package com.jshoperx.entity; import; import javax.persistence.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Date; /** * The persistent class for the goods_group_t database table. * */ @Entity @Table(name="goods_group_t") @NamedQuery(name="GoodsGroupT.findAll", query="SELECT g FROM GoodsGroupT g") public class GoodsGroupT implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String groupid; private String bargainprice; private String brandid; private String brandname; private String commoditylist; private BigDecimal cost; private Date createtime; private String creatorid; private String fname; private String goodsParameterValue; private String goodsTypeId; private String goodsTypeName; private String goodsid; private String goodsname; private Date groupBeginTime; private Date groupEndTime; private double groupNeedPointsLimit; private String groupname; private BigDecimal groupprice; private String hotsale; private String htmlPath; private String isNew; private String ismobileplatformgoods; private String isoutsite; private String isvirtualsale; private String keywords; private int limitBuy; private String lname; private String ltypeid; private String mainPicture; private String mainSmallPicture; private BigDecimal memberprice; private String metaDescription; private String metaKeywords; private String navid; private String nname; private String outsitelink; private String pictures; private double points; private BigDecimal price; private double readcount; private int realOrdersCount; private String recommended; private BigDecimal saleprice; private String salestate; private String shopid; private String shopname; private String smallPictures; private String sname; private int sort; private String stypeid; private String subgroupname; private int totalcomment; private int totalstar; private int totalstaruser; private Date updatetime; private String usersetnum; private int versiont; private int virtualOrdersCount; public GoodsGroupT() { } @Id @Column(unique=true, nullable=false, length=20) public String getGroupid() { return this.groupid; } public void setGroupid(String groupid) { this.groupid = groupid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getBargainprice() { return this.bargainprice; } public void setBargainprice(String bargainprice) { this.bargainprice = bargainprice; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getBrandid() { return this.brandid; } public void setBrandid(String brandid) { this.brandid = brandid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=45) public String getBrandname() { return this.brandname; } public void setBrandname(String brandname) { this.brandname = brandname; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1000) public String getCommoditylist() { return this.commoditylist; } public void setCommoditylist(String commoditylist) { this.commoditylist = commoditylist; } @Column(nullable=false, precision=10, scale=2) public BigDecimal getCost() { return this.cost; } public void setCost(BigDecimal cost) { this.cost = cost; } @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(nullable=false) public Date getCreatetime() { return this.createtime; } public void setCreatetime(Date createtime) { this.createtime = createtime; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getCreatorid() { return this.creatorid; } public void setCreatorid(String creatorid) { this.creatorid = creatorid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getFname() { return this.fname; } public void setFname(String fname) { this.fname = fname; } @Column(name="GOODS_PARAMETER_VALUE", nullable=false, length=5000) public String getGoodsParameterValue() { return this.goodsParameterValue; } public void setGoodsParameterValue(String goodsParameterValue) { this.goodsParameterValue = goodsParameterValue; } @Column(name="GOODS_TYPE_ID", nullable=false, length=20) public String getGoodsTypeId() { return this.goodsTypeId; } public void setGoodsTypeId(String goodsTypeId) { this.goodsTypeId = goodsTypeId; } @Column(name="GOODS_TYPE_NAME", nullable=false, length=45) public String getGoodsTypeName() { return this.goodsTypeName; } public void setGoodsTypeName(String goodsTypeName) { this.goodsTypeName = goodsTypeName; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getGoodsid() { return this.goodsid; } public void setGoodsid(String goodsid) { this.goodsid = goodsid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=100) public String getGoodsname() { return this.goodsname; } public void setGoodsname(String goodsname) { this.goodsname = goodsname; } @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(name="GROUP_BEGIN_TIME", nullable=false) public Date getGroupBeginTime() { return this.groupBeginTime; } public void setGroupBeginTime(Date groupBeginTime) { this.groupBeginTime = groupBeginTime; } @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(name="GROUP_END_TIME", nullable=false) public Date getGroupEndTime() { return this.groupEndTime; } public void setGroupEndTime(Date groupEndTime) { this.groupEndTime = groupEndTime; } @Column(name="GROUP_NEED_POINTS_LIMIT", nullable=false) public double getGroupNeedPointsLimit() { return this.groupNeedPointsLimit; } public void setGroupNeedPointsLimit(double groupNeedPointsLimit) { this.groupNeedPointsLimit = groupNeedPointsLimit; } @Column(nullable=false, length=100) public String getGroupname() { return this.groupname; } public void setGroupname(String groupname) { this.groupname = groupname; } @Column(nullable=false, precision=10, scale=2) public BigDecimal getGroupprice() { return this.groupprice; } public void setGroupprice(BigDecimal groupprice) { this.groupprice = groupprice; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getHotsale() { return this.hotsale; } public void setHotsale(String hotsale) { this.hotsale = hotsale; } @Column(name="HTML_PATH", nullable=false, length=255) public String getHtmlPath() { return this.htmlPath; } public void setHtmlPath(String htmlPath) { this.htmlPath = htmlPath; } @Column(name="IS_NEW", nullable=false, length=1) public String getIsNew() { return this.isNew; } public void setIsNew(String isNew) { this.isNew = isNew; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getIsmobileplatformgoods() { return this.ismobileplatformgoods; } public void setIsmobileplatformgoods(String ismobileplatformgoods) { this.ismobileplatformgoods = ismobileplatformgoods; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getIsoutsite() { return this.isoutsite; } public void setIsoutsite(String isoutsite) { this.isoutsite = isoutsite; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getIsvirtualsale() { return this.isvirtualsale; } public void setIsvirtualsale(String isvirtualsale) { this.isvirtualsale = isvirtualsale; } @Column(nullable=false, length=45) public String getKeywords() { return this.keywords; } public void setKeywords(String keywords) { this.keywords = keywords; } @Column(name="LIMIT_BUY", nullable=false) public int getLimitBuy() { return this.limitBuy; } public void setLimitBuy(int limitBuy) { this.limitBuy = limitBuy; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getLname() { return this.lname; } public void setLname(String lname) { this.lname = lname; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getLtypeid() { return this.ltypeid; } public void setLtypeid(String ltypeid) { this.ltypeid = ltypeid; } @Column(name="MAIN_PICTURE", nullable=false, length=100) public String getMainPicture() { return this.mainPicture; } public void setMainPicture(String mainPicture) { this.mainPicture = mainPicture; } @Column(name="MAIN_SMALL_PICTURE", length=100) public String getMainSmallPicture() { return this.mainSmallPicture; } public void setMainSmallPicture(String mainSmallPicture) { this.mainSmallPicture = mainSmallPicture; } @Column(nullable=false, precision=10, scale=2) public BigDecimal getMemberprice() { return this.memberprice; } public void setMemberprice(BigDecimal memberprice) { this.memberprice = memberprice; } @Column(name="META_DESCRIPTION", nullable=false, length=255) public String getMetaDescription() { return this.metaDescription; } public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription) { this.metaDescription = metaDescription; } @Column(name="META_KEYWORDS", nullable=false, length=255) public String getMetaKeywords() { return this.metaKeywords; } public void setMetaKeywords(String metaKeywords) { this.metaKeywords = metaKeywords; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getNavid() { return this.navid; } public void setNavid(String navid) { this.navid = navid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getNname() { return this.nname; } public void setNname(String nname) { this.nname = nname; } @Column(nullable=false, length=255) public String getOutsitelink() { return this.outsitelink; } public void setOutsitelink(String outsitelink) { this.outsitelink = outsitelink; } @Column(length=2000) public String getPictures() { return; } public void setPictures(String pictures) { = pictures; } @Column(nullable=false) public double getPoints() { return this.points; } public void setPoints(double points) { this.points = points; } @Column(nullable=false, precision=10, scale=2) public BigDecimal getPrice() { return this.price; } public void setPrice(BigDecimal price) { this.price = price; } @Column(nullable=false) public double getReadcount() { return this.readcount; } public void setReadcount(double readcount) { this.readcount = readcount; } @Column(name="REAL_ORDERS_COUNT", nullable=false) public int getRealOrdersCount() { return this.realOrdersCount; } public void setRealOrdersCount(int realOrdersCount) { this.realOrdersCount = realOrdersCount; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getRecommended() { return this.recommended; } public void setRecommended(String recommended) { this.recommended = recommended; } @Column(nullable=false, precision=10, scale=2) public BigDecimal getSaleprice() { return this.saleprice; } public void setSaleprice(BigDecimal saleprice) { this.saleprice = saleprice; } @Column(nullable=false, length=1) public String getSalestate() { return this.salestate; } public void setSalestate(String salestate) { this.salestate = salestate; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getShopid() { return this.shopid; } public void setShopid(String shopid) { this.shopid = shopid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=100) public String getShopname() { return this.shopname; } public void setShopname(String shopname) { this.shopname = shopname; } @Column(name="SMALL_PICTURES", length=2000) public String getSmallPictures() { return this.smallPictures; } public void setSmallPictures(String smallPictures) { this.smallPictures = smallPictures; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getSname() { return this.sname; } public void setSname(String sname) { this.sname = sname; } @Column(nullable=false) public int getSort() { return this.sort; } public void setSort(int sort) { this.sort = sort; } @Column(nullable=false, length=20) public String getStypeid() { return this.stypeid; } public void setStypeid(String stypeid) { this.stypeid = stypeid; } @Column(nullable=false, length=100) public String getSubgroupname() { return this.subgroupname; } public void setSubgroupname(String subgroupname) { this.subgroupname = subgroupname; } @Column(nullable=false) public int getTotalcomment() { return this.totalcomment; } public void setTotalcomment(int totalcomment) { this.totalcomment = totalcomment; } @Column(nullable=false) public int getTotalstar() { return this.totalstar; } public void setTotalstar(int totalstar) { this.totalstar = totalstar; } @Column(nullable=false) public int getTotalstaruser() { return this.totalstaruser; } public void setTotalstaruser(int totalstaruser) { this.totalstaruser = totalstaruser; } @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(nullable=false) public Date getUpdatetime() { return this.updatetime; } public void setUpdatetime(Date updatetime) { this.updatetime = updatetime; } @Column(nullable=false, length=45) public String getUsersetnum() { return this.usersetnum; } public void setUsersetnum(String usersetnum) { this.usersetnum = usersetnum; } @Column(nullable=false) public int getVersiont() { return this.versiont; } public void setVersiont(int versiont) { this.versiont = versiont; } @Column(name="VIRTUAL_ORDERS_COUNT", nullable=false) public int getVirtualOrdersCount() { return this.virtualOrdersCount; } public void setVirtualOrdersCount(int virtualOrdersCount) { this.virtualOrdersCount = virtualOrdersCount; } }