/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.gateway; import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.given; import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER; import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.directory.server.protocol.shared.transport.TcpTransport; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.impl.GatewayConfigImpl; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.security.ldap.SimpleLdapDirectoryServer; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.services.DefaultGatewayServices; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.services.GatewayServices; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.services.ServiceLifecycleException; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.services.security.AliasService; import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.util.KnoxCLI; import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert; import org.hamcrest.Matchers; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc; import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag; /** * Functional test to verify : KNOX-242 LDAP Enhancements * Please see * https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KNOX-242 * */ public class Knox242FuncTest { private static Class RESOURCE_BASE_CLASS = Knox242FuncTest.class; private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Knox242FuncTest.class ); public static Enumeration<Appender> appenders; public static GatewayConfig config; public static GatewayServer gateway; public static String gatewayUrl; public static String clusterUrl; public static String serviceUrl; public static SimpleLdapDirectoryServer ldap; public static TcpTransport ldapTransport; @BeforeClass public static void setupSuite() throws Exception { LOG_ENTER(); //appenders = NoOpAppender.setUp(); int port = setupLdap(); setupGateway(port); TestUtils.awaitPortOpen( new InetSocketAddress( "localhost", port ), 10000, 100 ); TestUtils.awaitNon404HttpStatus( new URL( serviceUrl ), 10000, 100 ); LOG_EXIT(); } @AfterClass public static void cleanupSuite() throws Exception { LOG_ENTER(); gateway.stop(); ldap.stop( true ); //FileUtils.deleteQuietly( new File( config.getGatewayHomeDir() ) ); //NoOpAppender.tearDown( appenders ); LOG_EXIT(); } public static int setupLdap() throws Exception { URL usersUrl = getResourceUrl( "users.ldif" ); ldapTransport = new TcpTransport( 0 ); ldap = new SimpleLdapDirectoryServer( "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org", new File( usersUrl.toURI() ), ldapTransport ); ldap.start(); LOG.info( "LDAP port = " + ldapTransport.getPort() ); return ldapTransport.getAcceptor().getLocalAddress().getPort(); } public static void setupGateway(int ldapPort) throws IOException, Exception { File targetDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "target" ); File gatewayDir = new File( targetDir, "gateway-home-" + UUID.randomUUID() ); gatewayDir.mkdirs(); GatewayTestConfig testConfig = new GatewayTestConfig(); config = testConfig; testConfig.setGatewayHomeDir( gatewayDir.getAbsolutePath() ); File topoDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayTopologyDir() ); topoDir.mkdirs(); File deployDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayDeploymentDir() ); deployDir.mkdirs(); DefaultGatewayServices srvcs = new DefaultGatewayServices(); Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<String,String>(); options.put( "persist-master", "false" ); options.put( "master", "password" ); try { srvcs.init( testConfig, options ); } catch ( ServiceLifecycleException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); // I18N not required. } gateway = GatewayServer.startGateway( testConfig, srvcs ); MatcherAssert.assertThat( "Failed to start gateway.", gateway, notNullValue() ); LOG.info( "Gateway port = " + gateway.getAddresses()[ 0 ].getPort() ); gatewayUrl = "http://localhost:" + gateway.getAddresses()[0].getPort() + "/" + config.getGatewayPath(); clusterUrl = gatewayUrl + "/testdg-cluster"; serviceUrl = clusterUrl + "/test-service-path/test-service-resource"; GatewayServices services = GatewayServer.getGatewayServices(); AliasService aliasService = (AliasService)services.getService(GatewayServices.ALIAS_SERVICE); aliasService.addAliasForCluster("testdg-cluster", "ldcSystemPassword", "guest-password"); char[] password1 = aliasService.getPasswordFromAliasForCluster( "testdg-cluster", "ldcSystemPassword"); //System.err.println("SETUP password 10: " + ((password1 == null) ? "NULL" : new String(password1))); File descriptor = new File( topoDir, "testdg-cluster.xml" ); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream( descriptor ); createTopology(ldapPort).toStream( stream ); stream.close(); } private static XMLTag createTopology(int ldapPort) { XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument( true ) .addRoot( "topology" ) .addTag( "gateway" ) .addTag( "provider" ) .addTag( "role" ).addText( "authentication" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "ShiroProvider" ) .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" ) .addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "org.apache.hadoop.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapRealm" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapGroupContextFactory" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "org.apache.hadoop.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapContextFactory" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "$ldapGroupContextFactory" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "ldap://localhost:" + ldapPort) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.searchBase" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userSearchAttributeName" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userObjectClass" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "person" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userSearchBase" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.groupSearchBase" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "ou=groups,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.authorizationEnabled" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "true" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemAuthenticationMechanism" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.groupObjectClass" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "groupofurls" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.memberAttribute" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "memberurl" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.memberAttributeValueTemplate" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemUsername" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid=guest,ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.clusterName" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "testdg-cluster" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemPassword" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "S{ALIAS=ldcSystemPassword}" ) // .addTag( "value" ).addText( "guest-password" ) .gotoParent().addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "urls./**" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "authcBasic" ) .gotoParent().gotoParent().addTag( "provider" ) .addTag( "role" ).addText( "authorization" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "AclsAuthz" ) .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" ) .addTag( "param" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "test-service-role.acl" ) .addTag( "value" ).addText( "*;directors;*" ) .gotoParent().gotoParent().addTag( "provider" ) .addTag( "role" ).addText( "identity-assertion" ) .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" ) .addTag( "name" ).addText( "Default" ).gotoParent() .gotoRoot() .addTag( "service" ) .addTag( "role" ).addText( "test-service-role" ) .gotoRoot(); // System.out.println( "GATEWAY=" + xml.toString() ); return xml; } public static InputStream getResourceStream( String resource ) throws IOException { return getResourceUrl( resource ).openStream(); } public static URL getResourceUrl( String resource ) { URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource( getResourceName( resource ) ); assertThat( "Failed to find test resource " + resource, url, Matchers.notNullValue() ); return url; } public static String getResourceName( String resource ) { return getResourceBaseName() + resource; } public static String getResourceBaseName() { return RESOURCE_BASE_CLASS.getName().replaceAll( "\\.", "/" ) + "/"; } @Ignore // @Test public void waitForManualTesting() throws IOException { System.in.read(); } @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT ) public void testGroupMember() throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception { LOG_ENTER(); String username = "joe"; String password = "joe-password"; String serviceUrl = clusterUrl + "/test-service-path/test-service-resource"; given() //.log().all() .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password ) .expect() //.log().all() .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK ) .contentType( "text/plain" ) .body( is( "test-service-response" ) ) .when().get( serviceUrl ); LOG_EXIT(); } @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT ) public void testNonGroupMember() throws ClassNotFoundException { LOG_ENTER(); String username = "guest"; String password = "guest-password"; String serviceUrl = clusterUrl + "/test-service-path/test-service-resource"; given() //.log().all() .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password ) .expect() //.log().all() .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN ) .when().get( serviceUrl ); LOG_EXIT(); } }