package org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.impl; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.scope.NameHint; import com.intellij.psi.scope.PsiScopeProcessor; import; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.ClojurePsiElement; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.api.*; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.api.symbols.ClSymbol; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.impl.list.ListDeclarations; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.impl.ns.NamespaceUtil; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.resolve.ResolveUtil; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.util.ClojureKeywords; import org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.util.ClojurePsiUtil; import java.util.*; /** * @author ilya */ public abstract class ImportOwner { public static boolean processDeclarations(PsiElement self, PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place) { for (PsiElement element : self.getChildren()) { if (element instanceof ClList || element instanceof ClVector) { ClListLike directive = (ClListLike) element; final PsiElement first = directive.getFirstNonLeafElement(); if (first == null) return true; final String headText = first.getText(); if (!processImports(processor, place, directive, headText)) return false; if (!processUses(processor, place, directive, headText)) return false; if (!processRequires(processor, place, directive, headText)) return false; if (!processRefer(processor, place, directive, headText)) return false; } } return true; } /** * Require directive loads clojure namespaces * Syntax in namespace: * {Require in namespace} ::= '(' ':require' {Require Directive}* ')' * {Require Directive} ::= '(' {Prefix} {Name Directive}* ')' | * '[' {Prefix} {Name Directive}* ']' | * '[' {Namespace Qualified Name} ':as' {Identifier} ']' * {Namespace Qualified Name} * {Name Directive} ::= '[' {Namespace Name} ':as' {Identifier} ']' | * {Namespace Name} * * Examples: * (:require clojure.string) * (:require [clojure.string :as str]) * (:require (clojure.string)) * (:require (clojure string reflect)) * (:require (clojure [string :as str] reflect)) * * Syntax for function call is the same, you just can quote it (unquoted will not work in this case). * * Examples: * (require 'clojure.string) * (require '[clojure.string :as str]) * (require '(clojure.string)) * (require '(clojure string reflect)) * (require '(clojure [string :as str] reflect)) */ public static boolean processRequires(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, String headText) { final boolean isRequireKeyword = ClojureKeywords.REQUIRE.equals(headText); final boolean isRequireFunction = ListDeclarations.REQUIRE.equals(headText); if (isRequireKeyword || isRequireFunction) { if (processRequireInner(processor, place, child, isRequireKeyword, isRequireFunction)) return false; } return true; } private static boolean processRequireInner(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, boolean requireKeyword, boolean requireFunction) { for (PsiElement stmt : child.getChildren()) { if (requireKeyword && !checkRequireStatement(processor, place, child, stmt)) return true; if (requireFunction && stmt instanceof ClQuotedForm) { final ClojurePsiElement quotedElement = ((ClQuotedForm) stmt).getQuotedElement(); if (!checkRequireStatement(processor, place, child, quotedElement)) return true; } } return false; } private static boolean processReferInner(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, boolean referKeyword, boolean referFunction) { for (PsiElement stmt : child.getChildren()) { if (referKeyword && !checkReferStatement(processor, place, child, stmt)) return true; if (referFunction && stmt instanceof ClQuotedForm) { final ClojurePsiElement quotedElement = ((ClQuotedForm) stmt).getQuotedElement(); if (!checkReferStatement(processor, place, child, quotedElement)) return true; } } return false; } /** * (refer ns-symbol & filters) * filters: :only list of symbols * :exclude list of symbols * :rename map of from symbol to symbol * (refer '[clojure.string :exclude [replace reverse]]) * (refer '[clojure.string :rename {replace str-replace, reverse str-reverse}]) * (refer '[clojure.string :only [join split]]) */ public static boolean processRefer(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike directive, String headText) { final boolean isReferKeyword = ClojureKeywords.REFER.equals(headText); final boolean isReferFunction = ListDeclarations.REFER.equals(headText); if (isReferKeyword || isReferFunction) { if (processReferInner(processor, place, directive, isReferKeyword, isReferFunction)) return false; } return true; } /** * Use = refer + require */ public static boolean processUses(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike directive, String headText) { final boolean isUseKeyword = ClojureKeywords.USE.equals(headText); final boolean isUseFunction = ListDeclarations.USE.equals(headText); if (isUseKeyword || isUseFunction) { if (processRequireInner(processor, place, directive, isUseKeyword, isUseFunction)) return false; if (processReferInner(processor, place, directive, isUseKeyword, isUseFunction)) return false; } return true; } /** * Import directive imports Java classes. * Syntax in namespace: * {Import in namespace} ::= '(' ':import' {Import Directive}* ')' * {Import Directive} ::= '(' {Package} {Class Name}* ')' | * '[' {Package} {Class Name}* ']' | * {Class Qualified Name} * * Examples: * (:import java.util.Date) * (:import (java.util Date ArrayList)) * (:import [java.util Date ArrayList]) * * Syntax for function call is the same, you just can quote it. * * Examples: * (import 'java.util.Date) * (import java.util.Date) * (import '(java.util Date)) * (import '[java.util Date]) * (import (java.util Date ArrayList)) */ public static boolean processImports(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, String headText) { final boolean isImportKeyword = ClojureKeywords.IMPORT.equals(headText); final boolean isImportFunction = ListDeclarations.IMPORT.equals(headText); if (isImportKeyword || isImportFunction) { for (PsiElement stmt : child.getChildren()) { if (!checkImportStatement(processor, place, child, stmt)) return false; if (isImportFunction && stmt instanceof ClQuotedForm) { final ClojurePsiElement quotedElement = ((ClQuotedForm) stmt).getQuotedElement(); if (!checkImportStatement(processor, place, child, quotedElement)) return false; } } } return true; } private static boolean checkImportStatement(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, PsiElement stmt) { if (stmt instanceof ClSymbol) { if (!checkImportQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) stmt).getNameString())) return false; } else if (stmt instanceof ClVector || stmt instanceof ClList) { final ClListLike listLike = (ClListLike) stmt; final List<String> qualifiedNames = extractImportQualifiedNames(listLike); for (String qualifiedName : qualifiedNames) { if (!checkImportQualifier(processor, place, child, qualifiedName)) return false; } } return true; } private static boolean checkRequireStatement(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, PsiElement stmt) { if (stmt instanceof ClSymbol) { if (!checkRequireQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) stmt).getNameString())) return false; } else if (stmt instanceof ClVector && isSpecialVector((ClVector) stmt, ClojureKeywords.AS)) { ClVector vector = (ClVector) stmt; final ClSymbol[] symbols = vector.getAllSymbols(); if (symbols.length > 0) { final ClSymbol symbol = symbols[0]; if (!processVectorAliasSymbols(processor, vector, symbol)) return false; if (!checkRequireQualifier(processor, place, child, symbol.getNameString())) { return false; } } } else if (stmt instanceof ClVector || stmt instanceof ClList) { final ClListLike listLike = (ClListLike) stmt; if (!processRequireQualifiedNames(processor, place, child, listLike)) return false; } return true; } private static boolean checkReferStatement(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, PsiElement stmt) { if (stmt instanceof ClSymbol) { if (!checkReferQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) stmt).getNameString(), new ReferFilter())) return false; } else if (stmt instanceof ClVector && isSpecialVector((ClVector) stmt)) { ClVector vector = (ClVector) stmt; final ClSymbol[] symbols = vector.getAllSymbols(); if (symbols.length > 0) { final ClSymbol symbol = symbols[0]; final ReferFilter referFilter = collectReferFilter(vector, symbol); if (!checkReferQualifier(processor, place, child, symbol.getNameString(), referFilter)) { return false; } } } else if (stmt instanceof ClVector || stmt instanceof ClList) { final ClListLike listLike = (ClListLike) stmt; if (!processReferQualifiedNames(processor, place, child, listLike)) return false; } return true; } private static class ReferFilter { private List<String> excludes = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> only = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, ClSymbol> renames = new HashMap<String, ClSymbol>(); private void setHasOnly(boolean hasOnly) { this.hasOnly = hasOnly; } private boolean hasOnly = false; public void addExclude(String s) { excludes.add(s); } public void addOnly(String s) { only.add(s); } public void addRename(String from, ClSymbol to) { renames.put(from, to); } public List<String> getExcludes() { return excludes; } private List<String> getOnly() { return only; } private Map<String, ClSymbol> getRenames() { return renames; } public String accept(String name) { if (excludes.contains(name)) return null; if (!only.isEmpty() && !only.contains(name)) return null; final ClSymbol symbol = renames.get(name); return symbol == null ? name : symbol.getNameString(); } } private static ReferFilter collectReferFilter(ClVector vector, ClSymbol firstSymbol) { final ReferFilter result = new ReferFilter(); for (PsiElement child : vector.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof ClKeyword) { final String keywordName = ((ClKeyword) child).getName(); final boolean isOnly = keywordName.equals(ClojureKeywords.ONLY); final boolean isExclude = keywordName.equals(ClojureKeywords.EXCLUDE); final boolean isRename = keywordName.equals(ClojureKeywords.RENAME); if (isOnly || isExclude) { final PsiElement list = ClojurePsiUtil.getNextNonWhiteSpace(child); if (list instanceof ClVector || list instanceof ClList) { ClListLike listLike = (ClListLike) list; final ClSymbol[] symbols = listLike.getAllSymbols(); for (ClSymbol symbol : symbols) { if (isOnly) { result.addOnly(symbol.getNameString()); } else if (isExclude) { result.addExclude(symbol.getNameString()); } } } } else if (isRename) { final PsiElement map = ClojurePsiUtil.getNextNonWhiteSpace(child); if (map instanceof ClMap) { for (ClMapEntry entry : ((ClMap) map).getEntries()) { final ClojurePsiElement key = entry.getKey(); final ClojurePsiElement value = entry.getValue(); if (key instanceof ClSymbol && value instanceof ClSymbol) { result.addRename(((ClSymbol) key).getNameString(), (ClSymbol) value); } } } } } } return result; } private static boolean processVectorAliasSymbols(PsiScopeProcessor processor, ClVector vector, ClSymbol firstSymbol) { for (PsiElement child : vector.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof ClKeyword && ((ClKeyword) child).getName().equals(ClojureKeywords.AS)) { NameHint nameHint = processor.getHint(NameHint.KEY); final PsiElement symbol = ClojurePsiUtil.getNextNonWhiteSpace(child); if (symbol instanceof ClSymbol) { String alias = nameHint == null ? null : nameHint.getName(ResolveState.initial()); final String aliasName = ((ClSymbol) symbol).getName(); if (alias != null && alias.equals(aliasName)) { for (ResolveResult result : firstSymbol.multiResolve(false)) { final PsiElement element = result.getElement(); if (element instanceof PsiNamedElement) { PsiNamedElement namedElement = (PsiNamedElement) element; return processor.execute(namedElement, ResolveState.initial()); } } } else if (nameHint == null) { if (!processor.execute(symbol, ResolveState.initial())) return false; } } break; } } return true; } public static boolean isSpecialVector(ClVector vector) { return isSpecialVector(vector, ClojureKeywords.AS) || isSpecialVector(vector, ClojureKeywords.ONLY) || isSpecialVector(vector, ClojureKeywords.RENAME) || isSpecialVector(vector, ClojureKeywords.EXCLUDE); } public static boolean isSpecialVector(ClVector vector, String keyword) { for (PsiElement child : vector.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof ClKeyword && ((ClKeyword) child).getName().equals(keyword)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean checkImportQualifier(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, String qualifiedName) { final PsiClass clazz = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(child.getProject()). findClass(qualifiedName, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(place.getProject())); return !(clazz != null && !ResolveUtil.processElement(processor, clazz)); } private static boolean checkRequireQualifier(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, String qualifiedName) { //todo: See for more details //In current state we don't need to do any work here return true; } private static boolean checkReferQualifier(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, String qualifiedName, ReferFilter filter) { NameHint nameHint = processor.getHint(NameHint.KEY); String expectedName = null; if (nameHint != null) expectedName = nameHint.getName(ResolveState.initial()); for (PsiNamedElement element : NamespaceUtil.getDeclaredElements(qualifiedName, place.getProject())) { if (element != null) { final String name = element.getName(); final String newName = filter.accept(name); if (newName != null && (expectedName == null || expectedName.equals(newName))) { if (newName.equals(name)) { if (!ResolveUtil.processElement(processor, element)) return false; } else { if (!ResolveUtil.processElement(processor, element, ResolveState.initial().put(ResolveUtil.RENAMED_KEY, newName))) return false; } } } } return true; } private static List<String> extractImportQualifiedNames(ClListLike listLike) { final List<String> qualifiedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); final PsiElement fst = listLike.getFirstNonLeafElement(); if (fst instanceof ClSymbol) { PsiElement next = fst.getNextSibling(); while (next != null) { if (next instanceof ClSymbol) { ClSymbol clazzSym = (ClSymbol) next; qualifiedNames.add(((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString() + "." + clazzSym.getNameString()); } next = next.getNextSibling(); } } return qualifiedNames; } private static boolean processRequireQualifiedNames(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, ClListLike listLike) { final PsiElement fst = listLike.getFirstNonLeafElement(); if (fst instanceof ClSymbol) { PsiElement next = fst.getNextSibling(); while (next != null) { if (next instanceof ClSymbol) { ClSymbol clazzSym = (ClSymbol) next; if (!checkRequireQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString() + "." + clazzSym.getNameString())) { return false; } } else if (next instanceof ClVector) { ClVector vector = (ClVector) next; final ClSymbol[] symbols = vector.getAllSymbols(); if (symbols.length > 0) { final ClSymbol symbol = symbols[0]; if (isSpecialVector((ClVector) next, ClojureKeywords.AS) && !processVectorAliasSymbols(processor, vector, symbol)) return false; if (!checkRequireQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString() + "." + symbol.getNameString())) { return false; } } } next = next.getNextSibling(); } } return true; } private static boolean processReferQualifiedNames(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiElement place, ClListLike child, ClListLike listLike) { final PsiElement fst = listLike.getFirstNonLeafElement(); if (fst instanceof ClSymbol) { PsiElement next = fst.getNextSibling(); boolean isSimple = true; while (next != null) { if (next instanceof ClSymbol) { isSimple = false; ClSymbol clazzSym = (ClSymbol) next; if (!checkReferQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString() + "." + clazzSym.getNameString(), new ReferFilter())) { return false; } } else if (next instanceof ClVector) { isSimple = false; ClVector vector = (ClVector) next; final ClSymbol[] symbols = vector.getAllSymbols(); if (symbols.length > 0) { final ClSymbol symbol = symbols[0]; ReferFilter filter = collectReferFilter(vector, symbol); if (!checkReferQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString() + "." + symbol.getNameString(), filter)) { return false; } } } if (isSimple && listLike instanceof ClVector) { if (!checkReferQualifier(processor, place, child, ((ClSymbol) fst).getNameString(), new ReferFilter())) return false; } next = next.getNextSibling(); } } return true; } }