package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.enilink.commons.iterator.IMap; import net.enilink.komma.core.Bindings; import net.enilink.komma.core.IBindings; import net.enilink.komma.core.IDialect; import net.enilink.komma.core.IEntity; import net.enilink.komma.core.IEntityManager; import net.enilink.komma.core.IQuery; import net.enilink.komma.core.IReference; import net.enilink.komma.core.QueryFragment; import net.enilink.komma.core.URI; import net.enilink.komma.em.util.ISparqlConstants; import net.enilink.komma.model.IObject; import net.enilink.vocab.rdf.RDF; public class ResourceFinder { private static Pattern ESCAPE_CHARS = Pattern.compile("[\\[.{(*+?^$|]"); public static class Options { final IEntityManager em; final IEntity subject; final IReference predicate; final IReference type; final String pattern; final int limit; Options(IEntityManager em, IEntity subject, IReference predicate, IReference type, String pattern, int limit) { this.em = em; this.subject = subject; this.predicate = predicate; this.type = type; this.pattern = pattern.trim(); this.limit = limit; } public static Options create(IEntityManager em, IReference type, String pattern, int limit) { return new Options(em, null, null, type, pattern, limit); } public static Options create(IEntity subject, String pattern, int limit) { return new Options(subject.getEntityManager(), subject, null, null, pattern, limit); } public Options forPredicate(IReference predicate) { return new Options(em, subject, predicate, type, pattern, limit); } public Options ofType(IReference type) { return new Options(em, subject, predicate, type, pattern, limit); } public Options anyType() { return new Options(em, subject, null, null, pattern, limit); } } public static class Match { public final IEntity resource; public final boolean inGraph; public final boolean matchesRange; public Match(IEntity resource, boolean inGraph, boolean matchesRange) { this.resource = resource; this.inGraph = inGraph; this.matchesRange = matchesRange; } public int score() { return 0 + (matchesRange ? 1000 : 0) + (inGraph ? 1 : 0); } } public Iterable<Match> findAnyResources(Options options) { Map<IEntity, Match> matches = new LinkedHashMap<>(options.limit); Iterator<Match> restricted = findRestrictedResources(options) .iterator(); while (restricted.hasNext() && matches.size() < options.limit) { Match match =; matches.put(match.resource, match); } if (options.predicate != null && matches.size() < options.limit) { // find resource without consideration of ranges Iterator<Match> fallback = findRestrictedResources( options.anyType()).iterator(); while (fallback.hasNext() && matches.size() < options.limit) { Match match =; if (!matches.containsKey(match.resource)) { matches.put(match.resource, match); } } } return matches.values(); } public Iterable<Match> findRestrictedResources(Options options) { Map<IReference, Match> matches = new LinkedHashMap<>(options.limit); IEntity subject = options.subject; String pattern = options.pattern; IReference predicate = options.predicate; IReference type = options.type; if (!pattern.contains(":") && subject != null) { // find resources within the current model first for (Match match : retrieve(options.em, subject, predicate, type, pattern, toUriRegex(pattern), null, ((IObject) subject) .getModel().getURI(), options.limit)) { matches.put(match.resource, match); } } if (matches.size() < options.limit) { // additionally, if limit not exceeded, find resources from other // namespaces String uriPattern = pattern; String uriNamespace = null; if (!pattern.matches(".*[#/].*")) { int colonIndex = pattern.lastIndexOf(':'); if (colonIndex == 0) { pattern = pattern.substring(1); } else if (colonIndex > 0) { String prefix = pattern.substring(0, colonIndex); URI namespaceUri = options.em.getNamespace(prefix); if (namespaceUri != null) { uriNamespace = namespaceUri.toString(); pattern = pattern.substring(colonIndex + 1); } } uriPattern = toUriRegex(pattern); } Iterator<Match> fallback = retrieve(options.em, subject, predicate, type, pattern, uriPattern, uriNamespace, null, options.limit).iterator(); while (fallback.hasNext() && matches.size() < options.limit) { Match match =; if (!matches.containsKey(match.resource)) { matches.put(match.resource, match); } } } return matches.values(); } private String[] split(String s, String pattern) { List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(s .split(pattern))); while (tokens.remove("")) ; return tokens.toArray(new String[tokens.size()]); } protected List<Match> retrieve(IEntityManager em, IEntity subject, final IReference predicate, IReference type, String pattern, String uriPattern, String namespace, final URI graph, int limit) { // System.out.println("retrieve(" // + Arrays.asList(predicate, type, pattern, uriPattern, // namespace, graph, limit) + ")"); StringBuilder sparql = new StringBuilder(ISparqlConstants.PREFIX + "SELECT DISTINCT ?s "); boolean findPredicate = predicate == null && RDF.TYPE_PROPERTY.equals(type); if (findPredicate) { sparql.append("?prio WHERE { "); sparql.append("?s a [rdfs:subClassOf* rdf:Property] . "); sparql.append("optional { "); sparql.append("filter bound(?subject) . "); sparql.append("{ ?subject a [ rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty ?s ] ] } "); sparql.append("union { ?subject a ?subjectType . ?s rdfs:domain ?subjectType filter (?subjectType != owl:Thing && ?subjectType != rdfs:Resource) } "); sparql.append("bind ( 1 as ?prio) }"); } else { sparql.append("WHERE { "); if (type != null || predicate != null) { sparql.append("?s a ?sType ."); } if (predicate != null) { sparql.append("{ ?property rdfs:range ?sType FILTER (?sType != owl:Thing) }"); sparql.append(" UNION "); sparql.append("{ ?subject a [rdfs:subClassOf ?r] . ?r owl:onProperty ?property { ?r owl:allValuesFrom ?sType } UNION { ?r owl:someValuesFrom ?sType }}"); } } if (graph != null) { sparql.append(" graph ?graph {\n"); } QueryFragment searchS = null, searchL = null; if (pattern.trim().isEmpty()) { sparql.append("?s ?p ?o . "); } else { IDialect dialect = em.getFactory().getDialect(); searchS = dialect.fullTextSearch(Arrays.asList("s"), IDialect.ALL, split(pattern, "\\s*[#/]\\s*")); searchL = dialect.fullTextSearch(Arrays.asList("l"), IDialect.DEFAULT, pattern); sparql.append("{ ?s ?p ?o . " + searchS); sparql.append(" FILTER regex(str(?s), ?uriPattern)"); sparql.append(" }"); sparql.append(" UNION "); sparql.append("{ "); sparql.append("?s rdfs:label ?l . " + searchL); // required, since FTS on labels has wrong results using OWLIM sparql.append(" FILTER regex(str(?l), ?pattern)"); sparql.append(" }"); } if (namespace != null) { sparql.append(" FILTER regex(str(?s), ?namespace)"); } if (graph != null) { sparql.append("\n}"); } sparql.append(" } LIMIT " + limit); // System.out.println(sparql); // TODO incorporate correct ranges IQuery<?> query = em.createQuery(sparql.toString()); if (searchS != null) { searchS.addParameters(query); } if (searchL != null) { searchL.addParameters(query); } query.setParameter("uriPattern", uriPattern); query.setParameter("pattern", "^" + toRegex(pattern)); if (namespace != null) { query.setParameter("namespace", "^" + namespace); } if (graph != null) { query.setParameter("graph", graph); } query.setParameter("subject", subject); if (!findPredicate) { if (predicate != null) { query.setParameter("property", predicate); } if (type != null) { query.setParameter("sType", type); } return query.evaluate(IEntity.class) .mapWith(new IMap<IEntity, Match>() { @Override public Match map(IEntity value) { // System.out.println(" > " + value); return new Match(value, graph != null, predicate != null); } }).toList(); } else { // includes prio of matched predicates query.bindResultType("s", IEntity.class); return query.evaluate(Bindings.typed()) .mapWith(new IMap<IBindings<Object>, Match>() { @Override public Match map(IBindings<Object> bindings) { IEntity resource = (IEntity) bindings.get("s"); Number prio = (Number) bindings.get("prio"); return new Match(resource, graph != null, prio != null && prio.intValue() > 0); } }).toList(); } } protected String toRegex(String pattern) { return ESCAPE_CHARS.matcher(pattern).replaceAll("\\\\$0") .replace("\\*", ".*").replace("\\?", "."); } protected String toUriRegex(String pattern) { return "[#/:]" + toRegex(pattern) + "[^#/]*$"; } }