package com.mxgraph.shape; import com.mxgraph.canvas.mxGraphics2DCanvas; import com.mxgraph.canvas.mxGraphicsCanvas2D; import com.mxgraph.util.mxConstants; import com.mxgraph.util.mxRectangle; import com.mxgraph.util.mxUtils; import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState; public class mxSwimlaneShape extends mxBasicShape { /** * Returns the bounding box for the gradient box for this shape. */ protected double getTitleSize(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state) { return Math.max( 0, mxUtils.getFloat(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE) * canvas.getScale()); }; /** * */ protected mxRectangle getGradientBounds(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state) { double start = getTitleSize(canvas, state); if (mxUtils .isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true)) { start = Math.min(start, state.getHeight()); return new mxRectangle(state.getX(), state.getY(), state.getWidth(), start); } else { start = Math.min(start, state.getWidth()); return new mxRectangle(state.getX(), state.getY(), start, state.getHeight()); } } /** * */ public void paintShape(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state) { double start = getTitleSize(canvas, state); String fill = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE); boolean swimlaneLine = mxUtils.isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_LINE, true); double r = 0; if (mxUtils .isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true)) { start = Math.min(start, state.getHeight()); } else { start = Math.min(start, state.getWidth()); } canvas.getGraphics().translate(state.getX(), state.getY()); if (!mxUtils.isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED)) { paintSwimlane(canvas, state, start, fill, swimlaneLine); } else { r = getArcSize(state, start); paintRoundedSwimlane(canvas, state, start, r, fill, swimlaneLine); } String sep = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_SEPARATORCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE); paintSeparator(canvas, state, start, sep); } /** * Helper method to configure the given wrapper canvas. */ protected double getArcSize(mxCellState state, double start) { double f = mxUtils.getDouble(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR * 100) / 100; return start * f * 3; } /** * Helper method to configure the given wrapper canvas. */ protected mxGraphicsCanvas2D configureCanvas(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state, mxGraphicsCanvas2D c) { c.setShadow(hasShadow(canvas, state)); c.setStrokeColor(mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE)); c.setStrokeWidth(mxUtils.getInt(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, 1)); c.setDashed(mxUtils.isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED, false)); String fill = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE); String gradient = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE); if (!mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill) && !mxConstants.NONE.equals(gradient)) { mxRectangle b = getGradientBounds(canvas, state); c.setGradient(fill, gradient, b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getWidth(), b .getHeight(), mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENT_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH), 1, 1); } else { c.setFillColor(fill); } return c; } /** * */ protected void paintSwimlane(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state, double start, String fill, boolean swimlaneLine) { mxGraphicsCanvas2D c = configureCanvas(canvas, state, new mxGraphicsCanvas2D(canvas.getGraphics())); double w = state.getWidth(); double h = state.getHeight(); if (!mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) {; c.setFillColor(fill); c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); } c.begin(); if (mxUtils .isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true)) { c.moveTo(0, start); c.lineTo(0, 0); c.lineTo(w, 0); c.lineTo(w, start); if (swimlaneLine || start >= h) { c.close(); } c.fillAndStroke(); // Transparent content area if (start < h && mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) { c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, start); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.lineTo(w, start); c.stroke(); } } else { c.moveTo(start, 0); c.lineTo(0, 0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(start, h); if (swimlaneLine || start >= w) { c.close(); } c.fillAndStroke(); // Transparent content area if (start < w && mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) { c.begin(); c.moveTo(start, 0); c.lineTo(w, 0); c.lineTo(w, h); c.lineTo(start, h); c.stroke(); } } }; /** * Function: paintRoundedSwimlane * * Paints the swimlane vertex shape. */ protected void paintRoundedSwimlane(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state, double start, double r, String fill, boolean swimlaneLine) { mxGraphicsCanvas2D c = configureCanvas(canvas, state, new mxGraphicsCanvas2D(canvas.getGraphics())); double w = state.getWidth(); double h = state.getHeight(); if (!mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) {; c.setFillColor(fill); c.roundrect(0, 0, w, h, r, r); c.fillAndStroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); } c.begin(); if (mxUtils .isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true)) { c.moveTo(w, start); c.lineTo(w, r); c.quadTo(w, 0, w - Math.min(w / 2, r), 0); c.lineTo(Math.min(w / 2, r), 0); c.quadTo(0, 0, 0, r); c.lineTo(0, start); if (swimlaneLine || start >= h) { c.close(); } c.fillAndStroke(); // Transparent content area if (start < h && mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) { c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, start); c.lineTo(0, h - r); c.quadTo(0, h, Math.min(w / 2, r), h); c.lineTo(w - Math.min(w / 2, r), h); c.quadTo(w, h, w, h - r); c.lineTo(w, start); c.stroke(); } } else { c.moveTo(start, 0); c.lineTo(r, 0); c.quadTo(0, 0, 0, Math.min(h / 2, r)); c.lineTo(0, h - Math.min(h / 2, r)); c.quadTo(0, h, r, h); c.lineTo(start, h); if (swimlaneLine || start >= w) { c.close(); } c.fillAndStroke(); // Transparent content area if (start < w && mxConstants.NONE.equals(fill)) { c.begin(); c.moveTo(start, h); c.lineTo(w - r, h); c.quadTo(w, h, w, h - Math.min(h / 2, r)); c.lineTo(w, Math.min(h / 2, r)); c.quadTo(w, 0, w - r, 0); c.lineTo(start, 0); c.stroke(); } } }; /** * Function: paintSwimlane * * Paints the swimlane vertex shape. */ protected void paintSeparator(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state, double start, String color) { mxGraphicsCanvas2D c = new mxGraphicsCanvas2D(canvas.getGraphics()); double w = state.getWidth(); double h = state.getHeight(); if (!mxConstants.NONE.equals(color)) { c.setStrokeColor(color); c.setDashed(true); c.begin(); if (mxUtils.isTrue(state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true)) { c.moveTo(w, start); c.lineTo(w, h); } else { c.moveTo(start, 0); c.lineTo(w, 0); } c.stroke(); c.setDashed(false); } }; }