle = shape.getHatchingsAngle(); final IRectangle bound = ShapeFactory.INST.createRectangle(shape.getFullTopLeftPoint(), shape.getFullBottomRightPoint()); switch(hatchingStyle) { case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_VLINES: case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_VLINES_F: getSVGHatchingsPath2(path, hatchingAngle, bound); break; case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_HLINES: case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_HLINES_F: getSVGHatchingsPath2(path, hatchingAngle > 0 ? hatchingAngle - Math.PI / 2. : hatchingAngle + Math.PI / 2., bound); break; case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_CROSSHATCH: case PSTricksConstants.TOKEN_FILL_CROSSHATCH_F: getSVGHatchingsPath2(path, hatchingAngle, bound); getSVGHatchingsPath2(path, hatchingAngle > 0 ? hatchingAngle - Math.PI / 2. : hatchingAngle + Math.PI / 2., bound); break; } return path; } /** * @see LShapeSVGGenerator#getSVGHatchingsPath() */ private void getSVGHatchingsPath2(final SVGPathSegList path, final double hAngle, final IRectangle bound) { if(path==null || bound==null) return; double angle2 = hAngle%(Math.PI*2.); final double halphPI = Math.PI/2.; final double hatchingWidth = shape.getHatchingsWidth(); final double hatchingSep = shape.getHatchingsSep(); final IPoint nw = bound.getTopLeftPoint(); final IPoint se = bound.getBottomRightPoint(); final double nwx = nw.getX(); final double nwy = nw.getY(); final double sex = se.getX(); final double sey = se.getY(); // Computing the angle. if(angle2>0.) { if(angle2>3.*halphPI) angle2 -= Math.PI * 2.; else if(angle2>halphPI) angle2 -= Math.PI; } else if(angle2<-3.*halphPI) angle2 += Math.PI * 2.; else if(angle2<-halphPI) angle2 += Math.PI; final double val = hatchingWidth+hatchingSep; if(MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle2, 0.)) // Drawing the hatchings vertically. for(double x = nwx; x<sex; x+=val) { path.add(new SVGPathSegMoveto(x, nwy, false)); path.add(new SVGPathSegLineto(x, sey, false)); } else // Drawing the hatchings horizontally. if(MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle2, halphPI) || MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle2, -halphPI)) for(double y = nwy; y<sey; y+=val) { path.add(new SVGPathSegMoveto(nwx, y, false)); path.add(new SVGPathSegLineto(sex, y, false)); } else { // Drawing the hatchings by rotation. final double incX = val/Math.cos(angle2); final double incY = val/Math.sin(angle2); final double maxX; double y1; double x2; final double y2; final double x1; if(angle2>0.) { y1 = nwy; maxX = sex + (sey-(nwy<0?nwy:0)) * Math.tan(angle2); } else { y1 = sey; maxX = sex - sey * Math.tan(angle2); } x1 = nwx; x2 = x1; y2 = y1; if(incX<0. || MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(incX, 0.)) return ; while(x2 < maxX) { x2 += incX; y1 += incY; path.add(new SVGPathSegMoveto(x1, y1, false)); path.add(new SVGPathSegLineto(x2, y2, false)); } } } /** * Gets the points needed to the gradient definition. The given points must not be null, there value will be set in the method. * @param p1 The first point to set. * @param p2 The second point to set. * @param ignoreMidPt True, gradientMidPt will be ignored. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If p1 or p2 is null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void getGradientPoints(final Point2D.Float p1, final Point2D.Float p2, final boolean ignoreMidPt) { if(p1==null || p2==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { final IPoint nw = shape.getTopLeftPoint(); final IPoint se = shape.getBottomRightPoint(); final double nwx = nw.getX(); final double nwy = nw.getY(); final double sex = se.getX(); final double sey = se.getY(); IPoint pt1 = ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint((nwx+sex)/2., nwy); IPoint pt2 = ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint((nwx+sex)/2., sey); double angle = shape.getGradAngle()%(2*PI); double gradMidPt = shape.getGradMidPt(); // Transforming the negative angle in a positive angle. if(angle<0.) angle = 2*PI + angle; if(angle>PI || MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle, PI)) { gradMidPt = 1 - shape.getGradMidPt(); angle -= PI; } if (MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle, 0.)) { // The gradient is vertical. if (!ignoreMidPt && gradMidPt < 0.5) pt1.setY(pt2.getY() - Point2D.distance(pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), (nwx + sex) / 2., se.getY())); pt2.setY(nwy + (sey - nwy) * (ignoreMidPt ? 1 : gradMidPt)); } else { if (MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle % (PI / 2.), 0.)) { // The gradient is horizontal. pt1 = ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint(nwx, (nwy + sey) / 2.); pt2 = ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint(sex, (nwy + sey) / 2.); if (!ignoreMidPt && gradMidPt < 0.5) pt1.setX(pt2.getX() - Point2D.distance(pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), sex, (nwy + sey) / 2.)); pt2.setX(nwx + (sex - nwx) * (ignoreMidPt ? 1 : gradMidPt)); } else { final IPoint cg = shape.getGravityCentre(); final ILine l2; final ILine l; pt1 = pt1.rotatePoint(cg, -angle); pt2 = pt2.rotatePoint(cg, -angle); l = ShapeFactory.INST.createLine(pt1, pt2); if (MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(angle, 0.) && angle > 0. && angle < PI / 2.) l2 = l.getPerpendicularLine(nw); else l2 = l.getPerpendicularLine(ShapeFactory.INST.createPoint(nwx, sey)); pt1 = l.getIntersection(l2); final double distance = Point2D.distance(cg.getX(), cg.getY(), pt1.getX(), pt1.getY()); l.setP1(pt1); final IPoint[] pts = l.findPoints(pt1, 2 * distance * (ignoreMidPt ? 1 : gradMidPt)); pt2 = pts[0]; if (!ignoreMidPt && gradMidPt < 0.5) pt1 = pt1.rotatePoint(cg, PI); } }//if(angle!=0) p1.setLocation(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY()); p2.setLocation(pt2.getX(), pt2.getY()); }catch(final Exception e) { p1.setLocation(0f, 0f); p2.setLocation(0f, 0f); } } /** * Sets the colour of the line of the shape with the given SVG stroke. * @param shape The shape to set. * @param stoke The stroke of the shape. * @param opacity The possible stroke-opacity of the colour. May be null. * @since 2.0.0 */ public static void setLineColour(final IShape shape, final String stoke, final String opacity) { if(shape!=null && stoke!=null) { final Color col = CSSColors.INSTANCE.getRGBColour(stoke); shape.setLineColour(col); if(opacity!=null) try { shape.setLineColour(ShapeFactory.INST.createColor(col.getR(), col.getG(), col.getB(), Double.valueOf(opacity)));} catch(final NumberFormatException ex) { BadaboomCollector.INSTANCE.add(ex); } } } /** * Sets the fill properties to the given figure. * @param shape The figure to set. * @param fill The fill properties * @param defs The definition that may be useful to the the fill properties (url), may be null. * @param opacity The possible fill-opacity of the colour. May be null. * @since 2.0.0 */ public static void setFill(final IShape shape, final String fill, final String opacity, final SVGDefsElement defs) { if(fill==null || shape==null || fill.equals(SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE)) return ; // Getting the url to the SVG symbol of the filling. if(fill.startsWith(SVG_URL_TOKEN_BEGIN) && fill.endsWith(")") && defs!=null) { //$NON-NLS-1$ final String uri = fill.substring(5, fill.length()-1); final SVGElement def = defs.getDef(uri); // A pattern means hatchings. if(def instanceof SVGPatternElement) { final SVGPatternElement pat = (SVGPatternElement)def; final Color c = pat.getBackgroundColor(); final String str = pat.getAttribute(pat.getUsablePrefix(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI)+LNamespace.XML_TYPE); double angle; double sep; final double width; final String attr; try { angle = Double.parseDouble(pat.getAttribute(pat.getUsablePrefix(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI)+ LNamespace.XML_ROTATION)); }catch(final Exception e) { angle = 0.; } attr = pat.getAttribute(pat.getUsablePrefix(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE_URI)+LNamespace.XML_SIZE); if(attr==null) sep = pat.getHatchingSep(); else try { sep = Double.parseDouble(attr); } catch(final Exception e) { sep = 0.; } if(PSTricksConstants.isValidFillStyle(str)) shape.setFillingStyle(FillingStyle.getStyleFromLatex(str)); if(!Double.isNaN(angle)) shape.setHatchingsAngle(angle); shape.setFilled(c!=null); shape.setFillingCol(c); shape.setHatchingsCol(pat.getHatchingColor()); if(!Double.isNaN(sep)) shape.setHatchingsSep(sep); width = pat.getHatchingStrokeWidth(); if(!Double.isNaN(width)) shape.setHatchingsWidth(width); } else // A linear gradient means a gradient. if(def instanceof SVGLinearGradientElement) { final SVGLinearGradientElement grad = (SVGLinearGradientElement)def; shape.setGradColStart(grad.getStartColor()); shape.setGradColEnd(grad.getEndColor()); shape.setFillingStyle(FillingStyle.GRAD); shape.setGradMidPt(grad.getMiddlePoint()); shape.setGradAngle(grad.getAngle()); } } else { // Just getting the filling colour. final Color c = CSSColors.INSTANCE.getRGBColour(fill); if(c!=null) { shape.setFillingCol(c); shape.setFilled(true); if(opacity!=null) try { shape.setFillingCol(ShapeFactory.INST.createColor(c.getR(), c.getG(), c.getB(), Double.valueOf(opacity)));} catch(final NumberFormatException ex) { BadaboomCollector.INSTANCE.add(ex); } } } } /** * Sets the figure properties concerning the line properties. * @param shape The figure to set. * @param dashArray The dash array SVG property. * @param linecap The line cap SVG property. * @since 2.0.0 */ public static void setDashedDotted(final IShape shape, final String dashArray, final String linecap) { if(shape==null || dashArray==null) return ; if(!dashArray.equals(SVGAttributes.SVG_VALUE_NONE)) if(linecap!=null && SVGAttributes.SVG_LINECAP_VALUE_ROUND.equals(linecap)) shape.setLineStyle(LineStyle.DOTTED); else shape.setLineStyle(LineStyle.DASHED); } /** * Sets the given thickness to the given SVG element. * @param elt The element to set. * @param thickness The thickness to set. * @param hasDoubleBorders True: the shape has double borders and it must be considered during the computation of the thickness. * @param doubleSep The size of the double borders. * @since 3.0 */ public static void setThickness(final SVGElement elt, final double thickness, final boolean hasDoubleBorders, final double doubleSep) { if(elt==null) return ; elt.setStrokeWidth(hasDoubleBorders ? thickness*2. + doubleSep : thickness); } /** * Sets the line style to the given SVG element. * @param elt The element to set. * @param blackDash The black dash of the line for dashed line style. * @param whiteDash The white dash of the line for dashed line style. * @param dotSep The separation between dots for dotted line style. * @param lineStyle The line style to set to the SVG element. * @param hasDoubleBorders True: the shape has double borders. * @param thickness The thickness to set to the element. * @param doubleSep The size of the double borders. * @since 3.0 */ public static void setDashedDotted(final Element elt, final double blackDash, final double whiteDash, final double dotSep, final String lineStyle, final boolean hasDoubleBorders, final double thickness, final double doubleSep) { if(elt==null) return ; if(lineStyle.equals(PSTricksConstants.LINE_DASHED_STYLE)) elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_DASHARRAY, blackDash + ", " + whiteDash);//$NON-NLS-1$ else if(lineStyle.equals(PSTricksConstants.LINE_DOTTED_STYLE)) { elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_LINECAP, SVGAttributes.SVG_LINECAP_VALUE_ROUND); elt.setAttribute(SVGAttributes.SVG_STROKE_DASHARRAY, 1 + ", " + //$NON-NLS-1$ (dotSep + (hasDoubleBorders ? thickness*2f + doubleSep : thickness))); } } /** * If a figure can move its border, we have to compute the difference between the PSTricks shape and the SVG shape. * @return The gap computed with the border position, the thickness and the double boundary. Or NaN if the shape cannot move * its border. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected double getPositionGap() { final double gap; if(!shape.isBordersMovable() || shape.getBordersPosition().getLatexToken().equals(PSTricksConstants.BORDERS_MIDDLE)) gap = 0.; else if(shape.getBordersPosition().getLatexToken().equals(PSTricksConstants.BORDERS_INSIDE)) gap = -shape.getThickness() - (shape.hasDbleBord() ? shape.getDbleBordSep() + shape.getThickness() : 0.) ; else gap = shape.getThickness() + (shape.hasDbleBord() ? shape.getDbleBordSep() + shape.getThickness() : 0.); return gap; } /** * Creates a line with the style of the 'show points' option. * @param doc The document owner. * @param thickness The thickness of the line to create. * @param col The colour of the line. * @param p1 The first point of the line. * @param p2 The second point of the line. * @param blackDash The black dash interval. * @param whiteDash The white dash interval. * @param hasDble Defines if the shape had double borders. * @param dotSep The dot interval. * @return The created SVG line or null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected static SVGLineElement getShowPointsLine(final SVGDocument doc, final double thickness, final Color col, final IPoint p1, final IPoint p2, final double blackDash, final double whiteDash, final boolean hasDble, final double dotSep, final double doubleSep) { if(doc==null) return null; final SVGLineElement line = new SVGLineElement(doc); if(p1!=null) { line.setX1(p1.getX()); line.setY1(p1.getY()); } if(p2!=null) { line.setX2(p2.getX()); line.setY2(p2.getY()); } line.setStrokeWidth(thickness); line.setStroke(col); LShapeSVGGenerator.setDashedDotted(line, blackDash, whiteDash, dotSep, PSTricksConstants.LINE_DASHED_STYLE, hasDble, thickness, doubleSep); return line; } /** * When a shape has a shadow and is filled, the background of its borders must be filled with the * colour of the interior of the shape. This method does not test if it must be done, it sets a * SVG element which carries out that. * @param elt The element that will be set to define the background of the borders. * @param root The root element to which 'elt' will be appended. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected void setSVGBorderBackground(final SVGElement elt, final SVGElement root) { if(elt==null || root==null) return ; elt.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE+':'+LNamespace.XML_TYPE, LNamespace.XML_TYPE_BG); elt.setFill(shape.getFillingCol()); elt.setStroke(shape.getFillingCol()); setThickness(elt, shape.getThickness(), shape.isDbleBorderable(), shape.getDbleBordSep()); root.appendChild(elt); } /** * Creates an SVG circle that represents a dot for the option 'show points'. * @param doc The document owner. * @param rad The radius of the circle. * @param pt The position of the point. * @param col The colour of the dot. * @return The created dot or null. * @since 2.0.0 */ protected static SVGCircleElement getShowPointsDot(final SVGDocument doc, final double rad, final IPoint pt, final Color col) { if(doc==null) return null; final SVGCircleElement circle = new SVGCircleElement(doc); circle.setR(rad); if(pt!=null) { circle.setCx(pt.getX()); circle.setCy(pt.getY()); } circle.setFill(col); return circle; } /** * @return the shape. * @since 2.0.0 */ public S getShape() { return shape; } }