package scrum.client.project; import ilarkesto.core.scope.Scope; import ilarkesto.gwt.client.Date; import ilarkesto.gwt.client.Gwt; import ilarkesto.gwt.client.HyperlinkWidget; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import scrum.client.ScrumGwt; import scrum.client.admin.Auth; import scrum.client.admin.User; import scrum.client.collaboration.ForumSupport; import scrum.client.common.ReferenceSupport; import scrum.client.common.ShowEntityAction; import scrum.client.estimation.RequirementEstimationVote; import scrum.client.impediments.Impediment; import scrum.client.issues.Issue; import scrum.client.sprint.Sprint; import scrum.client.sprint.Task; import; public class Requirement extends GRequirement implements ReferenceSupport, ForumSupport { public static final String REFERENCE_PREFIX = "sto"; public static String[] WORK_ESTIMATION_VALUES = new String[] { "", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "5", "8", "13", "20", "40", "100" }; private transient EstimationBar estimationBar; private transient Comparator<Task> tasksOrderComparator; public Requirement(Project project) { setProject(project); setDirty(true); } public Requirement(Issue issue) { setProject(issue.getProject()); setLabel(issue.getLabel()); setDescription(issue.getDescription()); } public Requirement(Map data) { super(data); } public boolean isDecidable() { if (!isTasksClosed()) return false; if (getRejectDate() != null) return false; return true; } public boolean isRejected() { if (isClosed()) return false; if (!isTasksClosed()) return false; if (!isInCurrentSprint()) return false; return getRejectDate() != null; } public void reject() { setRejectDate(; } public void fix() { setRejectDate(null); } public String getEstimatedWorkAsString() { Float work = getEstimatedWork(); if (work == null) return null; if (work <= 0.5f) return work.toString(); return String.valueOf(work.intValue()); } public String getEstimatedWorkWithUnit() { String work = getEstimatedWorkAsString(); return work == null ? null : work + " " + getProject().getEffortUnit(); } public List<RequirementEstimationVote> getEstimationVotes() { return getDao().getRequirementEstimationVotesByRequirement(this); } public boolean containsWorkEstimationVotes() { for (RequirementEstimationVote vote : getEstimationVotes()) { if (vote.getEstimatedWork() != null) return true; } return false; } public RequirementEstimationVote getEstimationVote(User user) { for (RequirementEstimationVote vote : getEstimationVotes()) { if (vote.isUser(user)) return vote; } return null; } public void setVote(Float estimatedWork) { RequirementEstimationVote vote = getEstimationVote(Scope.get().getComponent(Auth.class).getUser()); if (vote == null) throw new IllegalStateException("vote == null"); vote.setEstimatedWork(estimatedWork); if (estimatedWork != null && isWorkEstimationVotingComplete()) activateWorkEstimationVotingShowoff(); } public boolean isWorkEstimationVotingComplete() { for (User user : getProject().getTeamMembers()) { RequirementEstimationVote vote = getEstimationVote(user); if (vote == null || vote.getEstimatedWork() == null) return false; } return true; } public void deactivateWorkEstimationVoting() { setWorkEstimationVotingActive(false); } public void activateWorkEstimationVotingShowoff() { setWorkEstimationVotingShowoff(true); } public String getTaskStatusLabel() { int burned = Task.sumBurnedWork(getTasks()); int remaining = Task.sumRemainingWork(getTasks()); if (remaining == 0) return "100% completed, " + burned + " hrs burned"; int burnedPercent = Gwt.percent(burned + remaining, burned); return burnedPercent + "% completed, " + remaining + " hrs left"; } public void setEstimationBar(EstimationBar estimationBar) { this.estimationBar = estimationBar; } public EstimationBar getEstimationBar() { return estimationBar; } public boolean isValidForSprint() { if (!isEstimatedWorkValid()) return false; return true; } public boolean isEstimatedWorkValid() { return !isDirty() && getEstimatedWork() != null; } public String getLongLabel() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getLabel()); if (!isEstimatedWorkValid()) sb.append(" [requires estimation]"); if (isInCurrentSprint()) sb.append(" [In Sprint]"); return sb.toString(); } public boolean isInCurrentSprint() { return isSprintSet() && getProject().isCurrentSprint(getSprint()); } public String getReferenceAndLabel() { return getReference() + " " + getLabel(); } public String getReference() { return REFERENCE_PREFIX + getNumber(); } /** * No tasks created yet. */ public boolean isPlanned() { return !getTasks().isEmpty(); } /** * All tasks are done. Not closed yet. */ public boolean isTasksClosed() { Collection<Task> tasks = getTasks(); if (tasks.isEmpty()) return false; for (Task task : tasks) { if (!task.isClosed()) return false; } return true; } /** * Summary to show in the product backlog. */ public String getProductBacklogSummary() { String summary = isDirty() ? "[dirty] " : "[not dirty] "; if (isClosed()) return summary += "Closed."; if (isTasksClosed()) return summary += "Done. Test required."; if (getEstimatedWork() == null) return summary += "No effort estimated."; if (!isSprintSet()) return summary += getEstimatedWorkWithUnit() + " to do. No sprint assigned."; Sprint sprint = getSprint(); return summary += getEstimatedWorkWithUnit() + " to do in sprint " + sprint.getLabel() + "."; } /** * Summary to show in the sprint backlog. */ public String getSprintBacklogSummary() { if (isClosed()) return "Closed."; if (!isPlanned()) return "Not planned yet."; if (isTasksClosed()) return "Done. Test required."; int taskCount = 0; int openTaskCount = 0; int effort = 0; for (Task task : getTasks()) { taskCount++; if (!task.isClosed()) { openTaskCount++; effort += task.getRemainingWork(); } } return openTaskCount + " of " + taskCount + " Tasks open. About " + effort + " hours to do."; } public int getBurnedWorkInClosedTasks() { return Task.sumBurnedWork(getClosedTasks()); } public int getBurnedWork() { return Task.sumBurnedWork(getTasks()); } public int getBurnedWorkInClaimedTasks() { return Task.sumBurnedWork(getClaimedTasks()); } public int getRemainingWorkInClaimedTasks() { return Task.sumRemainingWork(getClaimedTasks()); } public int getRemainingWorkInUnclaimedTasks() { return Task.sumRemainingWork(getUnclaimedTasks()); } public int getRemainingWork() { return Task.sumRemainingWork(getTasks()); } public List<Task> getClaimedTasks() { List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Task task : getTasks()) { if (task.isOwnerSet() && !task.isClosed()) ret.add(task); } return ret; } public List<Task> getClaimedTasks(User owner) { List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Task task : getTasks()) { if (task.isOwner(owner) && !task.isClosed()) ret.add(task); } return ret; } public List<Task> getClosedTasks() { List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Task task : getTasks()) { if (task.isClosed()) ret.add(task); } return ret; } public List<Task> getUnclaimedTasks() { List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Task task : getTasks()) { if (task.isClosed() || task.isOwnerSet()) continue; ret.add(task); } return ret; } public List<Task> getTasksBlockedBy(Impediment impediment) { List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Task task : getTasks()) { if (task.isImpediment(impediment)) ret.add(task); } return ret; } public List<Task> getTasks() { return getDao().getTasksByRequirement(this); } public static int sumBurnedWork(Iterable<Requirement> requirements) { int sum = 0; for (Requirement requirement : requirements) { sum += requirement.getBurnedWork(); } return sum; } public Task createNewTask() { Task task = new Task(this); getDao().createTask(task); updateTasksOrder(); return task; } public void deleteTask(Task task) { getDao().deleteTask(task); } @Override public boolean isEditable() { if (isInCurrentSprint()) return false; if (!getProject().isProductOwner(Scope.get().getComponent(Auth.class).getUser())) return false; return true; } @Override public String toHtml() { return ScrumGwt.toHtml(getReference(), getLabel()); } @Override public String toString() { return getReferenceAndLabel(); } @Override public Widget createForumItemWidget() { return new HyperlinkWidget(new ShowEntityAction(this, getLabel())); } private void updateTasksOrder() { List<Task> tasks = getTasks(); Collections.sort(tasks, getTasksOrderComparator()); updateTasksOrder(tasks); } public void updateTasksOrder(List<Task> tasks) { setTasksOrderIds(Gwt.getIdsAsList(tasks)); } public Comparator<Task> getTasksOrderComparator() { if (tasksOrderComparator == null) tasksOrderComparator = new Comparator<Task>() { @Override public int compare(Task a, Task b) { List<String> order = getTasksOrderIds(); int additional = order.size(); int ia = order.indexOf(a.getId()); if (ia < 0) { ia = additional; additional++; } int ib = order.indexOf(b.getId()); if (ib < 0) { ib = additional; additional++; } return ia - ib; } }; return tasksOrderComparator; } }