package com.chemhack.jsMolEditor.client.math; public class Vector2D { public double x; public double y; public Vector2D() { } public Vector2D(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public final double dot(Vector2D v1) { return (this.x * v1.x + this.y * v1.y); } /** * Returns the length of this vector. * * @return the length of this vector */ public final double length() { return (double) Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } /** * Returns the squared length of this vector. * * @return the squared length of this vector */ public final double lengthSquared() { return (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } /** * Sets the value of this vector to the normalization of vector v1. * * @param v1 the un-normalized vector */ public final void normalize(Vector2D v1) { double norm; norm = (double) (1.0 / Math.sqrt(v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y)); this.x = v1.x * norm; this.y = v1.y * norm; } /** * Normalizes this vector in place. */ public final void normalize() { double norm; norm = (double) (1.0 / Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)); this.x *= norm; this.y *= norm; } /** * Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector * parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI]. * * @param v1 the other vector * @return the angle in radians in the range [0,PI] */ public final double angle(Vector2D v1) { double vDot = / (this.length() * v1.length()); if (vDot < -1.0) vDot = -1.0; if (vDot > 1.0) vDot = 1.0; return Math.acos(vDot); } /** * Return a vector with angle specified rotated from this vector and normalized. * * @param angle the angle in radians in the range [0,PI] * @return Vector2D with angle specified turned and normalized */ public final Vector2D[] rotate(double angle) { Vector2D thisClone = new Vector2D(this.x, this.y); thisClone.normalize(); double a=thisClone.x; double b=thisClone.y; double c=Math.cos(angle); double d=Math.sin(angle); double e=Math.cos(-angle); double f=Math.sin(-angle); double x1=b*d+a*c; double y1=b*c-a*d; double x2=b*f+a*e; double y2=b*e-a*f; // double x1=(-e*Math.pow(b,2)-Math.pow(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b*e,2)-Math.pow(e,2),0.5)*b+e)/a; // double y1=b*e+Math.pow(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b*e,2)-Math.pow(e,2),0.5); // double x2=(-e*Math.pow(b,2)+Math.pow(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b*e,2)-Math.pow(e,2),0.5)*b+e)/a; // double y2=b*e-Math.pow(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b*e,2)-Math.pow(e,2),0.5); return new Vector2D[]{new Vector2D(x1,y1),new Vector2D(x2,y2)}; } public final void setLength(double length){ normalize(); x*=length; y*=length; } public String toString(){ return "{"+x+","+y+"}"; } }