/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Cheng Fang - Initial API and implementation */ package org.jberet.support._private; import javax.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonLocation; import org.jboss.logging.Messages; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.ValidIdRange; import org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift.CellProcessor; import org.supercsv.util.CsvContext; @MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBERET") @ValidIdRange(min = 60000, max = 60499) public interface SupportMessages { SupportMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(SupportMessages.class); @Message(id = 60000, value = "Invalid reader or writer property value %s for key %s") BatchRuntimeException invalidReaderWriterProperty(@Cause Throwable th, String val, String key); @Message(id = 60001, value = "Failed to read header from CSV resource %s") BatchRuntimeException failToReadCsvHeader(@Cause Throwable th, String csvResource); @Message(id = 60002, value = "Failed to load or instantiate custom type based on property value %s") BatchRuntimeException failToLoadOrCreateCustomType(@Cause Throwable th, String contextStringVal); @Message(id = 60003, value = "Invalid property value format (missing quote): %s") BatchRuntimeException missingQuote(String propertyVal); @Message(id = 60004, value = "Failed to open stream from resource: %s") BatchRuntimeException failToOpenStream(@Cause Throwable throwable, String resource); @Message(id = 60005, value = "Invalid position %s to start reading, the configured range is between %s and %s") BatchRuntimeException invalidStartPosition(int startPosition, int start, int end); @Message(id = 60007, value = "Unexpected character %s at position %s in character array %s") BatchRuntimeException unexpectedChar(char ch, int position, String chars); @Message(id = 60008, value = "Invalid parameters for CellProcessor: %s %s") BatchRuntimeException invalidParamsForCellProcessor(String cellProcessorName, String[] params); @Message(id = 60009, value = "Unsupported CellProcessor: %s %s") BatchRuntimeException unsupportedCellProcessor(String cellProcessorName, String[] params); @Message(id = 60010, value = "The target writer resource already exists: %s") BatchRuntimeException writerResourceAlreadyExists(Object writerResource); @Message(id = 60014, value = "Failed to parse string %s to enum %s in CsvContext %s for CellProcessor %s") BatchRuntimeException failToParseEnum(@Cause Throwable throwable, Object val, String enumType, CsvContext context, CellProcessor cellProcessor); @Message(id = 60015, value = "Unrecognized reader or writer property %s = %s") BatchRuntimeException unrecognizedReaderWriterProperty(String key, String value); @Message(id = 60016, value = "Unexpected Json content near %s") BatchRuntimeException unexpectedJsonContent(JsonLocation jsonLocation); @Message(id = 60017, value = "Incompatible Excel file format: %s where *.xlsx format is required") BatchRuntimeException incompatibleExcelFileFormat(String resource); @Message(id = 60018, value = "Failed to read Excel header from resource %s, sheet %s") BatchRuntimeException failToReadExcelHeader(String resource, String sheet); @Message(id = 60019, value = "Expecting data types: %s, but got %s, %s") BatchRuntimeException unexpectedDataType(String expectedTypes, String actualType, Object val); @Message(id = 60020, value = "Expecting JMS message types: %s, but got %s, %s") BatchRuntimeException unexpectedJmsMessageType(String expectedTypes, String actualType, Object val); @Message(id = 60021, value = "Failed to determine parameterNames due to a complex SQL was supplied. please specify parameterNames explicitly") BatchRuntimeException failedToDetermineParameterNames(); @Message(id = 60022, value = "Invalid checkpoint data: %s") BatchRuntimeException invalidCheckpoint(Object data); @Message(id = 60023, value = "REST API invocation failed with status code: %s, reason: %s, and entity: %s") BatchRuntimeException restApiFailure(int statusCode, String reason, Object responseEntity); @Message(id = 60024, value = "Failed to look up resource by name: %s") BatchRuntimeException failToLookup(@Cause Throwable throwable, String lookupName); }