package info.kalendra.math; import java.util.Arrays; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * based on: * Accurate Sum and Dot Product by T. Ogita, et. al., published in the SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol 26 , No 6, pp. 1955-1988 * @author Eric Kalendra * */ public class AccurateMath { static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccurateMath.class); //matlab says 2^-52, paper says 2^-53?? static final double epsDouble = Math.pow(2, -53); //underflow unit... static final double etaDouble = Math.pow(2, -1074); final int T = 53; final int S = 27; final double FACTOR = Math.pow(2, S) + 1; // static final double epsFloat = Math.pow(2, -23); /** * Dot product algorithm in K-fold working precision, K ≥ 3. * @param x * @param y * @param k must be >= 3 * @return double */ public double dotK(double[] x, double[] y, int k){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } double[] r = new double[2*n]; double[] temp; double p, h; temp = twoProduct(x[0], y[0]); p = temp[0]; r[0] = temp[1]; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); h = temp[0]; r[i-1] = temp[1]; temp = twoSum(p, h); p = temp[0]; r[n+i-1-1] = temp[1]; } r[2*n-1]=p; res = sumK(r,k-1); return(res); } /** * Dot product in twice the working precision with error bound including underflow. * @param x * @param y * @return double[] */ public double[] dot2Err(double[] x, double[] y){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } if(2*n*epsDouble >= 1){ throw new RuntimeException("Inclusion failed (error from paper)"); } double[] temp; double p, s, h, r, q, e, t; temp = twoProduct(x[0], y[0]); p = temp[0]; s = temp[1]; e = Math.abs(s); for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); h = temp[0]; r = temp[1]; temp = twoSum(p, h); p = temp[0]; q = temp[1]; t = q + r; s += t; e += Math.abs(t); } res = p + s; double delta, alpha; delta = (n*epsDouble)/(1 - 2*n*epsDouble); alpha = epsDouble*Math.abs(res) + (delta*e + 3*etaDouble/epsDouble); double err = alpha / (1 - 2*epsDouble); double[] out = new double[] {res, err}; return(out); } /** * XBLAS quadruple precision dot product * 37n flops * accurate results for condition numbers up to some 10^32 * @param x * @param y * @return double */ public double dotXBLASS(double[] x, double[] y){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } double s = 0; double t = 0; double h; double r; double[] temp; double[] sArray; double[] tArray; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); h = temp[0]; r = temp[1]; sArray = twoSum(s,h); tArray = twoSum(t, r); sArray[1] = sArray[1] + tArray[0]; temp = fastTwoSum(sArray[0], sArray[1]); tArray[0] = temp[0]; sArray[1] = temp[1]; tArray[1] = tArray[1] + sArray[1]; temp = fastTwoSum(tArray[0], tArray[1]); s = temp[0]; t = temp[1]; } res = s; return(res); } /** * Equivalent formulation of dot2 * 25n flops * @param x * @param y * @return double */ public double dot2s(double[] x, double[] y){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } double[] temp; double[] p, s, h, r, q; p = new double[n]; s = new double[n]; h = new double[n]; r = new double[n]; q = new double[n]; temp = twoProduct(x[0], y[0]); p[0] = temp[0]; s[0] = temp[1]; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); h[i-1] = temp[0]; r[i-1] = temp[1]; temp = twoSum(p[i-1-1], h[i-1]); p[i-1] = temp[0]; q[i-1] = temp[1]; s[i-1] = s[i-1-1] + (q[i-1] + r[i-1]); } res = p[n-1] + s[n-1]; return(res); } /** * Dot product in twice the working precision. * @param x * @param y * @return double */ public double dot2(double[] x, double[] y){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } double[] temp; double p, s, h, r, q; temp = twoProduct(x[0], y[0]); p = temp[0]; s = temp[1]; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); h = temp[0]; r = temp[1]; temp = twoSum(p, h); p = temp[0]; q = temp[1]; s += (q + r); } res = p + s; return(res); } /** * A first dot product algorithm * @param x * @param y * @param k * @return double */ public double dot(double[] x, double[] y, int k){ double res = 0; int n = x.length; if(n != y.length){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x.length must = y.length"); } double[] r = new double[2*n]; double[] temp; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ temp = twoProduct(x[i-1], y[i-1]); r[i - 1] = temp[0]; r[n + i - 1] = temp[1]; } res = sumK(r, k); //printVec(r); return(res); } /** * Equivalent formulation of sumK – vertical mode * document has error for k = 2 * @param p * @param k * @return double */ public double sumKvert(double[] p, int k){ double out = 0; int n = p.length; int kUse = Math.min(k, n); double s = 0; double[] q = new double[kUse]; double[] temp; for(int i = 1; i <= (kUse-1); i++){ s = p[i-1]; for( int kCounter = 1; kCounter <= (i - 1); kCounter++){ temp = twoSum(q[kCounter-1],s); q[kCounter-1] = temp[0]; s = temp[1]; } q[i-1] = s; //seems to fix bug in the document if(kUse == 2){ s = 0; } } // log.debug("s: {}", s); // printVec(q); double alpha =0; for(int i = kUse; i <= n; i++){ alpha = p[i-1]; for( int kCounter = 1; kCounter <= (kUse - 1); kCounter++){ temp = twoSum(q[kCounter-1],alpha); q[kCounter-1] = temp[0]; alpha = temp[1]; } s += alpha; } // log.debug("s: {}", s); // if(kUse > 2) for( int j = 1; j <= kUse - 2 ; j++){ alpha = q[j-1]; for( int kCounter = j + 1; kCounter <= (kUse - 1); kCounter++){ temp = twoSum(q[kCounter-1],alpha); q[kCounter-1] = temp[0]; alpha = temp[1]; } s += alpha; } log.debug("s: {}", s); log.debug("q[kUse-1-1]: {}", q[kUse - 1 -1]); // printVec(q); out = s + q[kUse - 1 -1]; return(out); } /** * Summation as in K-fold precision by (K − 1)-fold error-free vector transformation. * @param p * @param k * @return double */ public double sumK(double[] p, int k){ double out = 0; double[] ptemp = Arrays.copyOf(p,p.length); for(int kCounter = 1; kCounter <= (k-1); kCounter++){ ptemp = vecSum(ptemp); } out = sum(ptemp); return(out); } /** * XBLAS quadruple precision summation * @param p * @return double */ public double sumXBLAS(double[] p){ double s = 0; double t = 0; double[] tArray; double[] tempArray; for(int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){ tArray = twoSum(s,p[i]); tArray[1] += t; tempArray = fastTwoSum(tArray[0],tArray[1]); s = tempArray[0]; t = tempArray[1]; } return(s); } public double sum2(double[] p){ double out = 0; double[] p2; p2 = vecSum(p); out = sum(p2); return(out); } public double[] vecSum(double[] p){ double[] outp = new double[p.length]; outp[0] = p[0]; double[] temp; for(int i =1; i < p.length; i++){ temp = twoSum(p[i],outp[i-1]); outp[i] = temp[0]; outp[i-1] = temp[1]; } return(outp); } public double sum(double[] p){ double out = 0; for(int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){ out += p[i]; } return(out); } public void printVec(double[] p){ for( int i = 0; i<p.length - 1; i++){ System.out.print("" + p[i] + ", "); } System.out.println("" + p[p.length-1]); } public double sum2s(double[] p){ double pi = p[0]; double sigma = 0; double[] temp; for( int i = 1; i < p.length; i++){ temp = twoSum(pi,p[i]); pi = temp[0]; sigma += temp[1]; } return(pi + sigma); } /** * Error-free transformation of the product of two floating point numbers. * Verified using octave, but does not seem error-free * @param a * @param b * @return double[] */ public double[] twoProduct(double a, double b){ double[] out = new double[2]; double x = a * b; double[] splita = split(a); double[] splitb = split(b); double y = (splita[1] * splitb[1]) - ((( x - splita[0]*splitb[0]) - splita[1]*splitb[0]) - splita[0]*splitb[1]); /* double y = 0; y += splita[1]*splitb[0]; y += splita[0]*splitb[1]; y += (splita[1] * splitb[1]); y += - (x - splita[0]*splitb[0]); */ log.debug("twoProduct: x: {}",x); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[0]: {}",splita[0]); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[1]: {}",splita[1]); log.debug("twoProduct: splitb[0]: {}",splitb[0]); log.debug("twoProduct: splitb[1]: {}",splitb[1]); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[1] * splitb[1]: {}",splita[1] * splitb[1]); log.debug("twoProduct: x - splita[0]*splitb[0]: {}",x - splita[0]*splitb[0]); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[1]*splitb[0]: {}",splita[1]*splitb[0]); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[0]*splitb[1]: {}",splita[0]*splitb[1]); log.debug("twoProduct: splita[0]*splitb[0]: {}", splita[0]*splitb[0]); log.debug("twoProduct: sumofsplit: {}", (splita[0]*splitb[0])+(splita[1]*splitb[0])+(splita[0]*splitb[1])+(splita[1] * splitb[1])); //double[] test = new double[] {(splita[0]*splitb[0])-x,(splita[1]*splitb[0]),(splita[0]*splitb[1]),(splita[1] * splitb[1])}; //printVec(vecSum(test)); log.debug("twoProduct: y: {}",y); out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return(out); } public double[] split(double a){ double[] out = new double[2]; double c = FACTOR * a; double x = c - (c - a); double y = a - x; out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return(out); } public double[] twoSum(double a, double b){ double[] out = new double[2]; double x = a + b; double z = x - a; double y = (a - (x - z)) + (b - z); out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return out; } public double[] fastTwoSumUnOrdered(double a, double b){ if( Math.abs(a) >= Math.abs(b)){ return(fastTwoSum(a, b)); } else { //Since b > a, reverse order return(fastTwoSum(b, a)); } } public double[] fastTwoSum(double a, double b){ double[] out = new double[2]; double x = a + b; double y = (a - x) + b; out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return(out); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { AccurateMath testob = new AccurateMath(); double a = 100.00000001; double b = 800.0002; double[] result; double temp; testob.printVec(testob.split(a)); System.out.println("sum of split a: " + testob.sum(testob.split(a))); testob.printVec(testob.split(b)); System.out.println("sum of split b: " + testob.sum(testob.split(b))); result = testob.twoProduct(a, b); System.out.printf("x: %30.18f \n", result[0]); System.out.printf("y: %30.18f \n", result[1]); temp = result[0] + result[1]; System.out.printf("x + y: %30.18f \n", temp); System.out.printf("a * b: %30.18f \n", (a*b)); double[] array = new double[] {1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5}; temp = testob.sum2s(array); System.out.println("Sum from sum2s: " + temp); System.out.println("Sum from basic sum: " + testob.sum(array)); System.out.println("Sum from sumXBLAS: " + testob.sumXBLAS(array)); System.out.println("Sum from sumK: " + testob.sumK(array,3)); System.out.println("Sun from sumKvert: " + testob.sumKvert(array, 2)); testob.printVec(array); result = testob.vecSum(array); testob.printVec(result); System.out.println("Dot array,array: " +, array, 2)); System.out.println("Dot2 array,array: " + testob.dot2(array, array)); testob.printVec(testob.dot2Err(array, array)); System.out.println("Dot2s array,array: " + testob.dot2s(array, array)); System.out.println("dotXBLASS array,array: " + testob.dotXBLASS(array, array)); System.out.println("dotK array,array: " + testob.dotK(array, array, 3)); } }