package kidozen.client.crash; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import kidozen.client.KZService; import kidozen.client.authentication.IdentityManager; /** * Created by christian on 3/18/14. */ public class CrashReporter extends KZService { private static CrashReporter INSTANCE; private static Application _hostApplication; private ErrorReporter errorReporterSingleton; private String mApplicationKey; private String _endpoint; public static final boolean DEV_LOGGING = false; // Should be false for // release. public static final String LOG_TAG = CrashReporter.class.getSimpleName(); public static CrashLog log = new AndroidLogDelegate(); /** * The key of the application default SharedPreference where you can put a * 'true' Boolean value to disable CrashReporter. */ public static final String PREF_DISABLE_ACRA = "acra.disable"; /** * Alternatively, you can use this key if you prefer your users to have the * checkbox ticked to enable crash reports. If both acra.disable and * acra.enable are set, the value of acra.disable takes over the other. */ public static final String PREF_ENABLE_ACRA = "acra.enable"; /** * The key of the SharedPreference allowing the user to disable sending * content of logcat/dropbox. System logs collection is also dependent of * the READ_LOGS permission. */ public static final String PREF_ENABLE_SYSTEM_LOGS = "acra.syslog.enable"; /** * The key of the SharedPreference allowing the user to disable sending his * device id. Device ID collection is also dependent of the READ_PHONE_STATE * permission. */ public static final String PREF_ENABLE_DEVICE_ID = "acra.deviceid.enable"; /** * The key of the SharedPreference allowing the user to always include his * email address. */ public static final String PREF_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS = ""; /** * The key of the SharedPreference allowing the user to automatically accept * sending reports. */ public static final String PREF_ALWAYS_ACCEPT = "acra.alwaysaccept"; /** * The version number of the application the last time ACRA was started. * This is used to determine whether unsent reports should be discarded * because they are old and out of date. */ public static final String PREF_LAST_VERSION_NR = "acra.lastVersionNr"; private HttpSender mSender; private CrashReporter() { } public CrashReporter(Application application, String endpoint, String applicationKey) { super(); _hostApplication = application; if (!endpoint.endsWith("/")) { endpoint = endpoint + "/"; } _endpoint = endpoint + "api/v3/logging/crash/android/dump"; Log.d("Crash", String.format("Sending crash to application: %s", _endpoint)); CrashConfiguration conf = getConfig(); conf.setFormUri(_endpoint); mSender = new HttpSender(_endpoint, applicationKey); errorReporterSingleton = new ErrorReporter(_hostApplication, _hostApplication.getSharedPreferences(conf.sharedPreferencesName(), conf.sharedPreferencesMode()), true); mApplicationKey = applicationKey; errorReporterSingleton.addReportSender(mSender); } public void AddBreadCrumb(String value) { mSender.AddBreadCrumb(value); } private static void createInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { // synchronized to avoid possible multi-thread issues synchronized(IdentityManager.class) { // must check for null again if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new CrashReporter(); } } } } public static CrashReporter getInstance() { createInstance(); return INSTANCE; } public static CrashConfiguration getConfig() { return new CrashConfiguration(); } /** * Returns true if the application is debuggable. * * @return true if the application is debuggable. */ public static Application getApplication() { return _hostApplication; } static boolean isDebuggable() { PackageManager pm = _hostApplication.getPackageManager(); try { return ((pm.getApplicationInfo(_hostApplication.getPackageName(), 0).flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) > 0); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } } }