/* Copyright (C) 2013 Interactive Brokers LLC. All rights reserved. This code is subject to the terms * and conditions of the IB API Non-Commercial License or the IB API Commercial License, as applicable. */ package com.ib.client; public class ScannerSubscription { public final static int NO_ROW_NUMBER_SPECIFIED = -1; private int m_numberOfRows = NO_ROW_NUMBER_SPECIFIED; private String m_instrument; private String m_locationCode; private String m_scanCode; private double m_abovePrice = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double m_belowPrice = Double.MAX_VALUE; private int m_aboveVolume = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int m_averageOptionVolumeAbove = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private double m_marketCapAbove = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double m_marketCapBelow = Double.MAX_VALUE; private String m_moodyRatingAbove; private String m_moodyRatingBelow; private String m_spRatingAbove; private String m_spRatingBelow; private String m_maturityDateAbove; private String m_maturityDateBelow; private double m_couponRateAbove = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double m_couponRateBelow = Double.MAX_VALUE; private String m_excludeConvertible; private String m_scannerSettingPairs; private String m_stockTypeFilter; // Get public int numberOfRows() { return m_numberOfRows; } public String instrument() { return m_instrument; } public String locationCode() { return m_locationCode; } public String scanCode() { return m_scanCode; } public double abovePrice() { return m_abovePrice; } public double belowPrice() { return m_belowPrice; } public int aboveVolume() { return m_aboveVolume; } public int averageOptionVolumeAbove() { return m_averageOptionVolumeAbove; } public double marketCapAbove() { return m_marketCapAbove; } public double marketCapBelow() { return m_marketCapBelow; } public String moodyRatingAbove() { return m_moodyRatingAbove; } public String moodyRatingBelow() { return m_moodyRatingBelow; } public String spRatingAbove() { return m_spRatingAbove; } public String spRatingBelow() { return m_spRatingBelow; } public String maturityDateAbove() { return m_maturityDateAbove; } public String maturityDateBelow() { return m_maturityDateBelow; } public double couponRateAbove() { return m_couponRateAbove; } public double couponRateBelow() { return m_couponRateBelow; } public String excludeConvertible() { return m_excludeConvertible; } public String scannerSettingPairs() { return m_scannerSettingPairs; } public String stockTypeFilter() { return m_stockTypeFilter; } // Set public void numberOfRows(int num) { m_numberOfRows = num; } public void instrument(String txt) { m_instrument = txt; } public void locationCode(String txt) { m_locationCode = txt; } public void scanCode(String txt) { m_scanCode = txt; } public void abovePrice(double price) { m_abovePrice = price; } public void belowPrice(double price) { m_belowPrice = price; } public void aboveVolume(int volume) { m_aboveVolume = volume; } public void averageOptionVolumeAbove(int volume) { m_averageOptionVolumeAbove = volume; } public void marketCapAbove(double cap) { m_marketCapAbove = cap; } public void marketCapBelow(double cap) { m_marketCapBelow = cap; } public void moodyRatingAbove(String r) { m_moodyRatingAbove = r; } public void moodyRatingBelow(String r) { m_moodyRatingBelow = r; } public void spRatingAbove(String r) { m_spRatingAbove = r; } public void spRatingBelow(String r) { m_spRatingBelow = r; } public void maturityDateAbove(String d) { m_maturityDateAbove = d; } public void maturityDateBelow(String d) { m_maturityDateBelow = d; } public void couponRateAbove(double r) { m_couponRateAbove = r; } public void couponRateBelow(double r) { m_couponRateBelow = r; } public void excludeConvertible(String c) { m_excludeConvertible = c; } public void scannerSettingPairs(String val) { m_scannerSettingPairs = val; } public void stockTypeFilter(String val) { m_stockTypeFilter = val; } }