package edu.ucsb.jpregel.system; import api.*; import; import; /** * <p> * Job encapsulates the data structures & methods for a * particular kind of graph problem, as well as parameter values for a * particular instance of such a graph problem. * </p> * <p> * The number of Workers is an attribute, not of Job, but of the cluster on * which jpregel runs. * </p> * <p> * Where a job is deployed (locally or on an external cloud) is an attribute, * not of Job, but of the Client. * </p> * * @author Peter Cappello */ public final class Job implements Serializable { private final String jobName; private final String jobDirectoryName; // TODO Job: Should this be set in client, as it is now? private int numParts = 0; private Aggregator stepAggregator = new AggregatorNull(); private Aggregator problemAggregator = new AggregatorNull(); private final VertexImpl vertexFactory; private final WorkerOutputMaker workerOutputMaker; private final WorkerGraphMaker workerGraphMaker; private final MasterGraphMaker masterGraphMaker; private final MasterOutputMaker masterOutputMaker; private FileSystem fileSystem; /** * @param jobName The name used by jpregel when producing job run information. * @param jobDirectoryName The relative path to the job directory. * If it is a local execution, the path is relative to the Netbeans project * (e.g., "examples/ShortestPath/test"); * If it is an AWS execution, the path is relative to an S3 bucket. * The job directory is expected to have the <i>input</i> file; * it will have the <i>output</i> file when the job is complete. * It also is used to contain intermediate directories <i>in</i> and <i>out</i>. * @param vertexFactory an instance of the vertex class being used * @param masterGraphMaker a master graph maker * @param workerGraphMaker a worker graph maker * @param masterOutputMaker a master output maker * @param workerOutputMaker a worker output maker */ public Job( String jobName, String jobDirectoryName, VertexImpl vertexFactory, MasterGraphMaker masterGraphMaker, WorkerGraphMaker workerGraphMaker, MasterOutputMaker masterOutputMaker, WorkerOutputMaker workerOutputMaker ) { this.jobName = jobName; this.jobDirectoryName = jobDirectoryName; this.vertexFactory = vertexFactory; this.masterGraphMaker = masterGraphMaker; this.workerGraphMaker = workerGraphMaker; this.masterOutputMaker = masterOutputMaker; this.workerOutputMaker = workerOutputMaker; } /** * @param problemAggregator a <i>problem</i> aggregator * @param stepAggregator a <i>step</i> aggregator */ public Job( String jobName, String jobDirectoryName, VertexImpl vertexFactory, MasterGraphMaker masterGraphMaker, WorkerGraphMaker workerGraphMaker, MasterOutputMaker masterOutputMaker, WorkerOutputMaker workerOutputMaker, Aggregator problemAggregator, Aggregator stepAggregator ) { this.jobName = jobName; this.jobDirectoryName = jobDirectoryName; this.vertexFactory = vertexFactory; this.masterGraphMaker = masterGraphMaker; this.workerGraphMaker = workerGraphMaker; this.masterOutputMaker = masterOutputMaker; this.workerOutputMaker = workerOutputMaker; this.problemAggregator = problemAggregator; this.stepAggregator = stepAggregator; } /* * @param numParts this is a linear function of the sum of the available processors * in each worker. */ Job( Job job ) { jobName = job.getJobName(); jobDirectoryName = job.getJobDirectoryName(); vertexFactory = job.getVertexFactory(); numParts = job.getNumParts(); masterGraphMaker = job.getMasterGraphMaker(); workerGraphMaker = job.getWorkerGraphMaker(); masterOutputMaker = job.getWriter(); workerOutputMaker = job.getWorkerWriter(); stepAggregator = job.getStepAggregator(); problemAggregator = job.getProblemAggregator(); } /** * * @param job * @param numParts the number of <i>parts</i> for this Job. * This is a Job attribute so that we can conveniently modify it * per Job, to find a good value that appears to be primarily a function of * graph structure and size, and possibly problem type (e.g., shortest path) */ protected Job(Job job, int numParts) { this.jobName = job.getJobName(); this.jobDirectoryName = job.getJobDirectoryName(); this.vertexFactory = job.getVertexFactory(); this.numParts = numParts; this.masterGraphMaker = job.getMasterGraphMaker(); this.workerGraphMaker = job.getWorkerGraphMaker(); this.masterOutputMaker = job.getWriter(); this.workerOutputMaker = job.getWorkerWriter(); this.stepAggregator = job.getStepAggregator(); this.problemAggregator = job.getProblemAggregator(); } FileSystem getFileSystem() { return fileSystem; } int getNumParts() { return numParts; } int getPartId( Object vertexId ) { return vertexFactory.getPartId( vertexId, numParts ); } VertexImpl getVertexFactory() { return vertexFactory; } /* * Used in JobRunData */ String getJobName() { return jobName; } public String getJobDirectoryName() { return jobDirectoryName; } Aggregator getProblemAggregator() { return problemAggregator; } Aggregator getStepAggregator() { return stepAggregator; } WorkerGraphMaker getWorkerGraphMaker() { return workerGraphMaker; } MasterGraphMaker getMasterGraphMaker() { return masterGraphMaker; } WorkerOutputMaker getWorkerWriter() { return workerOutputMaker; } MasterOutputMaker getWriter() { return masterOutputMaker; } /** * @return the number of vertices that were constructed. */ int makeGraph( Worker worker ) { return workerGraphMaker.makeGraph( worker ); } void makeOutputFile( Worker worker ) throws IOException { workerOutputMaker.write( fileSystem, worker ); } Aggregator makeStepAggregator() { return stepAggregator.make(); } Aggregator makeProblemAggregator() { return problemAggregator.make(); } /* * Process Result */ void processMasterOutputFile() {} // !! implement: make file & produce jpeg visualization /* * Process Worker output files, numbered: 0 <= output file number < numWorkers * in directory <jobDirectoryName>/out/ */ void processWorkerOutputFiles( FileSystem fileSystem, int numWorkers ) { masterOutputMaker.write( fileSystem, numWorkers ); } /** * Write Worker input files <i>n</i>, for 0 <= n < numWorkers, * in directory <i>jobDirectoryName</i>/in/ */ void readJobInputFile( FileSystem fileSystem, int workerSetSize ) { masterGraphMaker.make( fileSystem, workerSetSize ); } void setFileSystem( FileSystem fileSystem ) { this.fileSystem = fileSystem; } @Override public String toString() { String border = "\n_________________________________________________________________\n"; StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); string.append(border); string.append("\nJob:\n\t"); string.append("Name: ").append(jobName).append("\n\t"); string.append("Directory name: ").append(jobDirectoryName).append("\n\t"); //string.append("Number of parts: ").append(numParts).append("\n\t"); string.append("Vertex factory: ").append(vertexFactory.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Master graph maker: ").append(masterGraphMaker.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Worker graph maker: ").append(workerGraphMaker.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Master output maker: ").append(masterOutputMaker.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Worker output Maker: ").append(workerOutputMaker.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Problem aggregator: ").append(problemAggregator.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append("Step aggregator: ").append(stepAggregator.getClass().getCanonicalName()).append("\n\t"); string.append(border); return new String( string ); } }