package lia.admin; /** * Copyright Manning Publications Co. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific lan */ import; import; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import; // From chapter 11 /** Utility class to get/refresh searchers when you are * using multiple threads. */ public class SearcherManager { private IndexSearcher currentSearcher; //A private IndexWriter writer; public SearcherManager(Directory dir) throws IOException { //1 currentSearcher = new IndexSearcher(; //B warm(currentSearcher); } public SearcherManager(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException { //2 this.writer = writer; currentSearcher = new IndexSearcher(writer.getReader()); //C warm(currentSearcher); writer.setMergedSegmentWarmer( // 3 new IndexWriter.IndexReaderWarmer() { // 3 public void warm(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { // 3 SearcherManager.this.warm(new IndexSearcher(reader)); // 3 } // 3 }); // 3 } public void warm(IndexSearcher searcher) // D throws IOException // D {} // D private boolean reopening; private synchronized void startReopen() throws InterruptedException { while (reopening) { wait(); } reopening = true; } private synchronized void doneReopen() { reopening = false; notifyAll(); } public void maybeReopen() //E throws InterruptedException, //E IOException { //E startReopen(); try { final IndexSearcher searcher = get(); try { IndexReader newReader = currentSearcher.getIndexReader().reopen(); if (newReader != currentSearcher.getIndexReader()) { IndexSearcher newSearcher = new IndexSearcher(newReader); if (writer == null) { warm(newSearcher); } swapSearcher(newSearcher); } } finally { release(searcher); } } finally { doneReopen(); } } public synchronized IndexSearcher get() { //F currentSearcher.getIndexReader().incRef(); return currentSearcher; } public synchronized void release(IndexSearcher searcher) //G throws IOException { searcher.getIndexReader().decRef(); } private synchronized void swapSearcher(IndexSearcher newSearcher) throws IOException { release(currentSearcher); currentSearcher = newSearcher; } public void close() throws IOException { swapSearcher(null); } } /* #A Current IndexSearcher #B Create searcher from Directory #C Create searcher from near-real-time reader #D Implement in subclass #E Reopen searcher #F Returns current searcher #G Release searcher */