package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.layout; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.DataIcon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasCorners; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasIconPos; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasInset; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasMini; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.IconPos; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMWidget; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 24 Jul 2011 10:44:29 * <br> * An implementation of a group or set of collapsibles. * When {@link JQMCollapsible} widgets are placed inside a {@link JQMCollapsibleSet} * they behave like an accordion widget - that is only one can be open at any time. * If a user opens another collapsible panel, then any others will be closed automatically. * * <br> See <a href="">Collapsible set</a> */ public class JQMCollapsibleSet extends JQMWidget implements HasIconPos<JQMCollapsibleSet>, HasMini<JQMCollapsibleSet>, HasInset<JQMCollapsibleSet>, HasCorners<JQMCollapsibleSet> { private final FlowPanel flow; public JQMCollapsibleSet() { flow = new FlowPanel(); initWidget(flow); setDataRole("collapsibleset"); setId(); } /** * Adds the given collapsible to the end of this set */ @UiChild(tagname = "collapsible") public void add(JQMCollapsible c) { flow.add(c); } public int getCollapsibleCount() { return flow.getWidgetCount(); } public JQMCollapsible getCollapsible(int index) { return (JQMCollapsible) flow.getWidget(index); } public DataIcon getCollapsedIcon() { return DataIcon.fromJqmValue(getAttribute("data-collapsed-icon")); } public void setCollapsedIcon(DataIcon icon) { setAttribute("data-collapsed-icon", icon != null ? icon.getJqmValue() : null); } public DataIcon getExpandedIcon() { return DataIcon.fromJqmValue(getAttribute("data-expanded-icon")); } public void setExpandedIcon(DataIcon icon) { setAttribute("data-expanded-icon", icon != null ? icon.getJqmValue() : null); } public JQMCollapsibleSet removeCollapsedIcon() { removeAttribute("data-collapsed-icon"); return this; } public JQMCollapsibleSet removeExpandedIcon() { removeAttribute("data-expanded-icon"); return this; } public String getContentTheme() { return getAttribute("data-content-theme"); } @Override public IconPos getIconPos() { return JQMCommon.getIconPos(this); } @Override public boolean isInset() { return getAttributeBoolean("data-inset"); } @Override public boolean isMini() { return JQMCommon.isMini(this); } /** * Removes the given collapsible from this set */ public void remove(JQMCollapsible c) { flow.remove(c); } public void setContentTheme(String theme) { setAttribute("data-content-theme", theme); } /** * Sets the position of the icon. If you desire an icon only button then * set the position to IconPos.NOTEXT */ @Override public void setIconPos(IconPos pos) { JQMCommon.setIconPos(this, pos); } /** * Sets the position of the icon. If you desire an icon only button then * set the position to IconPos.NOTEXT */ @Override public JQMCollapsibleSet withIconPos(IconPos pos) { setIconPos(pos); return this; } @Override public void setInset(boolean inset) { setAttribute("data-inset", String.valueOf(inset)); } @Override public JQMCollapsibleSet withInset(boolean inset) { setInset(inset); return this; } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public void setMini(boolean mini) { JQMCommon.setMini(this, mini); } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public JQMCollapsibleSet withMini(boolean mini) { setMini(mini); return this; } @Override public boolean isCorners() { return JQMCommon.isCorners(this); } @Override public void setCorners(boolean corners) { JQMCommon.setCorners(this, corners); } @Override public JQMCollapsibleSet withCorners(boolean corners) { setCorners(corners); return this; } public void refresh() { refresh(getElement()); } private static native void refresh(Element elt) /*-{ var w = $wnd.$(elt); if ('mobile-collapsibleset') !== undefined) { w.collapsibleset('refresh'); } }-*/; }