/* * Conditions Of Use * * This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of * Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the Federal Government. * Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST * employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States * and are considered to be in the public domain. As a result, a formal * license is not needed to use the software. * * This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly * provided "AS IS." NIST MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT * AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations * regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but * not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of * the software. * * Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance * of the terms of this agreement * * . * */ package gov.nist.javax.sip.stack; import gov.nist.core.CommonLogger; import gov.nist.core.HostPort; import gov.nist.core.LogWriter; import gov.nist.core.StackLogger; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.*; /** * NIO implementation for TCP. * * @author mranga * */ public class NioTcpMessageProcessor extends ConnectionOrientedMessageProcessor { protected Selector selector ; private static StackLogger logger = CommonLogger.getLogger(NioTcpMessageProcessor.class); protected Thread selectorThread; protected NIOHandler nioHandler; protected ServerSocketChannel channel; // Cache the change request here, the selector thread will read it when it wakes up and execute the request private final List<ChangeRequest> changeRequests = new LinkedList<ChangeRequest> (); // Data send over a socket is cached here before hand, the selector thread will take it later for physical send private final Map<SocketChannel, List<ByteBuffer>> pendingData = new WeakHashMap<SocketChannel, List<ByteBuffer>>(); public static class ChangeRequest { public static final int REGISTER = 1; public static final int CHANGEOPS = 2; public SocketChannel socket; public int type; public int ops; public ChangeRequest(SocketChannel socket, int type, int ops) { this.socket = socket; this.type = type; this.ops = ops; } public String toString() { return socket + " type = " + type + " ops = " + ops; } } // Commented out as part of https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-504 // public void assignChannelToDestination(HostPort targetHostPort, NioTcpMessageChannel channel) { // String key = MessageChannel.getKey(targetHostPort, transport); // this.messageChannels.put(key, channel); // } private SocketChannel initiateConnection(InetSocketAddress address, int timeout) throws IOException { // We use blocking outbound connect just because it's pure pain to deal with http://stackoverflow.com/questions/204186/java-nio-select-returns-without-selected-keys-why SocketChannel socketChannel = SocketChannel.open(); socketChannel.configureBlocking(true); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Init connect " + address); socketChannel.socket().connect(address, timeout); socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Blocking set to false now " + address); synchronized(this.changeRequests) { changeRequests.add(new ChangeRequest(socketChannel, ChangeRequest.REGISTER, SelectionKey.OP_READ)); } selector.wakeup(); return socketChannel; } public SocketChannel blockingConnect(InetSocketAddress address, int timeout) throws IOException { return initiateConnection(address, timeout); } public void send(SocketChannel socket, byte[] data) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Sending data " + data.length + " bytes on socket " + socket); synchronized (this.changeRequests) { this.changeRequests.add(new ChangeRequest(socket, ChangeRequest.CHANGEOPS, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)); synchronized (this.pendingData) { List<ByteBuffer> queue = this.pendingData.get(socket); if (queue == null) { queue = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); this.pendingData.put(socket, queue); } queue.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); } } if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Waking up selector thread"); this.selector.wakeup(); } // This will be our selector thread, only one thread for all sockets. If you want to understand the overall design decisions read this first http://rox-xmlrpc.sourceforge.net/niotut/ class ProcessorTask implements Runnable { public ProcessorTask() { } public void read(SelectionKey selectionKey) { // read it. SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel(); final NioTcpMessageChannel nioTcpMessageChannel = NioTcpMessageChannel.getMessageChannel(socketChannel); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Got something on nioTcpMessageChannel " + nioTcpMessageChannel + " socket " + socketChannel); if(nioTcpMessageChannel == null) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Dead socketChannel" + socketChannel + " socket " + socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress() + ":"+socketChannel.socket().getPort()); selectionKey.cancel(); // https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-475 remove the socket from the hashmap pendingData.remove(socketChannel); return; } nioTcpMessageChannel.readChannel(); } public void write(SelectionKey selectionKey) { SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel(); final NioTcpMessageChannel nioTcpMessageChannel = NioTcpMessageChannel.getMessageChannel(socketChannel); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Need to write something on nioTcpMessageChannel " + nioTcpMessageChannel + " socket " + socketChannel); if(nioTcpMessageChannel == null) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Dead socketChannel" + socketChannel + " socket " + socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress() + ":"+socketChannel.socket().getPort()); selectionKey.cancel(); // https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-475 remove the socket from the hashmap pendingData.remove(socketChannel); return; } synchronized (pendingData) { List<ByteBuffer> queue = pendingData.get(socketChannel); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Queued items for writing " + queue.size()); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { ByteBuffer buf = queue.get(0); try { socketChannel.write(buf); } catch (IOException e) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Dead socketChannel" + socketChannel + " socket " + socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress() + ":"+socketChannel.socket().getPort() + " : error message " + e.getMessage()); nioTcpMessageChannel.close(); // Shall we perform a retry mechanism in case the remote host connection was closed due to a TCP RST ? // https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-475 in the meanwhile remove the data from the hashmap queue.remove(0); pendingData.remove(socketChannel); return; } int remain = buf.remaining(); if (remain > 0) { // ... or the socket's buffer fills up if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Socket buffer filled and more is remaining" + queue.size() + " remain = " + remain); break; } queue.remove(0); } if (queue.isEmpty()) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("We wrote away all data. Setting READ interest. Queue is emtpy now size =" + queue.size()); selectionKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); } } if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Done writing"); } public void connect(SelectionKey selectionKey) throws IOException { // Ignoring the advice from http://rox-xmlrpc.sourceforge.net/niotut/ because it leads to spinning on my machine throw new IOException("We should use blocking connect, we must never reach here"); /*SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel(); try { socketChannel.finishConnect(); } catch (IOException e) { selectionKey.cancel(); logger.logError("Cant connect", e); return; } synchronized (socketChannel) { logger.logDebug("Notifying to wake up the blocking connect"); socketChannel.notify(); } // Register an interest in writing on this channel selectionKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); */ } public void accept(SelectionKey selectionKey) throws IOException{ ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel = (ServerSocketChannel) selectionKey.channel(); SocketChannel client; client = serverSocketChannel.accept(); client.configureBlocking(false); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("got a new connection! " + client); // No need for MAX SOCKET CHANNELS check here because this can be configured at OS level createMessageChannel(NioTcpMessageProcessor.this, client); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Adding to selector " + client); client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); } @Override public void run() { while (true) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Selector thread cycle begin..."); } synchronized(changeRequests) { for (ChangeRequest change: changeRequests) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("ChangeRequest " + change + " selector = " + selector); try { switch(change.type) { case ChangeRequest.CHANGEOPS: SelectionKey key = change.socket.keyFor(selector); if(key == null || !key.isValid()) continue; key.interestOps(change.ops); if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Change opts " + change + " selector = " + selector + " key = " + key + " blocking=" + change.socket.isBlocking()); } break; case ChangeRequest.REGISTER: try { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("NIO register " + change + " selector = " + selector + " blocking=" + change.socket.isBlocking()); } change.socket.register(selector, change.ops); } catch (ClosedChannelException e) { logger.logWarning("Socket closed before register ops " + change.socket); } break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.logError("Problem setting changes", e); } } changeRequests.clear(); } try { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Before select"); } if(!selector.isOpen()) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_INFO)) { logger.logInfo("Selector is closed "); } return; } else { selector.select(); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("After select"); } } } catch (IOException e) { logger.logError("problem in select", e); break; } catch (CancelledKeyException cke) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_INFO)) { logger.logInfo("Looks like remote side closed a connection"); } } try { if (selector.selectedKeys() == null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("null selectedKeys "); } continue; } Iterator<SelectionKey> it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SelectionKey selectionKey = it.next(); try { it.remove(); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("We got selkey " + selectionKey); } if (!selectionKey.isValid()) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Invalid key found " + selectionKey); } } else if (selectionKey.isAcceptable()) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Accept " + selectionKey); } accept(selectionKey); } else if (selectionKey.isReadable()) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Read " + selectionKey); } read(selectionKey); } else if (selectionKey.isWritable()) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Write " + selectionKey); } write(selectionKey); } else if (selectionKey.isConnectable()) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Connect " + selectionKey); } connect(selectionKey); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.logError("Problem processing selection key event", e); //NioTcpMessageChannel.get(selectionKey.channel()); } } } catch (ClosedSelectorException ex) { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_INFO)) { logger.logInfo("Selector is closed"); } return; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logError("Problem in the selector loop", ex); } } } } public NioTcpMessageChannel createMessageChannel(NioTcpMessageProcessor nioTcpMessageProcessor, SocketChannel client) throws IOException { return NioTcpMessageChannel.create(NioTcpMessageProcessor.this, client); } public NioTcpMessageProcessor(InetAddress ipAddress, SIPTransactionStack sipStack, int port) { super(ipAddress, port, "TCP", sipStack); nioHandler = new NIOHandler(sipStack, this); } @Override public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(HostPort targetHostPort) throws IOException { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("NioTcpMessageProcessor::createMessageChannel: " + targetHostPort); } try { String key = MessageChannel.getKey(targetHostPort, transport); if (messageChannels.get(key) != null) { return this.messageChannels.get(key); } else { NioTcpMessageChannel retval = new NioTcpMessageChannel(targetHostPort.getInetAddress(), targetHostPort.getPort(), sipStack, this); // retval.getSocketChannel().register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); synchronized(messageChannels) { this.messageChannels.put(key, retval); } retval.isCached = true; if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("key " + key); logger.logDebug("Creating " + retval); } selector.wakeup(); return retval; } } finally { if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("MessageChannel::createMessageChannel - exit"); } } } @Override public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(InetAddress targetHost, int port) throws IOException { String key = MessageChannel.getKey(targetHost, port, transport); if (messageChannels.get(key) != null) { return this.messageChannels.get(key); } else { NioTcpMessageChannel retval = new NioTcpMessageChannel(targetHost, port, sipStack, this); selector.wakeup(); // retval.getSocketChannel().register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); this.messageChannels.put(key, retval); retval.isCached = true; if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("key " + key); logger.logDebug("Creating " + retval); } return retval; } } // https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-475 @Override protected synchronized void remove( ConnectionOrientedMessageChannel messageChannel) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug(Thread.currentThread() + " removing " + ((NioTcpMessageChannel)messageChannel).getSocketChannel() + " from processor " + getIpAddress()+ ":" + getPort() + "/" + getTransport()); } pendingData.remove(((NioTcpMessageChannel)messageChannel).getSocketChannel()); super.remove(messageChannel); } @Override public int getDefaultTargetPort() { return 5060; } @Override public boolean isSecure() { return false; } @Override public void start() throws IOException { selector = Selector.open(); channel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); channel.configureBlocking(false); InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(super.getIpAddress(), super.getPort()); channel.socket().bind(isa); channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); selectorThread = new Thread(createProcessorTask()); selectorThread.start(); selectorThread.setName("NioSelector-" + getTransport() + '-' + getIpAddress().getHostAddress() + '/' + getPort()); } protected ProcessorTask createProcessorTask() { return new ProcessorTask(); } @Override public void stop() { try { nioHandler.stop(); if(selector.isOpen()) { selector.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logError("Problem closing channel " , ex); } try { channel.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logError("Problem closing channel " , ex); } } }