package jscheme; /** @author Peter Norvig, * Copyright 1998 Peter Norvig, see **/ import*; public abstract class SchemeUtils { /** Same as Boolean.TRUE. **/ public static final Boolean TRUE = Boolean.TRUE; /** Same as Boolean.FALSE. **/ public static final Boolean FALSE = Boolean.FALSE; public static Double ZERO = new Double(0.0); public static Double ONE = new Double(1.0); //////////////// Conversion Routines //////////////// // The following convert or coerce objects to the right type. /** Convert boolean to Boolean. **/ public static Boolean truth(boolean x) { return x ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** Convert Scheme object to boolean. Only #f is false, others are true. **/ public static boolean truth(Object x) { return x != FALSE; } /** Convert double to Double. Caches 0 and 1; makes new for others. **/ public static Double num(double x) { return (x == 0.0) ? ZERO : (x == 1.0) ? ONE : new Double(x); } /** Converts a Scheme object to a double, or calls error. **/ public static double num(Object x) { if (x instanceof Number) return ((Number)x).doubleValue(); else return num(error("expected a number, got: " + x)); } /** Converts a Scheme object to a char, or calls error. **/ public static char chr(Object x) { if (x instanceof Character) return ((Character)x).charValue(); else return chr(error("expected a char, got: " + x)); } /** Converts a char to a Character. **/ public static Character chr(char ch) { return new Character(ch); } /** Coerces a Scheme object to a Scheme string, which is a char[]. **/ public static char[] str(Object x) { if (x instanceof char[]) return (char[])x; else return str(error("expected a string, got: " + x)); } /** Coerces a Scheme object to a Scheme symbol, which is a string. **/ public static String sym(Object x) { if (x instanceof String) return (String)x; else return sym(error("expected a symbol, got: " + x)); } /** Coerces a Scheme object to a Scheme vector, which is a Object[]. **/ public static Object[] vec(Object x) { if (x instanceof Object[]) return (Object[])x; else return vec(error("expected a vector, got: " + x)); } /** Coerces a Scheme object to a Scheme input port, which is an InputPort. * If the argument is null, returns interpreter.input. **/ public static InputPort inPort(Object x, Scheme interp) { if (x == null) return interp.input; else if (x instanceof InputPort) return (InputPort)x; else return inPort(error("expected an input port, got: " + x), interp); } /** Coerces a Scheme object to a Scheme input port, which is a PrintWriter. * If the argument is null, returns System.out. **/ public static PrintWriter outPort(Object x, Scheme interp) { if (x == null) return interp.output; else if (x instanceof PrintWriter) return (PrintWriter)x; else return outPort(error("expected an output port, got: " + x), interp); } //////////////// Error Routines //////////////// /** A continuable error. Prints an error message and then prompts for * a value to eval and return. **/ public static Object error(String message) { System.err.println("**** ERROR: " + message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } public static Object warn(String message) { System.err.println("**** WARNING: " + message); return "<warn>"; } //////////////// Basic manipulation Routines //////////////// // The following are used throughout the code. /** Like Common Lisp first; car of a Pair, or null for anything else. **/ public static Object first(Object x) { return (x instanceof Pair) ? ((Pair)x).first : null; } /** Like Common Lisp rest; car of a Pair, or null for anything else. **/ public static Object rest(Object x) { return (x instanceof Pair) ? ((Pair)x).rest : null; } /** Like Common Lisp (setf (first ... **/ public static Object setFirst(Object x, Object y) { return (x instanceof Pair) ? ((Pair)x).first = y : error("Attempt to set-car of a non-Pair:" + stringify(x)); } /** Like Common Lisp (setf (rest ... **/ public static Object setRest(Object x, Object y) { return (x instanceof Pair) ? ((Pair)x).rest = y : error("Attempt to set-cdr of a non-Pair:" + stringify(x)); } /** Like Common Lisp second. **/ public static Object second(Object x) { return first(rest(x)); } /** Like Common Lisp third. **/ public static Object third(Object x) { return first(rest(rest(x))); } /** Creates a two element list. **/ public static Pair list(Object a, Object b) { return new Pair(a, new Pair(b, null)); } /** Creates a one element list. **/ public static Pair list(Object a) { return new Pair(a, null); } /** listStar(args) is like Common Lisp (apply #'list* args) **/ public static Object listStar(Object args) { if (rest(args) == null) return first(args); else return cons(first(args), listStar(rest(args))); } /** cons(x, y) is the same as new Pair(x, y). **/ public static Pair cons(Object a, Object b) { return new Pair(a, b); } /** Reverse the elements of a list. **/ public static Object reverse(Object x) { Object result = null; while (x instanceof Pair) { result = cons(first(x), result); x = rest(x); } return result; } /** Check if two objects are equal. **/ public static boolean equal(Object x, Object y) { if (x == null || y == null) { return x == y; } else if (x instanceof char[]) { if (!(y instanceof char[])) return false; char[] xc = (char[])x, yc = (char[])y; if (xc.length != yc.length) return false; for (int i = xc.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (xc[i] != yc[i]) return false; } return true; } else if (x instanceof Object[]) { if (!(y instanceof Object[])) return false; Object[] xo = (Object[])x, yo = (Object[])y; if (xo.length != yo.length) return false; for (int i = xo.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!equal(xo[i],yo[i])) return false; } return true; } else { return x.equals(y); } } /** Check if two objects are == or are equal numbers or characters. **/ public static boolean eqv(Object x, Object y) { return x == y || (x instanceof Double && x.equals(y)) || (x instanceof Character && x.equals(y)); } /** The length of a list, or zero for a non-list. **/ public static int length(Object x) { int len = 0; while (x instanceof Pair) { len++; x = ((Pair)x).rest; } return len; } /** Convert a list of characters to a Scheme string, which is a char[]. **/ public static char[] listToString(Object chars) { char[] str = new char[length(chars)]; for (int i = 0; chars instanceof Pair; i++) { str[i] = chr(first(chars)); chars = rest(chars); } return str; } /** Convert a list of Objects to a Scheme vector, which is a Object[]. **/ public static Object[] listToVector(Object objs) { Object[] vec = new Object[length(objs)]; for (int i = 0; objs instanceof Pair; i++) { vec[i] = first(objs); objs = rest(objs); } return vec; } /** Write the object to a port. If quoted is true, use "str" and #\c, * otherwise use str and c. **/ public static Object write(Object x, PrintWriter port, boolean quoted) { port.print(stringify(x, quoted)); port.flush(); return x; } /** Convert a vector to a List. **/ public static Pair vectorToList(Object x) { if (x instanceof Object[]) { Object[] vec = (Object[])x; Pair result = null; for (int i = vec.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) result = cons(vec[i], result); return result; } else { error("expected a vector, got: " + x); return null; } } /** Convert a Scheme object to its printed representation, as * a java String (not a Scheme string). If quoted is true, use "str" and #\c, * otherwise use str and c. You need to pass in a StringBuffer that is used * to accumulate the results. (If the interface didn't work that way, the * system would use lots of little internal StringBuffers. But note that * you can still call <tt>stringify(x)</tt> and a new StringBuffer will * be created for you. **/ static void stringify(Object x, boolean quoted, StringBuffer buf) { if (x == null) buf.append("()"); else if (x instanceof Double) { double d = ((Double)x).doubleValue(); if (Math.round(d) == d) buf.append((long)d); else buf.append(d); } else if (x instanceof Character) { if (quoted) buf.append("#\\"); buf.append(x); } else if (x instanceof Pair) { ((Pair)x).stringifyPair(quoted, buf); } else if (x instanceof char[]) { char[] chars = (char[])x; if (quoted) buf.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (quoted && chars[i] == '"') buf.append('\\'); buf.append(chars[i]); } if (quoted) buf.append('"'); } else if (x instanceof Object[]) { Object[] v = (Object[])x; buf.append("#("); for (int i=0; i<v.length; i++) { stringify(v[i], quoted, buf); if (i != v.length-1) buf.append(' '); } buf.append(')'); } else if (x == TRUE) { buf.append("#t"); } else if (x == FALSE) { buf.append("#f"); } else { buf.append(x); } } /** Convert x to a Java String giving its external representation. * Strings and characters are quoted. **/ static String stringify(Object x) { return stringify(x, true); } /** Convert x to a Java String giving its external representation. * Strings and characters are quoted iff <tt>quoted</tt> is true.. **/ static String stringify(Object x, boolean quoted) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); stringify(x, quoted, buf); return buf.toString(); } /** For debugging purposes, prints output. **/ static Object p(Object x) { System.out.println(stringify(x)); return x; } /** For debugging purposes, prints output. **/ static Object p(String msg, Object x) { System.out.println(msg + ": " + stringify(x)); return x; } }