package org.jpc.emulator.peripheral; import org.jpc.emulator.AbstractHardwareComponent; import org.jpc.emulator.HardwareComponent; import org.jpc.emulator.Timer; import org.jpc.emulator.TimerResponsive; import org.jpc.emulator.motherboard.IODevice; import org.jpc.emulator.motherboard.IOPortHandler; import org.jpc.emulator.motherboard.InterruptController; import org.jpc.j2se.Option; import; import java.util.logging.*; public class MPU401 extends AbstractHardwareComponent implements IODevice { private static final Logger Log = Logger.getLogger(MPU401.class.getName()); private static InterruptController irqDevice; private static Clock timeSource; private static Timer event; private static boolean ioportRegistered = false; static final private int MPU401_VERSION = 0x15; static final private int MPU401_REVISION = 0x01; static final private int MPU401_QUEUE = 32; static final private float MPU401_TIMECONSTANT = (60000000/1000.0f); static final private float MPU401_RESETBUSY = 27.0f; static final private int M_UART = 0; static final private int M_INTELLIGENT = 1; static final private int T_OVERFLOW = 0; static final private int T_MARK = 1; static final private int T_MIDI_SYS = 2; static final private int T_MIDI_NORM = 3; static final private int T_COMMAND = 4; /* Messages sent to MPU-401 from host */ static final private int MSG_EOX = 0xf7; static final private int MSG_OVERFLOW = 0xf8; static final private int MSG_MARK = 0xfc; /* Messages sent to host from MPU-401 */ static final private int MSG_MPU_OVERFLOW = 0xf8; static final private int MSG_MPU_COMMAND_REQ = 0xf9; static final private int MSG_MPU_END = 0xfc; static final private int MSG_MPU_CLOCK = 0xfd; static final private int MSG_MPU_ACK = 0xfe; static final private class MPU { public MPU() { for (int i=0;i<playbuf.length;i++) playbuf[i] = new track(); } public boolean intelligent; public int mode; /*Bitu*/int irq; /*Bit8u*/short[] queue = new short[MPU401_QUEUE]; /*Bitu*/int queue_pos,queue_used; public static class track { /*Bits*/int counter; /*Bit8u*/short[] value = new short[8]; short sys_val; /*Bit8u*/short vlength,length; /*MpuDataType*/ int type; } public final track[] playbuf = new track[8]; public final track condbuf = new track(); public static class State { boolean conductor,cond_req,cond_set, block_ack; boolean playing,reset; boolean wsd,wsm,wsd_start; boolean run_irq,irq_pending; boolean send_now; boolean eoi_scheduled; /*Bits*/int data_onoff; /*Bitu*/int command_byte, cmd_pending; /*Bit8u*/short tmask,cmask,amask; /*Bit16u*/int midi_mask; /*Bit16u*/int req_mask; /*Bit8u*/short channel,old_chan; } public final State state = new State(); public static class Clock { /*Bit8u*/short timebase,old_timebase; /*Bit8u*/short tempo,old_tempo; /*Bit8u*/short tempo_rel,old_tempo_rel; /*Bit8u*/short tempo_grad; /*Bit8u*/short cth_rate,cth_counter; boolean clock_to_host,cth_active; } public final Clock clock = new Clock(); } private static final MPU mpu = new MPU(); private static void QueueByte(/*Bit8u*/int data) { if (mpu.state.block_ack) {mpu.state.block_ack=false;return;} if (mpu.queue_used==0 && mpu.intelligent) { mpu.state.irq_pending=true; //Pic.PIC_ActivateIRQ(mpu.irq); irqDevice.setIRQ(mpu.irq, 1); } if (mpu.queue_used<MPU401_QUEUE) { /*Bitu*/int pos=mpu.queue_used+mpu.queue_pos; if (mpu.queue_pos>=MPU401_QUEUE) mpu.queue_pos-=MPU401_QUEUE; if (pos>=MPU401_QUEUE) pos-=MPU401_QUEUE; mpu.queue_used++; mpu.queue[pos]=(short)data; } else Log.log(Level.FINE,"MPU401:Data queue full"); } private static void ClrQueue() { mpu.queue_used=0; mpu.queue_pos=0; } private static final int MPU401_ReadStatus(/*Bitu*/int port, /*Bitu*/int iolen) { /*Bit8u*/short ret=0x3f; /* Bits 6 and 7 clear */ if (mpu.state.cmd_pending!=0) ret|=0x40; if (mpu.queue_used==0) ret|=0x80; return ret; } private static final void MPU401_WriteCommand(/*Bitu*/int port, /*Bitu*/int val, /*Bitu*/int iolen) { if (mpu.state.reset) {mpu.state.cmd_pending=val+1;return;} if (val<=0x2f) { switch (val&3) { /* MIDI stop, start, continue */ case 1: {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0xfc);break;} case 2: {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0xfa);break;} case 3: {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0xfb);break;} } if ((val&0x20)!=0) Log.log(Level.SEVERE,"MPU-401:Unhandled Recording Command "+Integer.toString(val,16)); switch (val&0xc) { case 0x4: /* Stop */ //Pic.PIC_RemoveEvents(MPU401_Event); mpu.state.playing=false; for (/*Bitu*/int i=0xb0;i<0xbf;i++) { /* All notes off */ Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(i); Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0x7b); Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0); } break; case 0x8: /* Play */ Log.log(Level.INFO,"MPU-401:Intelligent mode playback started"); mpu.state.playing=true; //Pic.PIC_RemoveEvents(MPU401_Event); //Pic.PIC_AddEvent(MPU401_Event,MPU401_TIMECONSTANT/(mpu.clock.tempo*mpu.clock.timebase)); event.setExpiry((long)(timeSource.getRealMillis()+MPU401_TIMECONSTANT/(mpu.clock.tempo*mpu.clock.timebase))); ClrQueue(); break; } } else if (val>=0xa0 && val<=0xa7) { /* Request play counter */ if ((mpu.state.cmask & (1<<(val&7)))!=0) QueueByte(mpu.playbuf[val&7].counter); } else if (val>=0xd0 && val<=0xd7) { /* Send data */;; mpu.state.wsd=true; mpu.state.wsm=false; mpu.state.wsd_start=true; } else switch (val) { case 0xdf: /* Send system message */ mpu.state.wsd=false; mpu.state.wsm=true; mpu.state.wsd_start=true; break; case 0x8e: /* Conductor */ mpu.state.cond_set=false; break; case 0x8f: mpu.state.cond_set=true; break; case 0x94: /* Clock to host */ mpu.clock.clock_to_host=false; break; case 0x95: mpu.clock.clock_to_host=true; break; case 0xc2: /* Internal timebase */ mpu.clock.timebase=48; break; case 0xc3: mpu.clock.timebase=72; break; case 0xc4: mpu.clock.timebase=96; break; case 0xc5: mpu.clock.timebase=120; break; case 0xc6: mpu.clock.timebase=144; break; case 0xc7: mpu.clock.timebase=168; break; case 0xc8: mpu.clock.timebase=192; break; /* Commands with data byte */ case 0xe0: case 0xe1: case 0xe2: case 0xe4: case 0xe6: case 0xe7: case 0xec: case 0xed: case 0xee: case 0xef: mpu.state.command_byte=val; break; /* Commands 0xa# returning data */ case 0xab: /* Request and clear recording counter */ QueueByte(MSG_MPU_ACK); QueueByte(0); return; case 0xac: /* Request version */ QueueByte(MSG_MPU_ACK); QueueByte(MPU401_VERSION); return; case 0xad: /* Request revision */ QueueByte(MSG_MPU_ACK); QueueByte(MPU401_REVISION); return; case 0xaf: /* Request tempo */ QueueByte(MSG_MPU_ACK); QueueByte(mpu.clock.tempo); return; case 0xb1: /* Reset relative tempo */ mpu.clock.tempo_rel=40; break; case 0xb9: /* Clear play map */ case 0xb8: /* Clear play counters */ for (/*Bitu*/int i=0xb0;i<0xbf;i++) { /* All notes off */ Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(i); Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0x7b); Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(0); } for (/*Bitu*/int i=0;i<8;i++) { mpu.playbuf[i].counter=0; mpu.playbuf[i].type=T_OVERFLOW; } mpu.condbuf.counter=0; mpu.condbuf.type=T_OVERFLOW; if (!(mpu.state.conductor=mpu.state.cond_set)) mpu.state.cond_req=false; mpu.state.amask=mpu.state.tmask; mpu.state.req_mask=0; mpu.state.irq_pending=true; break; case 0xff: /* Reset MPU-401 */ Log.log(Level.INFO,"MPU-401:Reset "+Integer.toString(val,16)); //Pic.PIC_AddEvent(MPU401_ResetDone,MPU401_RESETBUSY); MPU401_ResetDone.callback(); mpu.state.reset=true; MPU401_Reset(); if (mpu.mode==M_UART) return;//do not send ack in UART mode break; case 0x3f: /* UART mode */ Log.log(Level.INFO,"MPU-401:Set UART mode "+Integer.toString(val,16)); mpu.mode=M_UART; break; default: //Log.log(LogType.LOG_MISC, LogSeverity.LOG_NORMALS,"MPU-401:Unhandled command %X",val); } QueueByte(MSG_MPU_ACK); } static private final int MPU401_ReadData(/*Bitu*/int port, /*Bitu*/int iolen) { /*Bit8u*/short ret=MSG_MPU_ACK; if (mpu.queue_used!=0) { if (mpu.queue_pos>=MPU401_QUEUE) mpu.queue_pos-=MPU401_QUEUE; ret=mpu.queue[mpu.queue_pos]; mpu.queue_pos++;mpu.queue_used--; } if (!mpu.intelligent) return ret; if (mpu.queue_used == 0) irqDevice.setIRQ(mpu.irq, 0);//Pic.PIC_DeActivateIRQ(mpu.irq); if (ret>=0xf0 && ret<=0xf7) { /* MIDI data request */; mpu.state.data_onoff=0; mpu.state.cond_req=false; } if (ret==MSG_MPU_COMMAND_REQ) { mpu.state.data_onoff=0; mpu.state.cond_req=true; if (mpu.condbuf.type!=T_OVERFLOW) { mpu.state.block_ack=true; MPU401_WriteCommand(0x331,mpu.condbuf.value[0],1); if (mpu.state.command_byte!=0) MPU401_WriteData(0x330,mpu.condbuf.value[1],1); } mpu.condbuf.type=T_OVERFLOW; } if (ret==MSG_MPU_END || ret==MSG_MPU_CLOCK || ret==MSG_MPU_ACK) { mpu.state.data_onoff=-1; MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); } return ret; } private static /*Bitu*/int length,cnt,posd; private static final void MPU401_WriteData(/*Bitu*/int port, /*Bitu*/int val, /*Bitu*/int iolen) { if (mpu.mode==M_UART) {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(val);return;} switch (mpu.state.command_byte) { /* 0xe# command data */ case 0x00: break; case 0xe0: /* Set tempo */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.clock.tempo=(short)val; return; case 0xe1: /* Set relative tempo */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; if (val!=0x40) //default value Log.log(Level.SEVERE,"MPU-401:Relative tempo change not implemented"); return; case 0xe7: /* Set internal clock to host interval */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.clock.cth_rate=(short)(val>>2); return; case 0xec: /* Set active track mask */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.state.tmask=(short)val; return; case 0xed: /* Set play counter mask */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.state.cmask=(short)val; return; case 0xee: /* Set 1-8 MIDI channel mask */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.state.midi_mask&=0xff00; mpu.state.midi_mask|=val; return; case 0xef: /* Set 9-16 MIDI channel mask */ mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.state.midi_mask&=0x00ff; mpu.state.midi_mask|=((/*Bit16u*/int)val)<<8; return; //case 0xe2: /* Set graduation for relative tempo */ //case 0xe4: /* Set metronome */ //case 0xe6: /* Set metronome measure length */ default: mpu.state.command_byte=0; return; } if (mpu.state.wsd) { /* Directly send MIDI message */ if (mpu.state.wsd_start) { mpu.state.wsd_start=false; cnt=0; switch (val&0xf0) { case 0xc0:case 0xd0: mpu.playbuf[].value[0]=(short)val; length=2; break; case 0x80:case 0x90:case 0xa0:case 0xb0:case 0xe0: mpu.playbuf[].value[0]=(short)val; length=3; break; case 0xf0: Log.log(Level.SEVERE,"MPU-401:Illegal WSD byte"); mpu.state.wsd=false;; return; default: /* MIDI with running status */ cnt++; Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(mpu.playbuf[].value[0]); } } if (cnt<length) {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(val);cnt++;} if (cnt==length) { mpu.state.wsd=false;; } return; } if (mpu.state.wsm) { /* Directly send system message */ if (val==MSG_EOX) {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(MSG_EOX);mpu.state.wsm=false;return;} if (mpu.state.wsd_start) { mpu.state.wsd_start=false; cnt=0; switch (val) { case 0xf2:{ length=3; break;} case 0xf3:{ length=2; break;} case 0xf6:{ length=1; break;} case 0xf0:{ length=0; break;} default: length=0; } } if (length==0 || cnt<length) {Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(val);cnt++;} if (cnt==length) mpu.state.wsm=false; return; } if (mpu.state.cond_req) { /* Command */ switch (mpu.state.data_onoff) { case -1: return; case 0: /* Timing byte */ mpu.condbuf.vlength=0; if (val<0xf0) mpu.state.data_onoff++; else { mpu.state.data_onoff=-1; MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); return; } if (val==0) mpu.state.send_now=true; else mpu.state.send_now=false; mpu.condbuf.counter=val; break; case 1: /* Command byte #1 */ mpu.condbuf.type=T_COMMAND; if (val==0xf8 || val==0xf9) mpu.condbuf.type=T_OVERFLOW; mpu.condbuf.value[mpu.condbuf.vlength]=(short)val; mpu.condbuf.vlength++; if ((val&0xf0)!=0xe0) MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); else mpu.state.data_onoff++; break; case 2:/* Command byte #2 */ mpu.condbuf.value[mpu.condbuf.vlength]=(short)val; mpu.condbuf.vlength++; MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); break; } return; } switch (mpu.state.data_onoff) { /* Data */ case -1: return; case 0: /* Timing byte */ if (val<0xf0) mpu.state.data_onoff=1; else { mpu.state.data_onoff=-1; MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); return; } if (val==0) mpu.state.send_now=true; else mpu.state.send_now=false; mpu.playbuf[].counter=val; break; case 1: /* MIDI */ mpu.playbuf[].vlength++; posd=mpu.playbuf[].vlength; if (posd==1) { switch (val&0xf0) { case 0xf0: /* System message or mark */ if (val>0xf7) { mpu.playbuf[].type=T_MARK; mpu.playbuf[].sys_val=(short)val; length=1; } else { Log.log(Level.SEVERE,"MPU-401:Illegal message"); mpu.playbuf[].type=T_MIDI_SYS; mpu.playbuf[].sys_val=(short)val; length=1; } break; case 0xc0: case 0xd0: /* MIDI Message */ mpu.playbuf[].type=T_MIDI_NORM; length=mpu.playbuf[].length=2; break; case 0x80: case 0x90: case 0xa0: case 0xb0: case 0xe0: mpu.playbuf[].type=T_MIDI_NORM; length=mpu.playbuf[].length=3; break; default: /* MIDI data with running status */ posd++; mpu.playbuf[].vlength++; mpu.playbuf[].type=T_MIDI_NORM; length=mpu.playbuf[].length; break; } } if (!(posd==1 && val>=0xf0)) mpu.playbuf[].value[posd-1]=(short)val; if (posd==length) MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch(); } } private static void MPU401_IntelligentOut(/*Bit8u*/int chan) { /*Bitu*/int val; switch (mpu.playbuf[chan].type) { case T_OVERFLOW: break; case T_MARK: val=mpu.playbuf[chan].sys_val; if (val==0xfc) { Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(val); mpu.state.amask&=~(1<<chan); mpu.state.req_mask&=~(1<<chan); } break; case T_MIDI_NORM: for (/*Bitu*/int i=0;i<mpu.playbuf[chan].vlength;i++) Midi.MIDI_RawOutByte(mpu.playbuf[chan].value[i]); break; default: break; } } private static void UpdateTrack(/*Bit8u*/int chan) { MPU401_IntelligentOut(chan); if ((mpu.state.amask & (1<<chan))!=0) { mpu.playbuf[chan].vlength=0; mpu.playbuf[chan].type=T_OVERFLOW; mpu.playbuf[chan].counter=0xf0; mpu.state.req_mask|=(1<<chan); } else { if (mpu.state.amask==0 && !mpu.state.conductor) mpu.state.req_mask|=(1<<12); } } private static void UpdateConductor() { if (mpu.condbuf.value[0]==0xfc) { mpu.condbuf.value[0]=0; mpu.state.conductor=false; mpu.state.req_mask&=~(1<<9); if (mpu.state.amask==0) mpu.state.req_mask|=(1<<12); return; } mpu.condbuf.vlength=0; mpu.condbuf.counter=0xf0; mpu.state.req_mask|=(1<<9); } static private final TimerResponsive MPU401_Event = new TimerResponsive() { public void callback() { if (mpu.mode==M_UART) return; if (!mpu.state.irq_pending) { for (/*Bitu*/int i=0;i<8;i++) { /* Decrease counters */ if ((mpu.state.amask & (1<<i))!=0) { mpu.playbuf[i].counter--; if (mpu.playbuf[i].counter<=0) UpdateTrack(i); } } if (mpu.state.conductor) { mpu.condbuf.counter--; if (mpu.condbuf.counter<=0) UpdateConductor(); } if (mpu.clock.clock_to_host) { mpu.clock.cth_counter++; if (mpu.clock.cth_counter >= mpu.clock.cth_rate) { mpu.clock.cth_counter=0; mpu.state.req_mask|=(1<<13); } } if (!mpu.state.irq_pending && mpu.state.req_mask!=0) MPU401_EOIHandler.callback(); } //Pic.PIC_RemoveEvents(MPU401_Event); /*Bitu*/int new_time; if ((new_time=mpu.clock.tempo*mpu.clock.timebase)==0) return; //Pic.PIC_AddEvent(MPU401_Event,MPU401_TIMECONSTANT/new_time); event.setExpiry((long)(timeSource.getEmulatedNanos()+MPU401_TIMECONSTANT/new_time)); } public int getType() {return -1;} }; private static void MPU401_EOIHandlerDispatch() { if (mpu.state.send_now) { mpu.state.eoi_scheduled=true; //Pic.PIC_AddEvent(MPU401_EOIHandler,0.06f); //Possible a bit longer MPU401_EOIHandler.callback(); } else if (!mpu.state.eoi_scheduled) MPU401_EOIHandler.callback(); } //Updates counters and requests new data on "End of Input" static private final TimerResponsive MPU401_EOIHandler = new TimerResponsive() { public void callback() { mpu.state.eoi_scheduled=false; if (mpu.state.send_now) { mpu.state.send_now=false; if (mpu.state.cond_req) UpdateConductor(); else UpdateTrack(; } mpu.state.irq_pending=false; if (!mpu.state.playing || mpu.state.req_mask==0) return; /*Bitu*/int i=0; do { if ((mpu.state.req_mask & (1<<i))!=0) { QueueByte(0xf0+i); mpu.state.req_mask&=~(1<<i); break; } } while ((i++)<16); } public int getType() {return -1;} }; static private final TimerResponsive MPU401_ResetDone = new TimerResponsive() { public void callback() { mpu.state.reset=false; if (mpu.state.cmd_pending!=0) { MPU401_WriteCommand(0x331,mpu.state.cmd_pending-1,1); mpu.state.cmd_pending=0; } } public int getType() {return -1;} }; private static void MPU401_Reset() { //Pic.PIC_DeActivateIRQ(mpu.irq); irqDevice.setIRQ(mpu.irq, 0); mpu.mode=(mpu.intelligent ? M_INTELLIGENT : M_UART); //Pic.PIC_RemoveEvents(MPU401_EOIHandler); mpu.state.eoi_scheduled=false; mpu.state.wsd=false; mpu.state.wsm=false; mpu.state.conductor=false; mpu.state.cond_req=false; mpu.state.cond_set=false; mpu.state.playing=false; mpu.state.run_irq=false; mpu.state.irq_pending=false; mpu.state.cmask=0xff; mpu.state.amask=mpu.state.tmask=0; mpu.state.midi_mask=0xffff; mpu.state.data_onoff=0; mpu.state.command_byte=0; mpu.state.block_ack=false; mpu.clock.tempo=mpu.clock.old_tempo=100; mpu.clock.timebase=mpu.clock.old_timebase=120; mpu.clock.tempo_rel=mpu.clock.old_tempo_rel=40; mpu.clock.tempo_grad=0; mpu.clock.clock_to_host=false; mpu.clock.cth_rate=60; mpu.clock.cth_counter=0; ClrQueue(); mpu.state.req_mask=0; mpu.condbuf.counter=0; mpu.condbuf.type=T_OVERFLOW; for (/*Bitu*/int i=0;i<8;i++) {mpu.playbuf[i].type=T_OVERFLOW;mpu.playbuf[i].counter=0;} } // private IoHandler.IO_ReadHandleObject[] ReadHandler=new IoHandler.IO_ReadHandleObject[2]; // private IoHandler.IO_WriteHandleObject[] WriteHandler=new IoHandler.IO_WriteHandleObject[2]; private boolean installed; /*as it can fail to install by 2 ways (config and no midi)*/ public MPU401() { installed = false; String s_mpu = Option.mpu401.value("intelligent"); if(s_mpu.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) return; if(s_mpu.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) return; if(s_mpu.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) return; if (!Midi.MIDI_Available()) return; /*Enabled and there is a Midi */ installed = true; // for (int i=0;i<WriteHandler.length;i++) { // WriteHandler[i] = new IoHandler.IO_WriteHandleObject(); // } // for (int i=0;i<ReadHandler.length;i++) { // ReadHandler[i] = new IoHandler.IO_ReadHandleObject(); // } // WriteHandler[0].Install(0x330,MPU401_WriteData,IoHandler.IO_MB); // WriteHandler[1].Install(0x331,MPU401_WriteCommand,IoHandler.IO_MB); // ReadHandler[0].Install(0x330,MPU401_ReadData,IoHandler.IO_MB); // ReadHandler[1].Install(0x331,MPU401_ReadStatus,IoHandler.IO_MB); mpu.queue_used=0; mpu.queue_pos=0; mpu.mode=M_UART; mpu.irq=9; /* Princess Maker 2 wants it on irq 9 */ mpu.intelligent = true; //Default is on if(s_mpu.equalsIgnoreCase("uart")) mpu.intelligent = false; if (!mpu.intelligent) return; /*Set IRQ and unmask it(for timequest/princess maker 2) */ //Pic.PIC_SetIRQMask(mpu.irq,false); //MPU401_Reset(); } public int ioPortRead8(int address) { return ioPortRead32(address); } public int ioPortRead16(int address) { return ioPortRead32(address); } public int ioPortRead32(int port) { if (port == 0x330) { return MPU401_ReadData(port, 32); } else if (port == 0x331) { return MPU401_ReadStatus(port, 32); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown port read "+port); } public void ioPortWrite8(int address, int data) { ioPortWrite32(address, data); } public void ioPortWrite16(int address, int data) { ioPortWrite32(address, data); } public void ioPortWrite32(int port, int data) { if (port == 0x330) { MPU401_WriteData(port, data, 32); } else if (port == 0x331) { MPU401_WriteCommand(port, data, 32); } } public int[] ioPortsRequested() { int[] ports = new int[]{0x330, 0x331}; return ports; } public boolean initialised() { return (irqDevice != null) && (timeSource != null) && ioportRegistered; } public boolean updated() { return (irqDevice.updated() && timeSource.updated()); } public void acceptComponent(HardwareComponent component) { if ((component instanceof InterruptController) && component.initialised()) irqDevice = (InterruptController) component; if ((component instanceof Clock) && component.initialised()) timeSource = (Clock) component; if ((component instanceof IOPortHandler) && component.initialised()) { ((IOPortHandler) component).registerIOPortCapable(this); ioportRegistered = true; } if (this.initialised()) MPU401_Init(); } static private MPU401 test; public static void MPU401_Destroy() { if(!test.installed) return; if(!Option.mpu401.value("intelligent").equalsIgnoreCase("intelligent")) return; //Pic.PIC_SetIRQMask(mpu.irq,true); irqDevice.setIRQ(mpu.irq, 0); } public static void MPU401_Init() { test = new MPU401(); event = timeSource.newTimer(MPU401_Event); irqDevice.setIRQ(mpu.irq, 0); MPU401_Reset(); } }