package ribbonx.outlook14.addin; import java.util.Date; import; import; import com.wilutions.mslib.outlook.Actions; import com.wilutions.mslib.outlook.Application; import com.wilutions.mslib.outlook.Attachments; import com.wilutions.mslib.outlook.impl.ActionsImpl; import com.wilutions.mslib.outlook.impl.AttachmentsImpl; public class OutlookItem { private IDispatch m_item; // the wrapped Outlook item //private Object[] m_args; // dummy argument array // All this property names except OlSubject and OlLastModifiedTime are // not used in the example. So only they are not all implemented in order // to save time. private final static String OlActions = "Actions"; private final static String OlApplication = "Application"; private final static String OlAttachments = "Attachments"; private final static String OlBillingInformation = "BillingInformation"; private final static String OlBody = "Body"; // private final static String OlCategories = "Categories"; private final static String OlClass = "Class"; // private final static String OlClose = "Close"; // private final static String OlCompanies = "Companies"; // private final static String OlConversationIndex = "ConversationIndex"; // private final static String OlConversationTopic = "ConversationTopic"; // private final static String OlCopy = "Copy"; // private final static String OlCreationTime = "CreationTime"; // private final static String OlDisplay = "Display"; // private final static String OlDownloadState = "DownloadState"; // private final static String OlEntryID = "EntryID"; // private final static String OlFormDescription = "FormDescription"; // private final static String OlGetInspector = "GetInspector"; // private final static String OlImportance = "Importance"; // private final static String OlIsConflict = "IsConflict"; // private final static String OlItemProperties = "ItemProperties"; private final static String OlLastModificationTime = "LastModificationTime"; // private final static String OlLinks = "Links"; // private final static String OlMarkForDownload = "MarkForDownload"; // private final static String OlMessageClass = "MessageClass"; // private final static String OlMileage = "Mileage"; // private final static String OlMove = "Move"; // private final static String OlNoAging = "NoAging"; // private final static String OlOutlookInternalVersion = "OutlookInternalVersion"; // private final static String OlOutlookVersion = "OutlookVersion"; // private final static String OlParent = "Parent"; // private final static String OlPrintOut = "PrintOut"; // private final static String OlPropertyAccessor = "PropertyAccessor"; // private final static String OlSave = "Save"; // private final static String OlSaveAs = "SaveAs"; // private final static String OlSaved = "Saved"; // private final static String OlSensitivity = "Sensitivity"; // private final static String OlSession = "Session"; // private final static String OlShowCategoriesDialog = "ShowCategoriesDialog"; // private final static String OlSize = "Size"; private final static String OlSubject = "Subject"; // private final static String OlUnRead = "UnRead"; // private final static String OlUserProperties = "UserProperties"; public OutlookItem(IDispatch item) { m_item = item; // m_args = new Object[0]; } private <T extends Dispatch> T propertyGet(String propertyName, Class<T> clazz) { return, clazz); } public Actions getActions() { return propertyGet(OlActions, ActionsImpl.class); } public Application getApplication() { return propertyGet(OlApplication, Application.class); } public Attachments getAttachments() { return propertyGet(OlAttachments, AttachmentsImpl.class); } public String getBillingInformation() { return (String)m_item._get(OlBillingInformation); } public void setBillingInformation(String s) { m_item._put(OlBillingInformation, s); } public String getBody() { return (String)m_item._get(OlBody); } public void setBody(String s) { m_item._put(OlBody, s); } public Object getClass_() { return m_item._get(OlClass); } // ... public String getSubject() { return (String)m_item._get(OlSubject); } public Date getLastModificationTime() { Date obj = (Date)m_item._get(OlLastModificationTime); return obj; } }