package com.carrotsearch.junitbenchmarks; import*; import java.util.Locale; /** * {@link IResultsConsumer} printing benchmark results to a given writer. */ public final class WriterConsumer implements IResultsConsumer { private final Writer w; public WriterConsumer() { this(getDefaultWriter()); } public WriterConsumer(Writer w) { this.w = w; } public void accept(Result result) throws IOException { double unitsPerSec = 0; if (result.roundAverage.avg > 0) { unitsPerSec = result.units / result.roundAverage.avg; } w.write(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s: [measured %d out of %d rounds]\n" + " round: %s, round.gc: %s, GC.calls: %d, GC.time: %.2f," + " %.2f, time.warmup: %.2f, time.bench: %.2f," + " units: %s, units/s: %.2f\n", result.getShortTestClassName() + "." + result.getTestMethodName(), result.benchmarkRounds, result.benchmarkRounds + result.warmupRounds, result.roundAverage.toString(), result.gcAverage.toString(), result.gcInfo.accumulatedInvocations(), result.gcInfo.accumulatedTime() / 1000.0, (result.warmupTime + result.benchmarkTime) * 0.001, result.warmupTime * 0.001, result.benchmarkTime * 0.001, result.units, unitsPerSec )); w.flush(); } /** * Return the default writer (console). */ private static Writer getDefaultWriter() { return new OutputStreamWriter(System.out) { public void close() throws IOException { // Don't close the superstream. } }; } }