/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications Copyright 2012. * and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.mobicents.ss7.service; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.jboss.as.controller.services.path.PathManager; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.dmr.Property; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.msc.service.Service; import org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName; import org.jboss.msc.service.StartContext; import org.jboss.msc.service.StartException; import org.jboss.msc.service.StopContext; import org.jboss.msc.value.InjectedValue; import org.mobicents.protocols.api.Management; import org.mobicents.protocols.sctp.netty.NettySctpManagementImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.cap.CAPStackImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.cap.api.CAPStack; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.isup.ISUPStack; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.isup.impl.CircuitManagerImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.isup.impl.ISUPStackImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.m3ua.impl.M3UAManagementImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.m3ua.impl.oam.M3UAShellExecutor; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.m3ua.impl.oam.SCTPShellExecutor; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.map.MAPStackImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.map.api.MAPStack; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.mtp.Mtp3UserPart; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.mtp.RoutingLabelFormat; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.alarm.AlarmProvider; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.jmxss7.Ss7Management; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.m3ua.M3uaManagementJmx; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.sccp.SccpManagementJmx; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.sctp.SctpManagementJmx; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.statistics.CounterProviderManagement; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.oam.common.tcap.TcapManagementJmx; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.sccp.impl.SccpStackImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.sccp.impl.oam.SccpExecutor; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.scheduler.DefaultClock; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.scheduler.Scheduler; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.tcap.TCAPStackImpl; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.tcap.api.TCAPStack; import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.tcap.oam.TCAPExecutor; import org.mobicents.ss7.SS7Service; import org.mobicents.ss7.hardware.dialogic.DialogicMtp3UserPart; import org.mobicents.ss7.management.console.ShellExecutor; import org.mobicents.ss7.management.console.ShellServer; import org.mobicents.ss7.management.console.ShellServerWildFly; /** * * @author sergey povarnin * @author sergey vetyutnev * */ public class SS7ExtensionService implements Service<SS7ExtensionService> { // // public static final SS7ExtensionService INSTANCE = new SS7ExtensionService(); private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SS7ExtensionService.class); public static ServiceName getServiceName() { return ServiceName.of("restcomm", "ss7"); } private final InjectedValue<MBeanServer> mbeanServer = new InjectedValue<MBeanServer>(); public InjectedValue<MBeanServer> getMbeanServer() { return mbeanServer; } private final InjectedValue<PathManager> pathManagerInjector = new InjectedValue<PathManager>(); public InjectedValue<PathManager> getPathManagerInjector() { return pathManagerInjector; } private final LinkedList<String> registeredMBeans = new LinkedList<String>(); private static final String DATA_DIR = "jboss.server.data.dir"; private ModelNode fullModel; private FastMap<String, Management> beanSctpManagements = new FastMap<String, Management>(); private SCTPShellExecutor beanSctpShellExecutor; private FastMap<String, SctpManagementJmx> beanSctpManagementJmxs = new FastMap<String, SctpManagementJmx>(); private FastMap<String, RoutingLabelFormat> routingLabelFormats = new FastMap<String, RoutingLabelFormat>(); private FastMap<String, Mtp3UserPart> beanMtp3UserParts = new FastMap<String, Mtp3UserPart>(); private FastMap<String, M3UAManagementImpl> beanM3uaManagementImpls = new FastMap<String, M3UAManagementImpl>(); private FastMap<String, DialogicMtp3UserPart> beanDialogicImpls = new FastMap<String, DialogicMtp3UserPart>(); private M3UAShellExecutor beanM3uaShellExecutor; private FastMap<String, M3uaManagementJmx> beanM3uaManagementJmxs = new FastMap<String, M3uaManagementJmx>(); private Scheduler schedulerMBean = null; private FastMap<String, ISUPStack> beanISUPStacks = new FastMap<String, ISUPStack>(); private FastMap<String, SccpStackImpl> beanSccpStacks = new FastMap<String, SccpStackImpl>(); private SccpExecutor beanSccpExecutor; private FastMap<String, SccpManagementJmx> beanSccpManagementJmxs = new FastMap<String, SccpManagementJmx>(); private FastMap<String, TCAPStackImpl> beanTcapStacks = new FastMap<String, TCAPStackImpl>(); private TCAPExecutor beanTcapExecutor; private FastMap<String, TcapManagementJmx> beanTcapManagementJmxs = new FastMap<String, TcapManagementJmx>(); private FastMap<String, MAPStackImpl> beanMapStacks = new FastMap<String, MAPStackImpl>(); private FastMap<String, CAPStackImpl> beanCapStacks = new FastMap<String, CAPStackImpl>(); private FastMap<String, SS7Service> beanSS7Services = new FastMap<String, SS7Service>(); private ShellServer shellExecutorMBean = null; private Ss7Management ss7ManagementMBean = null; private AlarmProvider restcommAlarmManagementMBean = null; private CounterProviderManagement restcommStatisticManagementMBean = null; public void setModel(ModelNode model) { this.fullModel = model; } private ModelNode peek(ModelNode node, String... args) { for (String arg : args) { if (!node.hasDefined(arg)) { return null; } node = node.get(arg); } return node; } private String getPropertyString(String mbeanName, String propertyName, String defaultValue) { String result = defaultValue; ModelNode propertyNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean", mbeanName, "property", propertyName); if (propertyNode != null && propertyNode.isDefined()) { // log.debug("propertyNode: "+propertyNode); // todo: test TYPE? result = propertyNode.get("value").asString(); } return (result == null) ? defaultValue : result; } private int getPropertyInt(String mbeanName, String propertyName, int defaultValue) { int result = defaultValue; ModelNode propertyNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean", mbeanName, "property", propertyName); if (propertyNode != null && propertyNode.isDefined()) { // log.debug("propertyNode: "+propertyNode); // todo: test TYPE? result = propertyNode.get("value").asInt(); } return result; } private boolean getPropertyBoolean(String mbeanName, String propertyName, boolean defaultValue) { boolean result = defaultValue; ModelNode propertyNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean", mbeanName, "property", propertyName); if (propertyNode != null && propertyNode.isDefined()) { result = propertyNode.get("value").asBoolean(); } return result; } @Override public SS7ExtensionService getValue() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { return this; } @Override public void start(StartContext context) throws StartException { log.info("Starting SS7ExtensionService"); String dataDir = pathManagerInjector.getValue().getPathEntry(DATA_DIR).resolvePath(); log.info("dataDir: " + dataDir); createMtp3UserParts(dataDir); // DefaultClock DefaultClock ss7Clock = null; try { ss7Clock = new DefaultClock(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SS7Clock MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Scheduler schedulerMBean = null; try { schedulerMBean = new Scheduler(); schedulerMBean.setClock(ss7Clock); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SS7Scheduler MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } createPayloadParts(dataDir); shellExecutorMBean = null; try { FastList<ShellExecutor> shellExecutors = new FastList<ShellExecutor>(); shellExecutors.add(beanSccpExecutor); shellExecutors.add(beanM3uaShellExecutor); shellExecutors.add(beanSctpShellExecutor); shellExecutors.add(beanTcapExecutor); String address = getPropertyString("ShellExecutor", "address", ""); int port = getPropertyInt("ShellExecutor", "port", 3435); String securityDomain = getPropertyString("ShellExecutor", "securityDomain", "jmx-console"); shellExecutorMBean = new ShellServerWildFly(schedulerMBean, shellExecutors); shellExecutorMBean.setAddress(address); shellExecutorMBean.setPort(port); shellExecutorMBean.setSecurityDomain(securityDomain); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("ShellExecutor MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Ss7Management try { ss7ManagementMBean = new Ss7Management(); ss7ManagementMBean.setAgentId(getPropertyString("Ss7Management", "agentId", "jboss")); registerMBean(ss7ManagementMBean, "org.mobicents.ss7:service=Ss7Management"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("Ss7Management MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // AlarmProvider try { restcommAlarmManagementMBean = new AlarmProvider(ss7ManagementMBean, ss7ManagementMBean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("AlarmProvider MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // CounterProviderManagement try { restcommStatisticManagementMBean = new CounterProviderManagement(ss7ManagementMBean); restcommStatisticManagementMBean.setPersistDir(dataDir); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("CounterProviderManagement MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // SctpManagementJmx for (FastMap.Entry<String, Management> n = beanSctpManagements.head(), end = beanSctpManagements.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); Management sctpManagement = n.getValue(); try { SctpManagementJmx restcommSctpManagementMBean = new SctpManagementJmx(ss7ManagementMBean, sctpManagement); this.beanSctpManagementJmxs.put(beanName, restcommSctpManagementMBean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SctpManagementJmx MBean creating is failed: beanName=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // M3uaManagementJmx for (FastMap.Entry<String, M3UAManagementImpl> n = beanM3uaManagementImpls.head(), end = beanM3uaManagementImpls.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); M3UAManagementImpl m3uaManagement = n.getValue(); try { M3uaManagementJmx restcommM3uaManagementMBean = new M3uaManagementJmx(ss7ManagementMBean, m3uaManagement); this.beanM3uaManagementJmxs.put(beanName, restcommM3uaManagementMBean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("M3uaManagementJmx MBean creating is failed: beanName=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // SccpManagementJmx for (FastMap.Entry<String, SccpStackImpl> n = beanSccpStacks.head(), end = beanSccpStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SccpStackImpl sccpStack = n.getValue(); try { SccpManagementJmx restcommSccpManagementMBean = new SccpManagementJmx(ss7ManagementMBean, sccpStack); this.beanSccpManagementJmxs.put(beanName, restcommSccpManagementMBean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SccpManagementJmx MBean creating is failed: beanName=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // TcapManagementJmx for (FastMap.Entry<String, TCAPStackImpl> n = beanTcapStacks.head(), end = beanTcapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = n.getValue(); try { TcapManagementJmx restcommTcapManagementMBean = new TcapManagementJmx(ss7ManagementMBean, tcapStack); this.beanTcapManagementJmxs.put(beanName, restcommTcapManagementMBean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TcapManagementJmx MBean creating is failed: beanName=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // SCTPManagement - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, Management> n = beanSctpManagements.head(), end = beanSctpManagements.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); Management sctpManagement = n.getValue(); try { sctpManagement.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SCTPManagement_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // mtp3UserParts - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, Mtp3UserPart> n = beanMtp3UserParts.head(), end = beanMtp3UserParts.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); Mtp3UserPart mtp3UserPart = n.getValue(); try { mtp3UserPart.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("Mtp3UserPart_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // scheduler - start try { schedulerMBean.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("Scheduler MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // ISUP - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, ISUPStack> n = beanISUPStacks.head(), end = beanISUPStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); ISUPStack isupStack = n.getValue(); try { isupStack.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("ISUPStack_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // SCCP - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, SccpStackImpl> n = beanSccpStacks.head(), end = beanSccpStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SccpStackImpl sccpStack = n.getValue(); try { sccpStack.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SCCPStack_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // TCAP - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, TCAPStackImpl> n = beanTcapStacks.head(), end = beanTcapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = n.getValue(); try { tcapStack.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TCAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // MAP - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, MAPStackImpl> n = beanMapStacks.head(), end = beanMapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); MAPStackImpl mapStack = n.getValue(); try { mapStack.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("MAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // CAP - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, CAPStackImpl> n = beanCapStacks.head(), end = beanCapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); CAPStackImpl capStack = n.getValue(); try { capStack.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("CAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // Starting of general beans try { shellExecutorMBean.start(); ss7ManagementMBean.start(); restcommAlarmManagementMBean.start(); restcommStatisticManagementMBean.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("Genaral MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Services - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, SS7Service> n = beanSS7Services.head(), end = beanSS7Services.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SS7Service ss7Service = n.getValue(); try { ss7Service.create(); ss7Service.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SS7Service_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // SctpManagementMBean - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, SctpManagementJmx> n = beanSctpManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanSctpManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SctpManagementJmx sctpManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { sctpManagementJmx.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SCTPManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // M3uaManagementMBean - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, M3uaManagementJmx> n = beanM3uaManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanM3uaManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); M3uaManagementJmx m3uaManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { m3uaManagementJmx.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("M3uaManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // SccpManagementMBean - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, SccpManagementJmx> n = beanSccpManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanSccpManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SccpManagementJmx sccpManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { sccpManagementJmx.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SccpManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // TcapManagementMBean - start for (FastMap.Entry<String, TcapManagementJmx> n = beanTcapManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanTcapManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); TcapManagementJmx tcapManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { tcapManagementJmx.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TcapManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean starting is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } @Override public void stop(StopContext context) { log.info("Stopping SS7ExtensionService"); // TcapManagementMBean - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, TcapManagementJmx> n = beanTcapManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanTcapManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); TcapManagementJmx tcapManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { tcapManagementJmx.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("TcapManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // SccpManagementMBean - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, SccpManagementJmx> n = beanSccpManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanSccpManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SccpManagementJmx sccpManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { sccpManagementJmx.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("SccpManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // M3uaManagementMBean - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, M3uaManagementJmx> n = beanM3uaManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanM3uaManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); M3uaManagementJmx m3uaManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { m3uaManagementJmx.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("M3uaManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // SctpManagementMBean - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, SctpManagementJmx> n = beanSctpManagementJmxs.head(), end = beanSctpManagementJmxs.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SctpManagementJmx sctpManagementJmx = n.getValue(); try { sctpManagementJmx.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("SCTPManagementJmx_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // Services - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, SS7Service> n = beanSS7Services.head(), end = beanSS7Services.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SS7Service ss7Service = n.getValue(); try { ss7Service.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("SS7Service_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // stopping of general beans try { if (restcommStatisticManagementMBean != null) restcommStatisticManagementMBean.stop(); if (restcommAlarmManagementMBean != null) restcommAlarmManagementMBean.stop(); if (ss7ManagementMBean != null) ss7ManagementMBean.stop(); if (shellExecutorMBean != null) shellExecutorMBean.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Genaral MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } // CAP - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, CAPStackImpl> n = beanCapStacks.head(), end = beanCapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); CAPStackImpl capStack = n.getValue(); try { capStack.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("CAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // MAP - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, MAPStackImpl> n = beanMapStacks.head(), end = beanMapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); MAPStackImpl mapStack = n.getValue(); try { mapStack.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("MAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // TCAP - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, TCAPStackImpl> n = beanTcapStacks.head(), end = beanTcapStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = n.getValue(); try { tcapStack.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("TCAPStack_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // SCCP - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, SccpStackImpl> n = beanSccpStacks.head(), end = beanSccpStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); SccpStackImpl sccpStack = n.getValue(); try { sccpStack.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("SCCPStack_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // ISUP - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, ISUPStack> n = beanISUPStacks.head(), end = beanISUPStacks.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); ISUPStack isupStack = n.getValue(); try { isupStack.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("ISUPStack_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // scheduler - stop try { if (schedulerMBean != null) schedulerMBean.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Scheduler MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } // mtp3UserParts - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, Mtp3UserPart> n = beanMtp3UserParts.head(), end = beanMtp3UserParts.tail(); (n = n.getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); Mtp3UserPart mtp3UserPart = n.getValue(); try { mtp3UserPart.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Mtp3UserPart_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } // SCTPManagement - stop for (FastMap.Entry<String, Management> n = beanSctpManagements.head(), end = beanSctpManagements.tail(); (n = n .getNext()) != end;) { String beanName = n.getKey(); Management sctpManagement = n.getValue(); try { sctpManagement.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("SCTPManagement_" + beanName + " MBean stopping is failed: " + e); } } while (!registeredMBeans.isEmpty()) { unregisterMBean(registeredMBeans.pop()); } } private void registerMBean(Object mBean, String name) throws StartException { if (mBean == null) { return; } try { getMbeanServer().getValue().registerMBean(mBean, new ObjectName(name)); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new StartException(e); } registeredMBeans.push(name); } private void unregisterMBean(String name) { try { getMbeanServer().getValue().unregisterMBean(new ObjectName(name)); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("failed to unregister mbean", e); } } private void createMtp3UserParts(String dataDir) throws StartException { // SCTPManagement ModelNode mbeansNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean"); for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("SCTPManagement")) { createSctpStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // SCTPShellExecutor if (beanSctpManagements.size() > 0) { try { beanSctpShellExecutor = new SCTPShellExecutor(); beanSctpShellExecutor.setSctpManagements(beanSctpManagements); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SCTPShellExecutor MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { beanSctpShellExecutor = null; } // RoutingLabelFormat for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("RoutingLabelFormat")) { createRoutingLabelFormat(prop.getValue(), beanName); } } } // M3UAManagement for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("M3UAManagement")) { createM3uaStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // M3UAShellExecutor if (beanM3uaManagementImpls.size() > 0) { beanM3uaShellExecutor = new M3UAShellExecutor(); try { beanM3uaShellExecutor.setM3uaManagements(beanM3uaManagementImpls); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("M3UAShellExecutor MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { beanM3uaShellExecutor = null; } // Dialogic for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("DialogicMtp3UserPart")) { createDialogicStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } } private void createPayloadParts(String dataDir) throws StartException { // ISUPStack ModelNode mbeansNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean"); for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("IsupStack")) { createIsupStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // ISUPService for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("ISUPSS7Service")) { createIsupService(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // SCCPStack for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("SccpStack")) { createSccpStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // SCCPShellExecutor if (beanSccpStacks.size() > 0) { beanSccpExecutor = new SccpExecutor(); try { beanSccpExecutor.setSccpStacks(beanSccpStacks); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SccpExecutor MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { beanSccpExecutor = null; } // TCAPStack for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("TcapStack")) { createTcapStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // TCAPShellExecutor if (beanTcapStacks.size() > 0) { beanTcapExecutor = new TCAPExecutor(); try { beanTcapExecutor.setTcapStacks(beanTcapStacks); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TcapExecutor MBean creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { beanTcapExecutor = null; } // TCAPService for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("TCAPSS7Service")) { createTcapService(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // MAPStack for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("MapStack")) { createMapStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // MAPService for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("MAPSS7Service")) { createMapService(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // CAPStack for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("CapStack")) { createCapStack(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } // CAPService for (ModelNode node : mbeansNode.asList()) { for (Property prop : node.asPropertyList()) { String type = prop.getValue().get("type").asString(); String beanName = prop.getValue().get("name").asString(); if (type.equals("CAPSS7Service")) { createCapService(prop.getValue(), beanName, dataDir); } } } } private void createSctpStack(ModelNode sctpNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // SCTPManagement NettySctpManagementImpl sctpManagement = null; try { sctpManagement = new NettySctpManagementImpl(beanName); sctpManagement.setPersistDir(dataDir); ModelNode prop = sctpNode.get("property"); if (prop != null && prop.isDefined()) { List<Property> properties = prop.asPropertyList(); for (Property property : properties) { String pName = property.getName(); if (pName.equals("optionSctpDisableFragments")) { boolean valb = property.getValue().asBoolean(); sctpManagement.setOptionSctpDisableFragments(valb); } else if (pName.equals("optionSctpFragmentInterleave")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSctpFragmentInterleave(vali); } else if (pName.equals("optionSctpNodelay")) { boolean valb = property.getValue().asBoolean(); sctpManagement.setOptionSctpNodelay(valb); } else if (pName.equals("optionSoSndbuf")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSoSndbuf(vali); } else if (pName.equals("optionSoRcvbuf")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSoRcvbuf(vali); } else if (pName.equals("optionSoLinger")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSoLinger(vali); } else if (pName.equals("optionSctpInitMaxstreams_MaxOutStreams")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSctpInitMaxstreams_MaxOutStreams(vali); } else if (pName.equals("optionSctpInitMaxstreams_MaxInStreams")) { int vali = property.getValue().asInt(); sctpManagement.setOptionSctpInitMaxstreams_MaxInStreams(vali); } } } this.beanSctpManagements.put(beanName, sctpManagement); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SCTPManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createRoutingLabelFormat(ModelNode routingLabelFormatNode, String beanName) throws StartException { // RoutingLabelFormat RoutingLabelFormat routingLabelFormat = null; try { String format = getPropertyString(beanName, "format", "ITU"); routingLabelFormat = RoutingLabelFormat.getInstance(format); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("RoutingLabelFormat creating is failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } this.routingLabelFormats.put(beanName, routingLabelFormat); } private void createM3uaStack(ModelNode m3uaNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // M3UAManagement String m3uaManagementPropertyName = getPropertyString(beanName, "productName", "Restcomm-jSS7"); String transportManagementName = getPropertyString(beanName, "transportManagement", null); String routingLabelFormatName = getPropertyString(beanName, "routingLabelFormat", null); if (transportManagementName == null) { throw new StartException("M3UAManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", transportManagementName is null"); } if (routingLabelFormatName == null) { throw new StartException("M3UAManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", routingLabelFormatName is null"); } Management transportManagement = beanSctpManagements.get(transportManagementName); if (transportManagement == null) { throw new StartException("M3UAManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", transportManagement is not found: " + transportManagementName); } RoutingLabelFormat routingLabelFormat = routingLabelFormats.get(routingLabelFormatName); if (routingLabelFormat == null) { throw new StartException("M3UAManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", routingLabelFormat is not found: " + routingLabelFormat); } M3UAManagementImpl m3uaManagement = null; try { m3uaManagement = new M3UAManagementImpl(beanName, m3uaManagementPropertyName); m3uaManagement.setPersistDir(dataDir); m3uaManagement.setTransportManagement(transportManagement); m3uaManagement.setRoutingLabelFormat(routingLabelFormat); List<Property> properties = m3uaNode.get("property").asPropertyList(); for (Property property : properties) { String pName = property.getName(); if (pName.equals("maxSequenceNumber")) { int vali = property.getValue().get("value").asInt(); m3uaManagement.setMaxSequenceNumber(vali); } else if (pName.equals("maxAsForRoute")) { int vali = property.getValue().get("value").asInt(); m3uaManagement.setMaxAsForRoute(vali); } else if (pName.equals("deliveryMessageThreadCount")) { int vali = property.getValue().get("value").asInt(); m3uaManagement.setDeliveryMessageThreadCount(vali); } } this.beanMtp3UserParts.put(beanName, m3uaManagement); this.beanM3uaManagementImpls.put(beanName, m3uaManagement); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("M3UAManagement MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createDialogicStack(ModelNode dialogicNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // DialogicStack String dialogicManagementPropertyName = getPropertyString(beanName, "productName", "Restcomm-jSS7"); String routingLabelFormatName = getPropertyString(beanName, "routingLabelFormat", null); int sourceModuleId = getPropertyInt(beanName, "sourceModuleId", 61); int destinationModuleId = getPropertyInt(beanName, "destinationModuleId", 34); if (routingLabelFormatName == null) { throw new StartException("DialogicMtp3UserPart MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", routingLabelFormatName is null"); } RoutingLabelFormat routingLabelFormat = routingLabelFormats.get(routingLabelFormatName); if (routingLabelFormat == null) { throw new StartException("DialogicMtp3UserPart MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", routingLabelFormat is not found: " + routingLabelFormat); } DialogicMtp3UserPart dialogicManagement = null; try { dialogicManagement = new DialogicMtp3UserPart(dialogicManagementPropertyName); dialogicManagement.setRoutingLabelFormat(routingLabelFormat); dialogicManagement.setSourceModuleId(sourceModuleId); dialogicManagement.setDestinationModuleId(destinationModuleId); this.beanMtp3UserParts.put(beanName, dialogicManagement); this.beanDialogicImpls.put(beanName, dialogicManagement); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("DialogicMtp3UserPart MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createIsupStack(ModelNode isupNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // CircuitManager CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager = null; try { circuitManager = new CircuitManagerImpl(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("CircuitManager MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } // ISUPStack String mtp3UserPartName = getPropertyString(beanName, "mtp3UserPart", null); int localSpc = getPropertyInt(beanName, "localSpc", 0); int ni = getPropertyInt(beanName, "ni", 2); if (mtp3UserPartName == null) { throw new StartException("IsupStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", mtp3UserPartName is null"); } Mtp3UserPart mtp3UserPart = beanMtp3UserParts.get(mtp3UserPartName); if (mtp3UserPart == null) { throw new StartException("IsupStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", mtp3UserPart is not found" + mtp3UserPartName); } ISUPStackImpl isupStack = null; try { isupStack = new ISUPStackImpl(schedulerMBean, localSpc, ni); isupStack.setMtp3UserPart(mtp3UserPart); isupStack.setCircuitManager(circuitManager); this.beanISUPStacks.put(beanName, isupStack); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("IsupStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createIsupService(ModelNode serviceNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { String isupServiceName = getPropertyString(beanName, "serviceName", "ISUP"); String isupStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "isupStack", null); String jndiName = getPropertyString(beanName, "jndiName", "java:/restcomm/ss7/isup"); if (isupStackName == null) { throw new StartException("IsupService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", isupStackName is null"); } ISUPStack isupStack = beanISUPStacks.get(isupStackName); if (isupStack == null) { throw new StartException("IsupService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", isupStack is not found" + isupStackName); } try { SS7Service isupSS7Service = new SS7Service(isupServiceName); // isupSS7Service.setJndiName(jndiName); isupSS7Service.setStack(isupStack.getIsupProvider()); this.beanSS7Services.put(beanName, isupSS7Service); registerMBean(isupSS7Service, "org.mobicents.ss7:service=" + beanName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("IsupService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createSccpStack(ModelNode sccpNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // SccpStack FastMap<Integer, Mtp3UserPart> mtp3UserPartsTemp = new FastMap<Integer, Mtp3UserPart>(); // ModelNode mtp3UserPartsNode = sccpNode.get("mtp3UserParts"); ModelNode mtp3UserPartsNode = peek(fullModel, "mbean", beanName, "property", "mtp3UserParts"); if (mtp3UserPartsNode != null) { for (Property prop : mtp3UserPartsNode.get("entry").asPropertyList()) { int key = prop.getValue().get("key").asInt(); String mtp3UserPartsName = prop.getValue().get("value").asString(); Mtp3UserPart mtp3UserPart = beanMtp3UserParts.get(mtp3UserPartsName); if (mtp3UserPart == null) { throw new StartException("SccpService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", mtp3UserPart is not found" + mtp3UserPartsName); } mtp3UserPartsTemp.put(key, mtp3UserPart); } } SccpStackImpl sccpStack = null; try { sccpStack = new SccpStackImpl(beanName); sccpStack.setPersistDir(dataDir); sccpStack.setMtp3UserParts(mtp3UserPartsTemp); this.beanSccpStacks.put(beanName, sccpStack); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("SccpStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createTcapStack(ModelNode tcapNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // TcapStack String sccpStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "sccpStack", null); if (sccpStackName == null) { throw new StartException("SccpStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", sccpStackName is null"); } SccpStackImpl sccpStack = beanSccpStacks.get(sccpStackName); if (sccpStack == null) { throw new StartException("SccpStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", sccpStack is not found" + sccpStackName); } int ssn = getPropertyInt(beanName, "ssn", 8); boolean previewMode = getPropertyBoolean(beanName, "previewMode", false); TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = null; try { tcapStack = new TCAPStackImpl(beanName, sccpStack.getSccpProvider(), ssn); tcapStack.setPersistDir(dataDir); tcapStack.setPreviewMode(previewMode); this.beanTcapStacks.put(beanName, tcapStack); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TcapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createTcapService(ModelNode serviceNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { String tcapServiceName = getPropertyString(beanName, "serviceName", "TCAP"); String tcapStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "tcapStack", null); String jndiName = getPropertyString(beanName, "jndiName", "java:/restcomm/ss7/tcap"); if (tcapStackName == null) { throw new StartException("TcapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStackName is null"); } TCAPStack tcapStack = beanTcapStacks.get(tcapStackName); if (tcapStack == null) { throw new StartException("TcapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStack is not found" + tcapStack); } try { SS7Service tcapSS7Service = new SS7Service(tcapServiceName); // tcapSS7Service.setJndiName(jndiName); tcapSS7Service.setStack(tcapStack.getProvider()); this.beanSS7Services.put(beanName, tcapSS7Service); registerMBean(tcapSS7Service, "org.mobicents.ss7:service=" + beanName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("TcapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createMapStack(ModelNode mapNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // MapStack String mapStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "stackName", "MapStack"); String tcapStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "tcapStack", null); if (tcapStackName == null) { throw new StartException("MapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStackName is null"); } TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = beanTcapStacks.get(tcapStackName); if (tcapStack == null) { throw new StartException("MapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStack is not found" + tcapStack); } MAPStackImpl mapStack = null; try { mapStack = new MAPStackImpl(mapStackName, tcapStack.getProvider()); this.beanMapStacks.put(beanName, mapStack); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("MapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createMapService(ModelNode serviceNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { String mapServiceName = getPropertyString(beanName, "serviceName", "MAP"); String mapStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "mapStack", null); String jndiName = getPropertyString(beanName, "jndiName", "java:/restcomm/ss7/map"); if (mapStackName == null) { throw new StartException("MapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", mapStackName is null"); } MAPStack mapStack = beanMapStacks.get(mapStackName); if (mapStack == null) { throw new StartException("MapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", mapStack is not found" + mapStack); } try { SS7Service mapSS7Service = new SS7Service(mapServiceName); // mapSS7Service.setJndiName(jndiName); mapSS7Service.setStack(mapStack.getMAPProvider()); this.beanSS7Services.put(beanName, mapSS7Service); registerMBean(mapSS7Service, "org.mobicents.ss7:service=" + beanName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("MapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createCapStack(ModelNode capNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { // CapStack String capStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "stackName", "CapStack"); String tcapStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "tcapStack", null); if (tcapStackName == null) { throw new StartException("CapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStackName is null"); } TCAPStackImpl tcapStack = beanTcapStacks.get(tcapStackName); if (tcapStack == null) { throw new StartException("CapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", tcapStack is not found" + tcapStack); } CAPStackImpl capStack = null; try { capStack = new CAPStackImpl(capStackName, tcapStack.getProvider()); this.beanCapStacks.put(beanName, capStack); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("CapStack MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void createCapService(ModelNode serviceNode, String beanName, String dataDir) throws StartException { String capServiceName = getPropertyString(beanName, "serviceName", "CAP"); String capStackName = getPropertyString(beanName, "capStack", null); String jndiName = getPropertyString(beanName, "jndiName", "java:/restcomm/ss7/cap"); if (capStackName == null) { throw new StartException("CapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", capStackName is null"); } CAPStack capStack = beanCapStacks.get(capStackName); if (capStack == null) { throw new StartException("CapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", capStack is not found" + capStack); } try { SS7Service capSS7Service = new SS7Service(capServiceName); // capSS7Service.setJndiName(jndiName); capSS7Service.setStack(capStack.getCAPProvider()); this.beanSS7Services.put(beanName, capSS7Service); registerMBean(capSS7Service, "org.mobicents.ss7:service=" + beanName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException("CapService MBean creating is failed: name=" + beanName + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }