/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * http://glassfish.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature; import com.sun.jersey.api.uri.UriComponent; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * @author Paul C. Bryan <pbryan@sun.com> * @author Hubert A. Le Van Gong <hubert.levangong at Sun.COM> */ public class SignatureTest extends TestCase { // values from OAuth specification appendices to demonstrate protocol operation private static final String REALM = "http://photos.example.net/"; private static final String CONSUMER_KEY = "dpf43f3p2l4k3l03"; private static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = "nnch734d00sl2jdk"; private static final String SIGNATURE_METHOD = HMAC_SHA1.NAME; private static final String TIMESTAMP = "1191242096"; private static final String NONCE = "kllo9940pd9333jh"; private static final String VERSION = "1.0"; private static final String SIGNATURE = "tR3+Ty81lMeYAr/Fid0kMTYa/WM="; private static final String RSA_PRIVKEY = "MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V" + "A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d" + "7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ" + "hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H" + "X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm" + "uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw" + "rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z" + "zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn" + "qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG" + "WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno" + "cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+" + "3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8" + "AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54" + "Lw03eHTNQghS0A=="; private static final String RSA_CERTIFICATE = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" + "MIIBpjCCAQ+gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAZMRcwFQYDVQQDDA5UZXN0\n" + "IFByaW5jaXBhbDAeFw03MDAxMDEwODAwMDBaFw0zODEyMzEwODAwMDBaMBkxFzAV\n" + "BgNVBAMMDlRlc3QgUHJpbmNpcGFsMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKB\n" + "gQC0YjCwIfYoprq/FQO6lb3asXrxLlJFuCvtinTF5p0GxvQGu5O3gYytUvtC2JlY\n" + "zypSRjVxwxrsuRcP3e641SdASwfrmzyvIgP08N4S0IFzEURkV1wp/IpH7kH41Etb\n" + "mUmrXSwfNZsnQRE5SYSOhh+LcK2wyQkdgcMv11l4KoBkcwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3\n" + "DQEBBQUAA4GBAGZLPEuJ5SiJ2ryq+CmEGOXfvlTtEL2nuGtr9PewxkgnOjZpUy+d\n" + "4TvuXJbNQc8f4AMWL/tO9w0Fk80rWKp9ea8/df4qMq5qlFWlx6yOLQxumNOmECKb\n" + "WpkUQDIDJEoFUzKMVuJf4KO/FJ345+BNLGgbJ6WujreoM1X/gYfdnJ/J\n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; private static final String RSA_SIGNATURE_METHOD = RSA_SHA1.NAME; private static final String RSA_SIGNATURE = "jvTp/wX1TYtByB1m+Pbyo0lnCOLI" + "syGCH7wke8AUs3BpnwZJtAuEJkvQL2/9n4s5wUmUl4aCI4BwpraNx4RtEXMe5qg5" + "T1LVTGliMRpKasKsW//e+RinhejgCuzoH26dyF8iY2ZZ/5D1ilgeijhV/vBka5tw" + "t399mXwaYdCwFYE="; private static final String RSA_SIGNATURE_ENCODED = "jvTp%2FwX1TYtByB1m%2BPbyo0lnCOLIsyGCH7wke8AUs3BpnwZJtAuEJkvQL2%2" + "F9n4s5wUmUl4aCI4BwpraNx4RtEXMe5qg5T1LVTGliMRpKasKsW%2F%2Fe%2BRin" + "hejgCuzoH26dyF8iY2ZZ%2F5D1ilgeijhV%2FvBka5twt399mXwaYdCwFYE%3D"; private static final String RSA_NONCE = "13917289812797014437"; private static final String RSA_TIMESTAMP = "1196666512"; /** * Creates the test case. * * @param testName name of the test case. */ public SignatureTest(String testName) { super(testName); } /** * Returns the suite of tests being tested. */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SignatureTest.class); } /** * Perform the test. */ public void testHMACSHA1() { DummyRequest request = new DummyRequest().requestMethod("GET"). requestURL("http://photos.example.net/photos"). parameterValue("file", "vacation.jpg").parameterValue("size", "original"); OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters().realm(REALM). consumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY).token(ACCESS_TOKEN). signatureMethod(SIGNATURE_METHOD).timestamp(TIMESTAMP). nonce(NONCE).version(VERSION); OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret("kd94hf93k423kf44"). tokenSecret("pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00"); // generate digital signature; ensure it matches the OAuth spec String signature = null; try { signature = OAuthSignature.generate(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } assertEquals(signature, SIGNATURE); OAuthParameters saved = (OAuthParameters)params.clone(); try { // sign the request; clear params; parse params from request; ensure they match original OAuthSignature.sign(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } // signing the request should not have modified the original parameters assertTrue(params.equals(saved)); assertTrue(params.getSignature() == null); params = new OAuthParameters(); params.readRequest(request); assertEquals(params.getRealm(), REALM); assertEquals(params.getConsumerKey(), CONSUMER_KEY); assertEquals(params.getToken(), ACCESS_TOKEN); assertEquals(params.getSignatureMethod(), SIGNATURE_METHOD); assertEquals(params.getTimestamp(), TIMESTAMP); assertEquals(params.getNonce(), NONCE); assertEquals(params.getVersion(), VERSION); assertEquals(params.getSignature(), SIGNATURE); try { // verify signature using request that was just signed assertTrue(OAuthSignature.verify(request, params, secrets)); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } } public void testRSASHA1() { DummyRequest request = new DummyRequest().requestMethod("GET"). requestURL("http://photos.example.net/photos"). parameterValue("file", "vacaction.jpg").parameterValue("size", "original"); OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters().realm(REALM). consumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY). signatureMethod(RSA_SIGNATURE_METHOD).timestamp(RSA_TIMESTAMP). nonce(RSA_NONCE).version(VERSION); OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret(RSA_PRIVKEY); // generate digital signature; ensure it matches the OAuth spec String signature = null; try { signature = OAuthSignature.generate(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } assertEquals(signature, RSA_SIGNATURE); OAuthParameters saved = (OAuthParameters)params.clone(); try { // sign the request; clear params; parse params from request; ensure they match original OAuthSignature.sign(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } // signing the request should not have modified the original parameters assertTrue(params.equals(saved)); assertTrue(params.getSignature() == null); params = new OAuthParameters(); params.readRequest(request); assertEquals(params.getRealm(), REALM); assertEquals(params.getConsumerKey(), CONSUMER_KEY); // assertEquals(params.getToken(), ACCESS_TOKEN); assertEquals(params.getSignatureMethod(), RSA_SIGNATURE_METHOD); assertEquals(params.getTimestamp(), RSA_TIMESTAMP); assertEquals(params.getNonce(), RSA_NONCE); assertEquals(params.getVersion(), VERSION); assertEquals(params.getSignature(), RSA_SIGNATURE); // perform the same encoding as done by OAuthParameters.writeRequest // to see if the encoded signature will match assertEquals(UriComponent.encode(params.getSignature(), UriComponent.Type.UNRESERVED), RSA_SIGNATURE_ENCODED); secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret(RSA_CERTIFICATE); try { // verify signature using request that was just signed assertTrue(OAuthSignature.verify(request, params, secrets)); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } } /** * Test a Twitter status update. * * Specifically, this test includes some characters (spaces) in one of the * parameters which were incorrectly encoded (as '+' instead of "%20") with * the original encoding routine. */ public void testTwitterSig() { final String TWITTERTEST_SIGNATURE = "yfrn/p/4Hnp+XcwUBVfW0cSgc+o="; final String TWITTERTEST_SIGNATURE_ENC = "yfrn%2Fp%2F4Hnp%2BXcwUBVfW0cSgc%2Bo%3D"; DummyRequest request = new DummyRequest().requestMethod("POST"). requestURL("http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json"). parameterValue("status", "Hello Twitter World"); OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters(). consumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY).token(ACCESS_TOKEN). signatureMethod(SIGNATURE_METHOD).timestamp(TIMESTAMP). nonce(NONCE).version(VERSION); OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret("kd94hf93k423kf44"). tokenSecret("pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00"); // generate digital signature; ensure it matches the OAuth spec String signature = null; try { signature = OAuthSignature.generate(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } assertEquals(signature, TWITTERTEST_SIGNATURE); OAuthParameters saved = (OAuthParameters)params.clone(); try { // sign the request; clear params; parse params from request; // ensure they match original OAuthSignature.sign(request, params, secrets); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } // signing the request should not have modified the original parameters assertTrue(params.equals(saved)); assertTrue(params.getSignature() == null); params = new OAuthParameters(); params.readRequest(request); assertEquals(params.getConsumerKey(), CONSUMER_KEY); assertEquals(params.getToken(), ACCESS_TOKEN); assertEquals(params.getSignatureMethod(), SIGNATURE_METHOD); assertEquals(params.getTimestamp(), TIMESTAMP); assertEquals(params.getNonce(), NONCE); assertEquals(params.getVersion(), VERSION); assertEquals(params.getSignature(), TWITTERTEST_SIGNATURE); try { // verify signature using request that was just signed assertTrue(OAuthSignature.verify(request, params, secrets)); } catch (OAuthSignatureException se) { fail(se.getMessage()); } } }