package org.junit.rules; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Request; import org.junit.runner.Result; /** * @author tibor17 * @since 4.12 */ public class StopwatchTest { private static enum TestStatus { SUCCEEDED, FAILED, SKIPPED } private static Record record; private static Record finishedRecord; private static long fakeTimeNanos = 1234; private static class Record { final long duration; final String name; final TestStatus status; Record() { this(0, null, null); } Record(long duration, Description description) { this(duration, null, description); } Record(long duration, TestStatus status, Description description) { this.duration = duration; this.status = status; = description == null ? null : description.getMethodName(); } } public static abstract class AbstractStopwatchTest { /** * Fake implementation of {@link Stopwatch.Clock} that increments the time * every time it is asked. */ private final Stopwatch.Clock fakeClock = new Stopwatch.Clock() { @Override public long nanoTime() { return fakeTimeNanos++; } }; protected final Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(fakeClock) { @Override protected void succeeded(long nanos, Description description) { StopwatchTest.record = new Record(nanos, TestStatus.SUCCEEDED, description); simulateTimePassing(1); } @Override protected void failed(long nanos, Throwable e, Description description) { StopwatchTest.record = new Record(nanos, TestStatus.FAILED, description); simulateTimePassing(1); } @Override protected void skipped(long nanos, AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description) { StopwatchTest.record = new Record(nanos, TestStatus.SKIPPED, description); simulateTimePassing(1); } @Override protected void finished(long nanos, Description description) { StopwatchTest.finishedRecord = new Record(nanos, description); } }; private final TestWatcher watcher = new TestWatcher() { @Override protected void finished(Description description) { afterStopwatchRule(); } }; @Rule public final RuleChain chain = RuleChain .outerRule(watcher) .around(stopwatch); protected void afterStopwatchRule() { } } public static class SuccessfulTest extends AbstractStopwatchTest { @Test public void successfulTest() { } } public static class FailedTest extends AbstractStopwatchTest { @Test public void failedTest() { fail(); } } public static class SkippedTest extends AbstractStopwatchTest { @Test public void skippedTest() { assumeTrue(false); } } public static class DurationDuringTestTest extends AbstractStopwatchTest { @Test public void duration() { simulateTimePassing(300L); assertEquals(300L, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS)); simulateTimePassing(500L); assertEquals(800L, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS)); } } public static class DurationAfterTestTest extends AbstractStopwatchTest { @Test public void duration() { simulateTimePassing(300L); assertEquals(300L, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS)); } @Override protected void afterStopwatchRule() { assertEquals(300L, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS)); simulateTimePassing(500L); assertEquals(300L, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS)); } } @Before public void init() { record = new Record(); finishedRecord = new Record(); simulateTimePassing(1L); } private static Result runTest(Class<?> test) { simulateTimePassing(1L); JUnitCore junitCore = new JUnitCore(); return; } private static void simulateTimePassing(long millis) { fakeTimeNanos += TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis); } @Test public void succeeded() { Result result = runTest(SuccessfulTest.class); assertEquals(0, result.getFailureCount()); assertThat(, is("successfulTest")); assertThat(, is(; assertThat(record.status, is(TestStatus.SUCCEEDED)); assertTrue("timeSpent > 0", record.duration > 0); assertThat(record.duration, is(finishedRecord.duration)); } @Test public void failed() { Result result = runTest(FailedTest.class); assertEquals(1, result.getFailureCount()); assertThat(, is("failedTest")); assertThat(, is(; assertThat(record.status, is(TestStatus.FAILED)); assertTrue("timeSpent > 0", record.duration > 0); assertThat(record.duration, is(finishedRecord.duration)); } @Test public void skipped() { Result result = runTest(SkippedTest.class); assertEquals(0, result.getFailureCount()); assertThat(, is("skippedTest")); assertThat(, is(; assertThat(record.status, is(TestStatus.SKIPPED)); assertTrue("timeSpent > 0", record.duration > 0); assertThat(record.duration, is(finishedRecord.duration)); } @Test public void runtimeDuringTestShouldReturnTimeSinceStart() { Result result = runTest(DurationDuringTestTest.class); assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()); } @Test public void runtimeAfterTestShouldReturnRunDuration() { Result result = runTest(DurationAfterTestTest.class); assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()); } }