package de.saumya.mojo.tests; import; import; import; public abstract class AbstractMavenTestScriptFactory extends AbstractTestScriptFactory { public String getFullScript() throws MalformedURLException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); getInterpreterScript(builder); getPrologScript(builder); getRubygemsSetupScript(builder); getSystemPropertiesScript(builder); builder.append(getPluginClasspathScript()); getTestClasspathSetupScript(builder); getConstantsConfigScript(builder); getRunnerScript(builder); getResultsScript(builder); return builder.toString(); } private void getSystemPropertiesScript(StringBuilder builder) { if (systemProperties.keySet().isEmpty()) { return; } builder.append("# Set up system-properties for running outside of maven\n"); builder.append("\n"); for (Object propName : systemProperties.keySet()) { String propValue = systemProperties.getProperty(propName.toString()); builder.append("Java::java.lang::System.setProperty( %q(" + propName.toString() + "), %q(" + propValue + ") )\n"); } builder.append("\n"); } private void getConstantsConfigScript(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("# Constants used for configuration and execution\n"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append("BASE_DIR=%q(" + sanitize(baseDir.getAbsolutePath()) + ")\n"); builder.append("SOURCE_DIR=%q(" + sanitize(sourceDir.getAbsolutePath()) + ")\n"); builder.append("TARGET_DIR=%q(" + sanitize(outputDir.getAbsolutePath()) + ")\n"); builder.append("REPORT_PATH=%q(" + sanitize(reportPath.getAbsolutePath()) + ")\n"); if (summaryReport != null) { builder.append("SUMMARY_REPORT=%q(" + sanitize(summaryReport.getAbsolutePath()) + ")\n"); } else { builder.append("SUMMARY_REPORT=nil\n"); } builder.append("\n"); builder.append("$: << File.join( BASE_DIR, 'lib' )\n"); builder.append("$: << SOURCE_DIR.sub( /\\*.*$/, '' )\n"); builder.append("\n"); } protected abstract void getRunnerScript(StringBuilder builder); public String getCoreScript() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); getPrologScript(builder); getConstantsConfigScript(builder); getRunnerScript(builder); return builder.toString(); } protected void getResultsScript(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("exit RESULT if defined? RESULT\n"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append("# A little exit code magic\n"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append("if, 'r').read =~ /, 0 failures/ \n"); builder.append(" exit 0\n" ); builder.append("else\n"); builder.append(" exit 1\n" ); builder.append("end\n"); builder.append("\n"); } private void getInterpreterScript(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("#!/usr/bin/env jruby\n"); builder.append("\n"); } private void getPrologScript(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("require %(java)\n"); builder.append("require %(jruby)\n"); builder.append("\n"); } private void getRubygemsSetupScript(StringBuilder builder) { if (gemHome == null && gemPaths == null) { return; } builder.append("# Set up GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH for running outside of maven\n"); builder.append("\n"); if (gemHome != null) { builder.append("ENV['GEM_HOME']=%q(" + gemHome + ")\n"); } if (gemPaths != null) { builder.append("ENV['GEM_PATH']=%q("); String separator = ""; for(File path: gemPaths) { builder.append(separator + path); if (separator.length() == 0){ separator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } } builder.append(")\n"); } builder.append("\n"); } private void getTestClasspathSetupScript(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("# Set up the classpath for running outside of maven\n"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append("def add_classpath_element(element)\n"); builder.append(" JRuby.runtime.jruby_class_loader.addURL( element ) )\n"); builder.append("end\n"); builder.append("\n"); for (String path : classpathElements) { if (!(path.endsWith("jar") || path.endsWith("/"))) { path = path + "/"; } builder.append("add_classpath_element(%Q( file://" + sanitize(path) + " ))\n"); } builder.append("\n"); } private String sanitize(String path) { String sanitized = path.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ); if ( sanitized.matches( "^[a-z]:.*" ) ) { sanitized = sanitized.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + sanitized.substring(1); } return sanitized; } protected String getPluginClasspathScript() { String pathToClass = getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class"; URL here = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(pathToClass); String herePath = here.getPath(); if (herePath.startsWith("file:")) { herePath = herePath.substring(5); int bangLoc = herePath.indexOf("!"); if (bangLoc > 0) { herePath = herePath.substring(0, bangLoc); } } if (herePath.endsWith(".jar")) { return "require %q(" + herePath + ")\n"; } else { return "$: << %q(" + herePath + ")\n"; } } }