package org.jolokia.client.request; /* * Copyright 2009-2013 Roland Huss * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * Request for list JMX information * * @author roland * @since 26.03.11 */ public class J4pListRequest extends J4pRequest { private List<String> pathElements; /** * Default constructor to be used when all meta information should * be fetched. */ protected J4pListRequest() { this(null, (String) null); } /** * Default constructor to be used when all meta information should * be fetched. * * @param pTargetConfig proxy target configuration or <code>null</code> if no proxy should be used */ protected J4pListRequest(J4pTargetConfig pTargetConfig) { this(pTargetConfig, (String) null); } /** * Constructor using a path to restrict the information * returned by the list command * * @param pPath path into the JSON response. The path <strong>must already be * properly escaped</strong> when it contains slashes or exclamation marks. * You can use {@link #escape(String)} in order to escape a single path element. */ public J4pListRequest(String pPath) { this(null, pPath); } /** * Constructor using a path to restrict the information * returned by the list command * * @param pConfig proxy target configuration or <code>null</code> if no proxy should be used * @param pPath path into the JSON response. The path <strong>must already be * properly escaped</strong> when it contains slashes or exclamation marks. * You can use {@link #escape(String)} in order to escape a single path element. */ public J4pListRequest(J4pTargetConfig pConfig, String pPath) { super(J4pType.LIST,pConfig); pathElements = splitPath(pPath); } /** * Constructor using a list of path elements to restrict the information * * @param pPathElements list of path elements. The elements <strong>must not be escaped</strong> */ public J4pListRequest(List<String> pPathElements) { this(null, pPathElements); } /** * Constructor using a list of path elements to restrict the information * * @param pConfig proxy target configuration or <code>null</code> if no proxy should be used * @param pPathElements list of path elements. The elements <strong>must not be escaped</strong> */ public J4pListRequest(J4pTargetConfig pConfig, List<String> pPathElements) { super(J4pType.LIST,pConfig); pathElements = pPathElements; } /** * Constructor for fetching the meta data of a specific MBean * * @param pObjectName name of MBean for which to fetch the meta data */ public J4pListRequest(ObjectName pObjectName) { this(null, pObjectName); } /** * Constructor for fetching the meta data of a specific MBean * * @param pConfig proxy target configuration or <code>null</code> if no proxy should be used * @param pObjectName name of MBean for which to fetch the meta data */ public J4pListRequest(J4pTargetConfig pConfig, ObjectName pObjectName) { super(J4pType.LIST,pConfig); pathElements = new ArrayList<String>(); pathElements.add(pObjectName.getDomain()); pathElements.add(pObjectName.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()); } @Override J4pListResponse createResponse(JSONObject pResponse) { return new J4pListResponse(this,pResponse); } @Override List<String> getRequestParts() { return pathElements; } @Override JSONObject toJson() { JSONObject ret = super.toJson(); if (pathElements != null) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.size(); i++) { path.append(escape(pathElements.get(i))); if (i < pathElements.size() - 1) { path.append("/"); } } ret.put("path",path.toString()); } return ret; } }