/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.wiki.auth.user; import java.io.File; import java.io.Serializable; import java.security.Principal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.wiki.HsqlDbUtils; import org.apache.wiki.TestJDBCDataSource; import org.apache.wiki.TestJNDIContext; import org.apache.wiki.auth.NoSuchPrincipalException; import org.apache.wiki.auth.WikiSecurityException; import org.apache.wiki.util.CryptoUtil; /** */ public class JDBCUserDatabaseTest extends TestCase { private HsqlDbUtils m_hu = new HsqlDbUtils(); private JDBCUserDatabase m_db = null; private static final String TEST_ATTRIBUTES = "rO0ABXNyABFqYXZhLnV0aWwuSGFzaE1hcAUH2sHDFmDRAwACRgAKbG9hZEZhY3RvckkACXRocmVzaG9sZHhwP0AAAAAAAAx3CAAAABAAAAACdAAKYXR0cmlidXRlMXQAEXNvbWUgcmFuZG9tIHZhbHVldAAKYXR0cmlidXRlMnQADWFub3RoZXIgdmFsdWV4"; private static final String INSERT_JANNE = "INSERT INTO users (" + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_UID + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_EMAIL + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_FULL_NAME + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_LOGIN_NAME + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_WIKI_NAME + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_CREATED + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_ATTRIBUTES + ") VALUES (" + "'-7739839977499061014'," + "'janne@ecyrd.com'," + "'Janne Jalkanen'," + "'janne'," + "'{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee'," + "'JanneJalkanen'," + "'" + new Timestamp( new Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ).getTime() ).toString() + "'," + "'" + TEST_ATTRIBUTES +"'" + ");"; private static final String INSERT_USER = "INSERT INTO users (" + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_UID + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_EMAIL + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_LOGIN_NAME + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD + "," + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_CREATED + ") VALUES (" + "'-8629747547991531672'," + "'jspwiki.tests@mailinator.com'," + "'user'," + "'{SHA}5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8'," + "'" + new Timestamp( new Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ).getTime() ).toString() + "'" + ");"; /** * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); m_hu.setUp(); // Set up the mock JNDI initial context TestJNDIContext.initialize(); Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); try { initCtx.bind( "java:comp/env", new TestJNDIContext() ); } catch( NameAlreadyBoundException e ) { // ignore } Context ctx = (Context) initCtx.lookup( "java:comp/env" ); DataSource ds = new TestJDBCDataSource( new File( "target/test-classes/jspwiki-custom.properties" ) ); ctx.bind( JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_JNDI_NAME, ds ); // Get the JDBC connection and init tables try { Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM " + JDBCUserDatabase.DEFAULT_DB_TABLE + ";"; stmt.executeUpdate( sql ); // Create a new test user 'janne' stmt.executeUpdate( INSERT_JANNE ); // Create a new test user 'user' stmt.executeUpdate( INSERT_USER ); stmt.close(); conn.close(); // Initialize the user database m_db = new JDBCUserDatabase(); m_db.initialize( null, new Properties() ); } catch( SQLException e ) { fail("Looks like your database could not be connected to - "+ "please make sure that you have started your database, exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); m_hu.tearDown(); } public void testDeleteByLoginName() throws WikiSecurityException { // First, count the number of users in the db now. int oldUserCount = m_db.getWikiNames().length; // Create a new user with random name String loginName = "TestUser" + String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() ); UserProfile profile = m_db.newProfile(); profile.setEmail("jspwiki.tests@mailinator.com"); profile.setLoginName( loginName ); profile.setFullname( "FullName"+loginName ); profile.setPassword("password"); m_db.save(profile); // Make sure the profile saved successfully profile = m_db.findByLoginName( loginName ); assertEquals( loginName, profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( oldUserCount+1, m_db.getWikiNames().length ); // Now delete the profile; should be back to old count m_db.deleteByLoginName( loginName ); assertEquals( oldUserCount, m_db.getWikiNames().length ); } public void testAttributes() throws Exception { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByEmail( "janne@ecyrd.com" ); Map<String,Serializable> attributes = profile.getAttributes(); assertEquals( 2, attributes.size() ); assertTrue( attributes.containsKey( "attribute1" ) ); assertTrue( attributes.containsKey( "attribute2" ) ); assertEquals( "some random value", attributes.get( "attribute1" ) ); assertEquals( "another value", attributes.get( "attribute2" ) ); // Change attribute 1, and add another one attributes.put( "attribute1", "replacement value" ); attributes.put( "attribute the third", "some value" ); m_db.save( profile ); // Retrieve the profile again and make sure our values got saved profile = m_db.findByEmail( "janne@ecyrd.com" ); attributes = profile.getAttributes(); assertEquals( 3, attributes.size() ); assertTrue( attributes.containsKey( "attribute1" ) ); assertTrue( attributes.containsKey( "attribute2" ) ); assertTrue( attributes.containsKey( "attribute the third" ) ); assertEquals( "replacement value", attributes.get( "attribute1" ) ); assertEquals( "another value", attributes.get( "attribute2" ) ); assertEquals( "some value", attributes.get( "attribute the third" ) ); // Restore the original attributes and re-save attributes.put( "attribute1", "some random value" ); attributes.remove( "attribute the third" ); m_db.save( profile ); } public void testFindByEmail() { try { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByEmail( "janne@ecyrd.com" ); assertEquals( "-7739839977499061014", profile.getUid() ); assertEquals( "janne", profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "JanneJalkanen", profile.getWikiName() ); assertEquals( "{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee", profile.getPassword() ); assertEquals( "janne@ecyrd.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNull( profile.getLastModified() ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } try { m_db.findByEmail( "foo@bar.org" ); // We should never get here assertTrue( false ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( true ); } } public void testFindByFullName() { try { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByFullName( "Janne Jalkanen" ); assertEquals( "-7739839977499061014", profile.getUid() ); assertEquals( "janne", profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "JanneJalkanen", profile.getWikiName() ); assertEquals( "{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee", profile.getPassword() ); assertEquals( "janne@ecyrd.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNull( profile.getLastModified() ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } try { m_db.findByEmail( "foo@bar.org" ); // We should never get here assertTrue( false ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( true ); } } public void testFindByUid() { try { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByUid( "-7739839977499061014" ); assertEquals( "-7739839977499061014", profile.getUid() ); assertEquals( "janne", profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "JanneJalkanen", profile.getWikiName() ); assertEquals( "{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee", profile.getPassword() ); assertEquals( "janne@ecyrd.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNull( profile.getLastModified() ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } try { m_db.findByEmail( "foo@bar.org" ); // We should never get here assertTrue( false ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( true ); } } public void testFindByWikiName() { try { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByWikiName( "JanneJalkanen" ); assertEquals( "-7739839977499061014", profile.getUid() ); assertEquals( "janne", profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "JanneJalkanen", profile.getWikiName() ); assertEquals( "{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee", profile.getPassword() ); assertEquals( "janne@ecyrd.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNull( profile.getLastModified() ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } try { m_db.findByEmail( "foo" ); // We should never get here assertTrue( false ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( true ); } } public void testFindByLoginName() { try { UserProfile profile = m_db.findByLoginName( "janne" ); assertEquals( "-7739839977499061014", profile.getUid() ); assertEquals( "janne", profile.getLoginName() ); assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "JanneJalkanen", profile.getWikiName() ); assertEquals( "{SHA}457b08e825da547c3b77fbc1ff906a1d00a7daee", profile.getPassword() ); assertEquals( "janne@ecyrd.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNull( profile.getLastModified() ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } try { m_db.findByEmail( "FooBar" ); // We should never get here assertTrue( false ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( true ); } } public void testGetWikiName() throws WikiSecurityException { Principal[] principals = m_db.getWikiNames(); assertEquals( 1, principals.length ); } public void testRename() throws Exception { // Try renaming a non-existent profile; it should fail try { m_db.rename( "nonexistentname", "renameduser" ); fail( "Should not have allowed rename..." ); } catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { // Cool; that's what we expect } // Create new user & verify it saved ok UserProfile profile = m_db.newProfile(); profile.setEmail( "renamed@mailinator.com" ); profile.setFullname( "Renamed User" ); profile.setLoginName( "olduser" ); profile.setPassword( "password" ); m_db.save( profile ); profile = m_db.findByLoginName( "olduser" ); assertNotNull( profile ); // Try renaming to a login name that's already taken; it should fail try { m_db.rename( "olduser", "janne" ); fail( "Should not have allowed rename..." ); } catch ( DuplicateUserException e ) { // Cool; that's what we expect } // Now, rename it to an unused name m_db.rename( "olduser", "renameduser" ); // The old user shouldn't be found try { profile = m_db.findByLoginName( "olduser" ); fail( "Old user was found, but it shouldn't have been." ); } catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { // Cool, it's gone } // The new profile should be found, and its properties should match the old ones profile = m_db.findByLoginName( "renameduser" ); assertEquals( "renamed@mailinator.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertEquals( "Renamed User", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "renameduser", profile.getLoginName() ); assertTrue( CryptoUtil.verifySaltedPassword( "password".getBytes(), profile.getPassword() ) ); // Delete the user m_db.deleteByLoginName( "renameduser" ); } public void testSave() throws Exception { try { // Overwrite existing user UserProfile profile = m_db.newProfile(); profile.setEmail( "jspwiki.tests@mailinator.com" ); profile.setFullname( "Test User" ); profile.setLoginName( "user" ); profile.setPassword( "password" ); m_db.save( profile ); profile = m_db.findByEmail( "jspwiki.tests@mailinator.com" ); assertEquals( "jspwiki.tests@mailinator.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertEquals( "Test User", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "user", profile.getLoginName() ); assertTrue( CryptoUtil.verifySaltedPassword( "password".getBytes(), profile.getPassword() ) ); assertEquals( "TestUser", profile.getWikiName() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNotNull( profile.getLastModified() ); assertNotSame( profile.getCreated(), profile.getLastModified() ); // Create new user profile = m_db.newProfile(); profile.setEmail( "jspwiki.tests2@mailinator.com" ); profile.setFullname( "Test User 2" ); profile.setLoginName( "user2" ); profile.setPassword( "password" ); m_db.save( profile ); profile = m_db.findByEmail( "jspwiki.tests2@mailinator.com" ); assertEquals( "jspwiki.tests2@mailinator.com", profile.getEmail() ); assertEquals( "Test User 2", profile.getFullname() ); assertEquals( "user2", profile.getLoginName() ); assertTrue( CryptoUtil.verifySaltedPassword( "password".getBytes(), profile.getPassword() ) ); assertEquals( "TestUser2", profile.getWikiName() ); assertNotNull( profile.getCreated() ); assertNotNull( profile.getLastModified() ); assertEquals( profile.getCreated(), profile.getLastModified() ); // Make sure we can find it by uid String uid = profile.getUid(); assertNotNull( m_db.findByUid( uid ) ); } catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } catch( WikiSecurityException e ) { assertTrue( false ); } } public void testValidatePassword() { assertFalse( m_db.validatePassword( "janne", "test" ) ); assertTrue( m_db.validatePassword( "janne", "myP@5sw0rd" ) ); assertTrue( m_db.validatePassword( "user", "password" ) ); } }