/* This file is part of jTotus. jTotus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. jTotus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with jTotus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.jtotus.config; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jtotus.common.StockNames; import org.jtotus.crypt.JtotusCrypt; import org.jtotus.engine.Engine; import org.jtotus.methods.MethodEntry; /** * * @author Evgeni Kappinen */ public class GUIConfig { public StockNames names = null; public String []stockNames = null; public String gmailLogin = null; public String gmailPassword = null; public String brokerLogin = null; public String brokerPassword = null; public String keyRingPassword = null; public int day_period = 5; private boolean debug = false; public GUIConfig(){ if (names==null) { names = new StockNames(); } stockNames = names.getNames(); } public String []fetchStockNames() { if (names==null) names = new StockNames(); return names.getNames(); } public LinkedList <MethodEntry> getSupportedMethodsList() { Engine engine = Engine.getInstance(); return engine.getMethods(); } private JtotusCrypt keyRing() { JtotusCrypt keyRing = new JtotusCrypt(); if (keyRingPassword == null) { keyRingPassword = keyRing.createKeyRing(); } return keyRing; } public String getBrokerLogin() { return this.keyRing().decryptWithKeyRing(brokerLogin, keyRingPassword); } public String getBrokerPassword() { return this.keyRing().decryptWithKeyRing(brokerPassword, keyRingPassword); } public String getGmailLogin() { return this.keyRing().decryptWithKeyRing(gmailLogin, keyRingPassword); } public String getGmailPassword() { return this.keyRing().decryptWithKeyRing(gmailPassword, keyRingPassword); } public void setBrokerLogin(String brokerLogin) { this.brokerLogin = this.keyRing().encryptWithKeyRing(brokerLogin, keyRingPassword); } public void setBrokerPassword(String brokerPassword) { this.brokerPassword = this.keyRing().encryptWithKeyRing(brokerPassword, keyRingPassword); } public void setGmailLogin(String gmailLogin) { this.gmailLogin = this.keyRing().encryptWithKeyRing(gmailLogin, keyRingPassword); if (debug) { System.out.printf("Gmail login before:%s :after %s", this.gmailLogin, gmailLogin); } } public void setGmailPassword(String gmailPassword) { this.gmailPassword = this.keyRing().encryptWithKeyRing(gmailPassword, keyRingPassword); if (debug) { System.out.printf("Gmail pass before:%s :after :%s", gmailPassword, this.gmailPassword); } } }