package libcsp.csp.handlers; import javax.realtime.PeriodicParameters; import javax.realtime.PriorityParameters; import javax.safetycritical.PeriodicEventHandler; import javax.safetycritical.StorageParameters; import javax.safetycritical.annotate.Level; import javax.safetycritical.annotate.SCJAllowed; import libcsp.csp.CSPManager; import libcsp.csp.ImmortalEntry; import libcsp.csp.core.ConnectionCore; import libcsp.csp.core.Node; import libcsp.csp.core.PacketCore; import libcsp.csp.core.Port; import libcsp.csp.transportextentions.ITransportExtension; import libcsp.csp.transportextentions.TransportUDP; import libcsp.csp.util.Const; import libcsp.csp.util.Queue; public class RouteHandler extends PeriodicEventHandler { // public static Node[] routeTable; // public static Port[] portTable; // public static Queue<PacketCore> packetsToBeProcessed; private TransportUDP transportExtensionUDP; public RouteHandler(PriorityParameters priority, PeriodicParameters parameters, StorageParameters scp, long scopeSize) { super(priority, parameters, scp, scopeSize, "[router]"); transportExtensionUDP = new TransportUDP(); } @Override @SCJAllowed(Level.SUPPORT) public void handleAsyncEvent() { // System.out.println(getName()+" pkts CT " + packetsToBeProcessed.count); PacketCore packet = ImmortalEntry.packetsToBeProcessed.dequeue(ImmortalEntry.TIMEOUT_SINGLE_ATTEMPT); if (packet != null) { byte packetDST = packet.getDST(); System.out.println("[router] packet " + packet.getSRC() + "," + packet.getSPORT() + "," + packet.getDST() + "," + packet.getDPORT()+":"; // TODO: What if I'm sending a Broadcast packet? The code below wont // let it to be transmitted. How is a broadcast send with I2C // anyway.There is a general call address (0x00) to which every // slave should react /* The packet is for me */ if (packetDST == CSPManager.nodeAddress || packetDST == ImmortalEntry.ADDRESS_BROADCAST) { /* Check for an existing connection that should receive the packet */ int connectionIdentifier = ConnectionCore.getConnectionIdFromPacketHeader(packet); ConnectionCore packetConnection = ImmortalEntry.resourcePool.getGlobalConnection(connectionIdentifier); /* If its the first packet with no existing connection (server) */ if (packetConnection == null) { /* Extract the port from the packet header */ Port packetDPORT = ImmortalEntry.portTable[packet.getDPORT()]; if (!packetDPORT.isOpen) { packetDPORT = ImmortalEntry.portTable[ImmortalEntry.PORT_ANY]; } /* If a socket listens on the port (server) */ if (packetDPORT.isOpen) { packetConnection = ImmortalEntry.resourcePool.getConnection(ImmortalEntry.TIMEOUT_SINGLE_ATTEMPT); if (packetConnection != null) { /* * New connection established - Set connection id (reverse src, dst and sport, dport) * and enqueue connection in the sockets connection queue */ try { packetConnection.setId(packet.getDST(), packet.getDPORT(), packet.getSRC(), packet.getSPORT()); packetConnection.isOpen = true; packetDPORT.socket.processConnection(packetConnection); } catch(NullPointerException e) { packetConnection.dispose(); packetConnection = null; } } } } /* Check if we have a connection - then deliver or drop the packet */ if (packetConnection != null) { ITransportExtension transportExtension = getTransportExtensionForPacket(packet); transportExtension.deliverPacket(packetConnection, packet); } else { packet.dispose(); } } else { /* The packet is not for me - send it to the destination node through the correct interface */ Node packetDstNode = ImmortalEntry.routeTable[packetDST]; packetDstNode.protocolInterface.transmitPacket(packet); } } } private ITransportExtension getTransportExtensionForPacket(PacketCore packet) { /* Inspect header and return the correct transport extension - UDP or RDP */ //TODO: Is this a todo thing? return transportExtensionUDP; } }